Happy Valentine’s Day an Dr. Oz promo

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I had to work today, and John and I didn’t have anything special planned except we told each other 3 things we loved about each other this morning 😳

Off to bagels for breakfast, though!  Haven’t been out for a Sunday bagel in a few weeks.

Trail mix, with some coffee (and grounds….)

Starting to feel somewhat more normal, although I am so behind in my personal stuff like emails and house cleaning.  I still have laundry hanging up that I did from the return from our cruise last Sunday!  Good thing John has been doing some cleaning or the house would be a total wreck.

Check out the promo for Tuesday’s Dr. Oz show!  If you look at this still, I am at end of the 2nd row on the left holding the 105 pound paddle (mouth open).  That’s probably all you will see of me on the show LOL!

Quick lunch break:

Tuna salad and some soy crisps. I used to eat these all the time, but tried decreasing soy in my diet. Now that I am not eating so many bars and use whey protein, I decided to have some of these chips.  I love how many you get in a serving!

Lots and lots of work today. That’s a good thing. We made chocolate lattes for our Valentine snack 😀

Dinner turned out yummier than I was thinking. Don’t you love it when that happens? I sauteed some finely cut brussel sprouts (with new chef’s knife – super sharp!) and then sauteed a bit of pork with BBQ sauce.

Can you tell I am on a BBQ kick lately? LOL Good stuff.

Tomorrow I’ll post some more thoughts on seeing all of the Dr. Oz people. I am going to sit down with a snack and some tea tonight with John and try to muster up some energy to clean a little bit. We are hosting a Mardi Gras dinner on Tuesday!

Happy Vday to all, and spend it with someone special, even if it is yourself (cause you are all special).

17 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day an Dr. Oz promo

  1. John

    Happy Valentine’s Day to the best wife ever. Je t’aime beaucoup! Richard Simmons, keep your damn hands off her!

  2. Miz


    and smiled that we celebrate the same way. We figure that we shall blow off valentines day and just be loving to each other 365 days a year 🙂
    novel idea huh?
    .-= Miz´s last blog ..Introducing Go-Girl… =-.

  3. Fitcetera

    I agree with Jody … lol at John’s comment and Francais yet.
    I’m looking forward to the show … I’m heading in late to work tomorrow just to watch it *live*.
    It’ll be interesting to read what your thoughts are on all of this, too.
    And your tease about more developments has my interest piqued!!!
    .-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.

  4. Susan

    Ohmygosh!! I totally freaked when I spotted you in that picture – SO exciting!!!

    Just caught up on all your posts, and I have to say I covet your new Mexico bowl 😉 Cute, cute picture of you and John – hope you two had a fabulous Valentine’s Day together!
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..‘F’ is for Balance =-.

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