What to do now?

Back to lifting today! I woke up and my legs were maybe a squidge tired from yesterday, but I really wanted to get back to the weights, so I went.  I just lightened up the lower body stuff.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell deadlifts 3 sets of 10 at 65# Lower body
Dumbbell pull over 3 sets of 10 with 25# DB Back
Captain’s Chair 3 sets of 10 Core
Stationary lunges 3 sets of 10 (each leg) with 35# plate Lower body
Face Pull 3 sets of 15 at 30# Shoulders
Lower back extension 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low back
Hammer curls 3 sets of 10 with 15# DBs (30# total) Biceps
Nosebreakers 3 sets of 15 with 25# bar Triceps

Did you spy the biceps move in there? I never work my biceps anymore because of the workout they get with chest and back moves. However, with my shoulder issue, I still can’t do pushing chest exercises. I did try the pec fly machine today, but that hurt as well.  Boooo…. Just needs more time.  So, that meant some biceps work.

This was just a short weight workout today and no cardio. Then it was to home and a warm brekkie!

Cream of wheat cooked with banana and egg whites and topped with a measured tablespoon of peanut butter. I am actually pretty good at eyeballing that, but I have to tighten up the eating now that I am done with all that endurance stuff for the year, pretty much.

Now I am feeling a bit at loose ends.  I have a couple of 5Ks to do this year, but all the big stuff is done and I don’t really have anything to train for.  Earlier in the year, I had that same issue of no real training goal and I started running a lot like I had something to do and I really believe I was starting to stress and over train.  So I scaled back some.  Of course, then I got injured so that threw any plans out of the water for a few months. 🙄

I don’t know why I feel the need to train for something.  Maybe it gives me focus or some sort of time goal.   I know I need to work more on periodization, but it is always hard for me to scale back.  Guess I gots me some thinkin’ to do.

Lunch time and I had an egg hankerin’!  The leftover broccoli from yesterday’s dinner somehow didn’t make it into the bags going to the parent’s house (sorry Mom!) 😈  So, I chopped it up and put in in my omelet with some laughing cow.  With a comice pear on the side.

I haven’t felt all that hungry today.  Unusual, but it is a nice change.  I had my afternoon latte with 1/4 scoop of whey protein in it.

Work for job #2 was slow in the afternoon, so I went out for a short walk.  Nice fall day.  However, that does mean working tonight.

We cooked up some pork burgers for dinner.  I melted some Cabot on there.  And fresh cut pineapple with toasted coconut.  It was tropical, I tell you!

Tonight is stretching, doing RICE for my shoulder, working, and sneaking in some football watching with a snack.

Pink item of the day (which I forgot yesterday!)  My bike/lifting gloves:

The Breast Cancer Site

20 thoughts on “What to do now?

  1. Shelley B

    Until I started my running club, I never “got” the whole training for an event. But now, I follow their schedule, I have a goal, and I can see progress…it’s pretty fulfilling, and I can see why you feel a bit adrift. So hey, there’s this half marathon in Austin on Feb. 20 that all the cool kids are doing…you could train for that and join us! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Mishmash =-.

  2. Lisa

    It’s weird…I never felt like something was missing from my life until I started training for my first 5k. Once I got the race bug I was training for SOMETHING at all times. Shamrock 8k, Reach the Beach bike ride, Hood to Coast relay….It never ended. Now that I’m not training for anything I feel lost!

  3. A Sparkle A Day

    I know exactly what you mean.
    you feel lost when the event is over and nothing big left to focus on.

    so I am totally glad you put that picture of your coffee with the whey protein powder. I wanted to ask you about that.

    just add a scoup and stir? blend?
    exactly what do you do. I want to try it!

    maybe some rest will do you good!

    xoxoxox you’ve been working super hard!
    .-= A Sparkle A Day´s last blog ..Hot 100 Challenge- Week 4 =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      We make lattes with an espresso machine and put the whey powder into the milk before steaming. It works quite well. I think you could also use one of those milk whippers, as I do that for my regular drinks, and then add coffee.

  4. Pubsgal

    Oh, I know what you mean about “needing” an event to train for; it’s kind of reward and incentive to exercise for me. That said, I do try to limit myself to one event per quarter, unless something really amazing comes up. I think lining up the possibilities pretty far in advance helps me avoid the “what next?” syndrome, too. (Although, you know, I have zero things planned for after December, and I don’t mind that a bit.)

    Are there any different kinds of fitness classes going on in the winter where you live? Something like yoga might be fun to try during the “off season.” Or are there winter sports you enjoy, like ice skating or cross-country skiing?
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..A Tale of Two Pieces =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      My gym actually doesn’t have classes – too small. I might do some cross country skiing, but I didn’t like downhill!

  5. Fran

    Well first of all you’ve got this virtual run on your schedule in two weeks 🙂

    I know what you mean. At the start of this year I didn’t have a goal to train for and I’ve noticed I started skipping workouts because I hadn’t anything on my schedule. But now I’m training for the half marathon next year and a goal helps me keep going. The question however is: what to do when that is over because I won’t run a marathon. A half is the longest I’m going to do.

    Maybe train for a 10K and do a race in that? Or even a half, if Austin is too far for you, you can always come over and do the half with me in April 🙂

    I look forward to what you will come up with.

  6. Jody - Fit at 52

    Tropical.. did someone say Hawaii….. Oh to be there! 🙂

    I love working my biceps!! I work them twice a week along with the other body parts except chest, only once… I don’t think I could live without bicep workouts. 🙂

    I keep forgetting to try protein powder in my coffee.. Joanna does that too!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Sculpting Our Bodies-It is about YOU =-.

  7. Helen

    I have a good friend who is completely adrift if she’s not training for something. So she does. On the other hand, I relish my “non-training” running… just going out and doing whatever I please. Of course, I have no fear of overdoing it – lol!

    Mmmmmm. Pork burger – made with ground pork, I assume? What do you season it with?

  8. Kim Zepp

    I keep getting behind on my blog reading -sorry. Anyhow, I love how the two of you did the DU on your own!!! Now that’s dedication, commitment, and a some fun adventure (even your own course.) 🙂
    Also, my last blog was about goals and having a race to train for, too. My motivation is low right now. I’m trying to plan out some big things for 2011 to keep me going. I’m looking at a spring marathon, but wondering if I can train for it in cold NE Ohio this winter. ??

  9. Joanne

    Woohoo! Snazzo pink gloves. Love ’em.

    I’ve been craving eggs since my marthon. AND.. I’ve given in to that craving. They happen to be my favorite breakfast. Once serious running begins again, I guess I’ll have to get back into
    feeding the bod the carbs. I’ve got to try some of your delicious looking grain breakfasts. Too good!
    .-= Joanne´s last blog ..Running Again and Morning Glory Bun Recipe =-.

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