Bagel Wednesday

Gorgeous day today!  Woke up to no power, though.  That was weird.  Light out, but had no idea what time it was.  Turns out it was 6:15.  John calls that TFE  (too freakin early).  I just decided to get up.  My leg decided I was done sleeping at that point.  I made myself a protein shake, played with Pixie for a while, and then headed to the gym.

15 minutes on the stationary bike at 10 mph.  My knee was was aching doing this, but that is normal and not different than pain I feel in it most times.  Interesting how I have learned to quantify my pain LOL.  Actually, that is pretty important when listening to your body and knowing the difference between it whining and really hurting.

Then I did some weights:

  • Railing body weight squats:  3 sets of 8, very slow
  • Lateral Raise:  3 sets of 10 with 8# DBs
  • Seated row:  3 sets of 10 at 40#
  • Incline pushups (can’t do regular ones yet)
  • Crunches on a bench:  3 sets of 15 (surprised I could do these)
  • Triceps push down:  3 sets of 10 at 40#

Then I did 5 more minutes on the bike.   Just like physical therapy.  Going slow.  I have been faithfully foam rolling and stretching each night as well.  I am working very hard at not overdoing anything at all.  Moving is actually one of the best things I can do to recover.

Then it was bagel time!  John biked to Cool Beans and I drove.  Even though I am injured, I still felt lazy not biking when John did.

I could drink all of these airpots.

I had a sunflower seed bagel with plain cream cheese.  Yum!

John was all happy because they have maple cream cheese again, and that was the only kind he really liked here.

One thing I love about Cool Beans is that they strive to be green:

Then it was to home and work.  Yesterday was really busy, today is really slow.  You just never know what the work load will be any given day.

Lunchtime was scrambled egg and egg whites with feta cheese.  Covered in the hot stuff.

I am craving salty stuff right now.

Then I had a chocolate bar because I knew I wouldn’t be getting my afternoon latte.

After a little more work, it slowed down again, so I headed back to the rental house to get more work done.  I spent time outside and it was so wonderful and warm, although it started to rain on me!  All the little fixups are done pretty much.  Just need a last vacuum and mop of the floors.  I’m just really slow right now.  My mom came and helped out today – (thanks Mom!)  I got home at dinner time and was just beat, though.  John was cooking a stirfry, but I just wasn’t feeling it, since I had that last night.   Ever have nights like that?  Couldn’t get enthused about anything, so I ended up just having some yogurt, honey, strawberries, and All Bran flakes (sent from FoodBuzz).

Is that a cat hair in the bowl??  I think I see that now, which means I probably ate it, because I didn’t see then….

Then I had a small bowl of Bran Buds and some cashews.

Have a serious snack thing going on tonight!

Gratuitous Pixie shot of the day:


Nighttime confessional:  John is walking down the street to bring me back a small vanilla malt from the ice cream place while I work.  First trip there since it opened a month ago!

20 thoughts on “Bagel Wednesday

  1. Mabelle

    That yogurt, honey, strawberries, Bran Mix you had for dinner looks pretty tasty. Im sure it was delish. I have to try it. 🙂 By the way, is truly inspiring the way you manage to keep up with your exercise routine despite your injury. Thumbs up for that!!!
    .-= Mabelle´s last blog ..One of those days…. =-.

  2. Karyn

    He, he, the cat hair! Just some extra fiber for ya! 🙂

    So glad to see you are feeling well enough to get back to the gym, and taking it slow. Good for you.

    Ah…to have a bagel! It has been months since I had on last but, I have discovered that I absolutely need to stay away from the bread products. 🙁
    .-= Karyn´s last blog ..Finally! =-.

  3. Amy

    Thanks for the great link on the squats – I never realized it was good to go down so low! I am going to try some of those rail squats stat!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Tempo Tuesday =-.

  4. Jody - Fit at 52

    So glad you are getting back to workouts bit by bit & baby steps are better than none, right! Hope ya just keep on that getting better path!

    Now, that bagel looks so YUM! I went to a cute tea house on my girls trip & it was so cozy like your pics & not like my home.. I will do a post on it soon…

    Cute Pixie! I need some of that type of sleep! 🙂
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Time Off & Away to Renew! Unplug! =-.

  5. Ali

    Why does your knee hurt you most of the time? Does it get worse if you run on it or do exercise with it? Do you usually have to adapt your exercises for your knee? Just curious as I have knee problems and find that they get agitated after I exercise.

    1. Lori Post author

      Ali – it hurts now because of the sciatica caused by my herniated disk. I don’t really have knee problems normally. This is going to take several weeks before the pain goes away (I hope).

      Due to to the weakness in the knee right now, I cannot run. Hopefully that will return with time.

      For knee problems in general, the best advice is to strengthen all the muscles around the knee, which is both quads and hamstrings.

  6. Joanne

    As always – good food. Love your bagel Wednesdays!
    I want to see some “action” shots of Pixie. If she’s anything like my sisters cats, she probably comes to life at night so get the night goggles on and lets see some shots of the Pix leaping around the house. 🙂
    .-= Joanne´s last blog ..Canyon Ranch Vegan Cookies =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      That is an action shot of Pixie…. 😀

      She is the laziest cat ever. She sleeps a lot of the night, too. She will play for a while in the evenings, but then comes over and sleeps on us.

  7. Susan

    Totally see how moving can make your injury feel better. I remember some of the worst pain I had after injuring my hip last year, was getting up after sitting through a 2-hour movie at the theatre. Sitting so still for so long was pure torture to my poor hip.

    Haha, I spot hair in my food pictures all the time. I wonder how much hair those with pets consume on a yearly basis? Probably more than we think…
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Cookie Monster =-.

  8. Ali

    Lori, I just thought you meant you had serious knee problems prior to your problem. I have chronic, serious knee problems. I had injections, which did not help last August. I had a piece of cartilage removed from one of my knees and some nerve endings dulled this past winter. I am in PT, and I am considering doing the right knee as well. But I would wait until next winter to do it. I want to be active this summer and lose more weight.

    By the way, I got the Shape issue at lunch. Congrats for being in it. You look great!

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