Dinner Round up

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!  I had a great day.  This will be posting on Saturday – as we are on our way out of town!  Heading over to Vermont to spend some time this weekend in Bennington riding around with our bikes.  I get to use my nifty new front handlebar bag to hold stuff in.  No more back pack, yay!  It’s going to be great for my triathlon, too!

Anyway,  I didn’t end up eating lunch yesterday because I was so full from that big breakfast.  I almost never skip meals, but the intuitive me just wasn’t hungry (and I actually listened).

Did a little shopping and stopped at Bistro Tallulah for dinnerp6050012

One thing I love about this place is that they serve half portions.  So you can get a small delicious portion for less money, and you don’t have to take home leftovers.  It’s perfect.  I don’t necessarily want to get a regular size meal and take some home, especially if it is rich.  Usually I don’t want to eat that twice, you know?

John and I shared some clam and artichoke soup with a basil drizzle:


John ordered a fish meal (escalar?) that was on top of baby potatoes and asparagus, topped with a mango lime chutney:fish

I broke my rule of no local meat and had hangar steak (like flank) with a sundried tomato/gorgonzola topping.  Ultra yum.

steakIt was about 3 ounces of meat.  Perfect – what would be a normal  home-sized portion.  That’s what I love about this place.  I also had to save room for cake and frozen yogurt that John made!

We didn’t want to set the house on fire with 41 candles (!!!), so John spelled out a 4 and 1 on it LOL!

cakeMy nieces help me blow out candles 😀

I’ll post pics of our bike riding on Sunday!  Gotta bike off that cake!

5 thoughts on “Dinner Round up

  1. Pingback: Finding Radiance » Dinner Round up | protein-power-lifeplan | protein-power-lifeplan needs supplementing

  2. Susan

    What a fabulous looking dinner! I don’t even eat steak and I think that looks yummy 😛 So cute your husband made the cake!! Hope you’re enjoying your bike trip!!

  3. Ron

    Glad you enjoyed your birthday!!! I wish we had more places to bike around here…. the 18 mile trail is nice, but a variety would be nice too!

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