Cruise fitness and chocolate and musings

The cruise was very nice and we would probably do another one at some point.  We did one 10 years ago, so I guess in another 10? 😀   One of the things that was very different on this cruise versus 10 years ago was the fitness system available on the ship.  I did post some pics of the gym a few days ago, but here are some more.

Here is the locker area:

And the sauna:

I actually never used the outdoor track on one of the upper decks except for a 1 mile walk on one night.  It was pretty windy, and the deck was wet in the mornings when I wanted to run, so I just did the treadmill.  Let me tell you, running on a moving boat on a treadmill is weird.  We hit some rougher seas, but the ship really barely moves because it has giant stabilizers in it.  Occasionally you can feel a ‘leaning’ sensation, which you get quite used to as the days go by.  The other morning we had gone through a storm and the boat was moving a little more than usual when I was on the treadmill.  If any of you have run across a field or grassy area probably can relate to how it feels.  You are going along and it will take a shorter or longer time for one of your feet to hit the surface because it is uneven and you can’t really see that.  Same thing running on the boat.

John went with me or met me a few times in the gym.

There were a good number of people using the fitness center, which was good to see.  I did a good amount of exercise, and I give myself a grade of A for that.  Foodwise it was more like a C.  I ate too much.  While it was not anywhere near what I would have eaten in the past, it was still more than normal and I have some puffiness on the scale today.  I can’t imagine what it would have been without the exercise 😯  No worries, though – that will come off.  While it is easy to eat healthy on the cruise choice wise, it is also very difficult to eat healthy at times just because of the availability of food.  I tend to fall prey to that.  It’s just my nature as a food lover 🙂

The last cruise we too, we actually enjoyed the ports of call the most.  This time, we were actually disappointed with our return to Cozumel.  It changed so much in 10 years.  We wanted to go to Chankanaab, which is the National Park in Cozumel.  Last time, we went there and enjoyed the beach and nature and did snorkeling.  When we got there, the base admission fee was $19 per person, which included a tshirt (??) and a beer (??) The view they must have of tourists….  Plus admission to ‘shows’.  We didn’t want to see hokey shows, we wanted to see the natural beauty!  It’s so weird because in the US, national and state parks may have a fee for a car to drive in which isn’t much, but if you walk or bike, it’s free entrance and you go there to see nature.  It was like the Mexican government was trying to turn it into a theme park or something.  Just weird.

Also at the entrance of the park was this sign.

At the entrance of a national park you can pick up antibiotics, muscle relaxants, or steroid inhalers.  I stood with my mouth open for several minutes looking at this sign. Gotta love it.  I was infuriated about this because this leads to antibiotic resistance.  There are reasons why certain drugs are prescription only.  Sorry about that rant….

Let’s sweeten it up a bit.  The chocolate buffet.  It was actually part of the lunch time buffet, which was different.  It used to be a midnight buffet.  At least we didn’t have to stay up!

Chocolate orange cake:

Chocolate cheesecake:

Chocolate torte:

Chocolate pear cake:

Diet raspberry cake (their words)

Pink marshmallows, mini donuts, jellied fruit.

Mini espresso paniers, candied nuts and biscotti.

Raspberry hazelnut torte.

Check this out – looks like sushi, but it’s all sweet!  Dessert sushi. The rice is sweetened and it’s topped or filled with fruit:

I loved this. 😀  I think I was irritating people because I was taking pictures and they wanted to fill their plates :mrgreen:

Hope you enjoyed!

Time to go watch the Superbowl – Geaux Saints!!

26 thoughts on “Cruise fitness and chocolate and musings

  1. Ang

    Wow! I’m astonished by the prescription drug sign! That’s crazy! I’m with you on the antibiotic thing, they are really abused.

    That chocolate buffet looks amazing! 🙂

    I think it’s awesome that you worked out so well! Plus a C for eating is really good considering that you can eat 24/7 on those ships!
    .-= Ang´s last blog ..Nothing new under the sun….or in the snow. =-.

  2. debby

    Oh my oh my oh my!!! But one good thing I’ve noticed about myself. When I work out it reminds me that fitness is my goal, and it sometimes serves as a stopper on the over-eating. So I think I would be okay on a cruise if there was a good fitness center on board. The first four cakes are my favorites, I think!
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Examining the Sweet Tooth =-.

  3. Kelly

    Oh I’m loving these pictures! But I think I gained 5 pounds just looking. LOL

    Good for you getting those workouts. I’m afraid I would have been BFF with the pastry chef. 😉
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Acupuncture! =-.

  4. Shelley B

    It looks like the cruise was a lot of fun – and WOW on the food! I always thought picture-taking was part of it, so too bad that people had to wait! Nice work getting to the gym…can you believe how much what you do has changed in 10 years?
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Fiestaware Winner! =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      Picture taking used to be a part of it, but the people on this cruise were just wanting to eat. It was almost embarrassing to think of what the majority of the foreign boat employees were thinking about the Americans and how we eat! :O

  5. Barb

    Welcome home. I’ve loved reading about your vacation. And the food pics…Oh my!!! Two weeks from today I’ll be setting sail on the Carnival Freedom for 6 nights. Can’t wait! Especially after all the snow we got slammed with yesterday. :)Thanks for sharing your cruise food and fun!
    .-= Barb´s last blog ..Busy and Bunco =-.

  6. Cindy

    oh my gosh how do you not over eat on a cruise with all that amazing food? If you just got a C..good for you. GREAT JOB on the fitness part! I want to go on a cruise someday!
    so glad you brought us along!!! VERY FUN
    .-= Cindy´s last blog ..Relaxation 101 =-.

  7. Jane

    Oh…that orange and chocolate cake would have been on my plate in a heartbeat. I might have been able to resist everything else, but chocolate and orange together is one of my favorite combinations!

    Glad you had a good time, but I’m sorry to hear about the national parks. The Husband is a Park Ranger, so we care about those sorts of things, too.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..Another Good Day =-.

  8. Lynn Haraldson-Bering

    Welcome home! I laughed when you wrote about running on a treadmill on a moving ship because just when I saw the word treadmill I thought, ‘I wonder how you do that on a moving ship?’ You know what they say about great minds 🙂 Also,the drug thing…seriously? And how would anyone know they are what they say they are? Ugh. So many desperate people feed this kind of thing. Very sad.

    Forgive me for skimming through the dessert photos. Had a bug over the weekend. Photos of oatmeal are about all I can handle…lol
    .-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..He’s A Keeper. I’m A Keeper. Wouldn’t You Like To Be A Keeper, Too? =-.

  9. Kelly

    Just wanted you to know that I actually had a dream that I was on a cruise last night after viewing all of these pics before bedtime. LOL Now I REALLY want to go on a cruise. 🙂
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Acupuncture! =-.

  10. Heidi

    Doesn’t beautiful food (especially beautiful chocolate food) beg to be eaten?! I can’t believe how talented those chefs are!
    I was also surprised how many people on our honeymoon cruise were in the gym. It was packed every time I went in, but it gave me a bit of extra motivation!
    I’m sorry that your park visit was so disappointing. Hopefully the pretty food made up for it just a smidge 🙂
    .-= Heidi´s last blog ..Happy super bowl sunday! =-.

  11. Lori Post author

    I actually didn’t want them to cut into those cakes, they were so pretty! I don’t know if pretty = tastes better, but it makes the experience very nice.

  12. Susan

    I love that dessert sushi!! That is such a great idea, I’m a big fan of rice pudding, so that sounds right up my alley. So do the pink marshmallows – but only on top of oats 😉

    Meh, i go into vacations knowing I’ll gain a good five pounds when all is said and done. I don’t like worrying about my food choices while I’m away, and I actually kinda like the motivation I have to drop the pounds when I get home!
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Monthly Goal Check-In =-.

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