What’s blooming for spring?

It’s gonna be a warm one today! I lied the other day when I thought shorts to the gym were not going to happen while biking. I quaffed my protein and headed out.

Gym was fairly quiet today, as it normally is Friday morning. All the friendly people were there 😀

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Stiff-leg deadlift 3 sets of 10 at 70# Lower body
Close Grip Lat Pull down 3 set of 10 at 60# Back
Lying Leg Press 3 sets of 10 at 100# Lower Body
Incline Chest Fly 3 sets of 12 with 15# DBs (30# total) Chest
Reverse crunches 3 sets of 15 Core
Face Pull 3 sets of 12 at 30# Shoulders
Lower Back Extension on machine 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low back
Triceps Pull Down 3 sets of 15 at 30# Triceps

After that, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill at 5.5 mph. That is my comfort pace, which is about a 10:49 mile. I have to be careful because I just fall into this pace and don’t really challenge myself too much. Still got nice and sweaty, though!

After biking home, I was ready for breakfast. I made a layered bowl of cream of wheat (with egg whites) and blueberry sauce. Yum!

Today is the half day of work, so that is good,  not to mention I got a box delivered to me today. :happy dance:

Good thing I have pictures of the garden from spring so I can figure out where I already have tulips.

I really struggled to get myself to sit and work today. I would work for a while, then get up and do things, then work some more. Not a bad thing to do, but it makes it seem like a longer work day than it really is.

Lunch time was some of the chicken I grilled last night with basil-tomato Laughing Cow spread on it. Tasty that way.

I went outside to the garden after this. It still has some color.

You can see my fall mums are budded out, but not open yet. Still more blooming to come!

The gazanias are still going.

I am totally infatuated with the color of the sedum. It just gets deeper and deeper (then it turns brown).

Buddha and the gaillardas.  Sounds like a rock band, doesn’t it?

This is the side yard that I am going to do something with.

Looks pretty lame, doesn’t it? That bare patch is where we dug up a couple mulberry stumps.  The task this fall is to take it to bare ground and maybe move a couple plants over.

There is also a problem around here.  See this lady?

She has been coming around since spring.  Very young and obviously homeless as she is thin.  Very skittish until today.  She came over and rolled on the ground while I was planting tulips and inched her way over to me little by little.  Then she let me pet her.  My heart died a little.

I really worry about her as the road is so busy.  Not to mention winter is coming up and I have a feeling she may be in the family way if she is one of the pair that were doing unmentionable things in the yard across the street a couple weeks ago.

Do you hear that long, drawn out nooooooooooo?  That was John.  I saw fear in his eyes today when I was talking about the cat.

Afternoon snacks:

Fresh baked. This bread has raw walnut butter on it.

I have to say, raw nut butter just doesn’t do it for me.  Give me at least roasted and preferably  salted.

Like these:

Which goes pretty well with this:

Quite a nice evening out.  I got about half of the tulips planted.  I bought 65 bulbs.  I really don’t know what I was thinking.  Well, one pack is daffodils and they only came in a set of 25, so that is a chunk right there.

Dinner was cooking while I was out planting.  Sweet potato chips and fish sticks.

The fish sticks had a date with Frank’s.  Yum.

Notice anything missing from today’s eats? Added sugar!  Since that is part of my Hot 100 challenge to do once a week, figured I may as well do today.  Evening snack will be some more fruit.

Tomorrow will be a lot cooler.  We are doing a shorter ride and just going to the lake.  Probably no cupcakes, but there will be a sweet in store, that’s for sure!

Question: Any great and fun plans for Saturday?

21 thoughts on “What’s blooming for spring?

  1. Kristin

    Your garden is so beautiful! I think I have sedum blooming in my yard right now too. I didn’t know that was what it was called until seeing it on your blog (my husband tried to convince me it was a weed). I just moved it this spring to a new spot, but unfortunately it was run over by my dog and is looking pretty pathetic at the moment.

    No big plans for this weekend. I’m working on applications to go back to school, so there will probably be a lot of that going on!

  2. Kim Zepp

    Our mums are so strange in our yard. They start blooming around the 4th of July and are almost done blooming by October.
    Tomorrow is the Akron Marathon here in NE Ohio. I’ll be running the half. It will be an early morning! Thankfully it should be about 20 degrees cooler than today though!
    .-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..Rev3 Cedar Point 703 DONE – Race Report =-.

  3. debby

    Good job on the no sugar day—still some good eating there!

    That kitty is so cute. Maybe you could find her a home?

    Ohhh, bulbs from Holland. That sounds so exciting. I just bought the giant economy bag of daffodils (90!) at Costco.

  4. Pubsgal

    Lovely garden, Ms Lori! *Sigh*…tulips…they’re annuals around here, and you have to chill them first. I had these grandiose visions of having an heirloom plant garden in my yard, but it usually looked great for one season and kaput the next. I do have some nice camillia bushes and a lovely hydrangea (that’s not looking so lovely right now).

    That is a cute kitty. We have a lot of cats that roam our neighborhood, but I can always ask our neighbor a couple of doors down (a cat rescue person) who’s been here awhile and who’s new. No new pets – our Elsie is 18 and I don’t think she really wants to give up only cat status. (My Mr. says she is the *last* pet…uh huh. My sister-in-law said no dogs, *ever*, and yet now they have this big ol’ boxer mix who perches right on her very petite lap.)

    We have our big garage sale this weekend, and the kids are hoping for lots of customers for their lemonade stand. (Which is really the only reason we’re having a garage sale, so we can lure customers for them. Oh, and weed out some of their toys before the holidays.)
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update- 9-22-10 =-.

  5. cammy@tippytoediet

    Poor little homeless kitty cat…she’s going to bother me all weekend. 🙁 I’ll hope for the best for her.

    No big plans here. There are rumors of r-a-i-n, which we are in dire need of (she said, gazing out at her dead lawn.)
    .-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..DIY Junk Food =-.

  6. MB

    I never understood how people could remember what was planted where. I can’t even figure out what are plants and what are weeds. I’m pretty hopeless in that department so I usually stick to wildflowers and let mother nature take control.

    It’s supposed to be in the 80s here tomorrow so we’re planning on hitting the sister-in-law’s pool. I wish we could get up north. I hope it doesn’t peak before I get there next weekend. I’m sure your bike ride will be beautiful with the leaves starting to change. Enjoy the ride.

    Oh, I almost forgot, THANKS for coming to my party. I had a blast 😉

  7. teresa

    I love your blog! I’m glad I found it through the hot 100 challenge. You are a total inspiration. And I love all your photos, they’re great! Enjoy your garden, it’s beautiful.
    .-= teresa´s last blog ..Hot 100 Challenge! =-.

  8. South Beach Steve

    I love raw walnut butter, but I have to have salt in it. Like you, I like roasted nuts better. I need to try roasting my walnuts before I make my next batch to see the difference it makes.

  9. Fran

    You still got so much blooming in your garden. Laughed when I saw that the bulbs were grown in Holland 🙂 Holland is the land of tulips 🙂

    Have fun today at your bike ride.
    I had a great run this morning and did nothing much today. Tomorrow Bella’s got a playdate with two other doggies, that’s going to be fun.

  10. Jody - Fit at 52

    You are teasing me with that bread, aren’t you??? 😉

    Always love your flower pics & sending over to my friend that loves them too, along with those Pixie pics she loves & she wants to be Pixie!

    Congrats on the no sugar added! I am not there & doubt I will try but I don’t add too much anyway…. plus today is cookie day for me & I will have a pic for you Lori & you will like it! 🙂

    Heat wave here in southern CA after a cooler summer. Going to hit 90’s supposedly in my area & 100’s in other areas for the next few days so I will be searching out air conditioning since we don’t have any!

    Have a good one!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Saturday Funny! =-.

  11. Ron

    That kitty looks so pretty sitting there, If I didn’t have two dogs, and two birds in this house I would ask you to ship her to me.
    .-= Ron´s last blog ..Hot 100 =-.

  12. Julie

    I wish it was spring here instead of fall and then all that blasted cold and snow. Oh well, in about 8 months spring will be back.
    You are doing so great. To lose and keep it off. WOW!! You are beautiful! Keep up the great work. Keep posting all these great things.
    Take care and God Bless!!
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..Guess what Brenda and I did this morning =-.

  13. Susan

    I need to join you on these no-added sugar days. Do you plan on doing specific days each week or just whatever works? I already can’t do today – had chocolate with my morning coffee 😉

    I don’t like raw nut butters other. Too bitter, even without additional ingredients roasted is soooo much better!
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Food Matters =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      I just do whatever day works. I have to think ahead of time what day I might like to go sugar free, because it does take a little planning (like the reminder not to have nut butter on oats).

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