Liftin’ and the blahs

I was ready to hit the gym this morning after having Mexican last night.  I had a protein drink and then headed out in the dark. I am so glad the days are going to be getting longer from now on, aren’t you?

I ran 1 mile on the treadmill to warm up, then lifted.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Stiff-legged deadlifts 3 set of 10 at 75# Lower body
Cable Low row 3 sets of 10 at 60# Back
Barbell Bench Press 1 sets of 10 at 60#

2 sets of 8 at 60#

Decline Situps 3 sets of 10 Core
Pliet Squat 3 sets of 10 with 40# DB Lower Body
Bench Dips 3 sets of 10 Triceps
YTWL 3 sets of 4 (each letter) with 8# DBs Shoulders
Low Back Extension 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low back

I then did 2 more miles of running on the treadmill.  Legs were a little tired from the lifting, but I made it.  😀  I picked John up (snarfed a cookie)

and we headed out for bagels – only the cafe ran out of bagels except for the everything bagel (aka the bad-breath bagel).  I don’t like those, so I had a cranberry muffin instead.

I think that really set my day up wrong.  I just don’t eat muffins or sweet stuff like that for breakfast anymore.  I got very snacky today.  I munched on some granola when I got home because I felt like I was missing something.  Don’t you hate it when that happens?

The day was cold and cloudy, which kind of contributed to the blahness of the day.  (new word alert). It made deciding on lunch difficult as well.  One of those days where nothing appeals.  I decided to make scrambled eggs and stuff them in a pita with a Morningstar sausage patty and laughing cow.

It turned out pretty good, I have to say.

John commented on me having 3 clementines and I told him that I *always* eat 3. Always – no more, no less, unless we run out.   :mrgreen:   Guess he learned something new today about me, although I don’t know where he has been for the last 14+ years…

I really am trying to pinpoint where the blah is coming from, and I think it is just me being tired and some tough dictations at work today. And then wearing sweats today.  I wanted to be comfie, but I forget that wearing sweats can just make one feel ‘fluffy’.  Or is that just me?

I had a Blueberry Bliss Luna Bar before my latte.

These are good. They remind me of blueberry poptarts.  Not that have ever eaten a poptart or anything, mind you.  It’s just how I imagine it would taste :cough cough:.

John went to the smokehouse and picked up the roast for Christmas eve dinner.  We are hosting the family shindig and cooking up a pot roast for something different.  We love having dinner guests!  It’s a chance to really cook and enjoy.

Speaking of dinner, I felt like eating a giant salad to refresh.

Of course, topped with BBQ chicken that John just cooked up, feta cheese, and toasted almonds.

It really never gets old.

I am going to unplug for most of the night, have a cup of CS Sugar Cookie Sleighride tea, and listen to Christmas carols.   That’s sounds pretty good right about now!

Question:  Are you hosting a holiday meal or just attending?

25 thoughts on “Liftin’ and the blahs

  1. Roxie

    I’m pseudo-hosting. I’ll be at Bick’s, along with my daughter and her husband and his daughter and her boyfriend. Bick is manning the grill and I’ll do the sides. He’s baking an apple crisp and the kids are bring various appetizers and desserts. The meal itself is simple. The fun will be in the desserts and appetizers.

    I am on waffle patrol early, however. Oh and hot chocolate. With nutella!
    .-= Roxie´s last blog ..Day Fourteen of Twenty- Tiny Treasures =-.

  2. Kelly

    Snarfed a cookie. LOL Those look totally snarfable.

    I love the everything bagels! But prefer the gingerbread ones at Panera. So good.

    Hope the blahs are gone tomorrow. Just think: the days will be getting longer and that puts you closer to getting out to ride your bike!
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Shopping Loot &amp Some Concerns =-.

  3. Jane

    I am also one who needs longer periods of sunlight during the day. I hate to admit it, but December and January are the two months that I think of in terms of “just getting through.” I tend to hibernate because it’s so cold, snowy, and sometimes icy in Minnesota. But I keep dangling the promise of more sunshine and longer days like a carrot so that I will keep sane and out of the food. I’m already dreaming of the warmer winter sunshine on melting snow and southwest breezes that allow me to take off my coat–maybe during a brief thaw??? And…last, but not least–a two week trip to Florida that’s coming in up late Feb. and early March! Hopefully I’ll be several pounds thinner by then.

    Have a peaceful holiday season, Lori.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..Happy Holidays-Taking a Little Break-And Funny Video =-.

  4. debby

    Now my brain is fried after work! And enchiladas sound wonderful! I wonder if I can talk my friend into going mexican tomorrow?

    Sweats–used to be my standard uniform! Now I don’t really have any true sweats. Have some ‘workout’ pants that come close though.
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Countdown to Africa =-.

  5. Alissa

    We are attending a holiday dinner. Good news is that I have the recipes for everything that everyone is bringing so I should be all set! My parents are dieting this year and we are going to try to make it a healthier meal this year! Enjoy! 🙂
    .-= Alissa´s last blog ..Fried Chicken- WHAT! =-.

  6. Ron

    I can actually say I have never had a pop tart!!! they never looked appealing to me! but the Luna bars… I have had .. Like em.

  7. Helen

    I’m so with you on the no sugar breakfasts. I’ve almost gotten to the point where even my oatmeal is savory 90% of the time.

    Interesting about your blahs too… maybe sugar induced? It’s just that I was reading I thought, “She’s eating a lot more sweet/sugary stuff than she usually does.” In any case hope they’ve lifted for you today.

    My sweet Aunt Bunny told me years ago that her theory is that someone who either liked chubby women or didn’t like women at all invented sweats. They’re comfy, they’re non binding and if you wear them all winter, you won’t fit in your jeans in the spring because you can’t feel yourself getting fluffier. I think Aunt Bunny was on to something!

  8. Susan

    Oooh, I that flavour Luna has yet to make it’s way up here! It sounds tasty! Strange that I’m more excited about Lunas than cookies? 😛

    Hope your spirits are back up today. It’s Christmas Eve Eve after all!
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..500 =-.

  9. Roz

    I love the term “bad breath bagel!”. Heading over to my parent’s place, so no hosting for us this year. Yay you for getting those workouts in during this busy time!
    Have a great day Lori!!!
    .-= Roz´s last blog ..New Word Wednesday 19 =-.

  10. Kim Zepp

    The blahs have hit me, too. I need some sun therapy! (like a vacation to FL.)
    We don’t host many family get togethers here at my house, because my family all lives about 45 minutes away up on Lake Erie. They all live in the same town, except for me. 🙂 I can’t say that’s really a bad thing though.
    I don’t think I’ve ever tried Feta Cheese, but it looks so good on your salad that I might have to add that to the grocery list.
    .-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..No more blank calendar =-.

  11. Ang

    I will be attending to in-law’s. They are divorced so that’s two dinners. Then at my parents I’m kind of hosting. I cook most of the food so it will be gluten free. That’s the only dinner I actually get to eat at! lol

    Sorry about the blahs and yes sweats make me feel frumptastic but I wear them around the house most of the time…I won’t allow myself to wear them out!
    .-= Ang´s last blog ..The Seasons Best =-.

  12. Dawn

    Just hosting the family meal. Thought about inviting the single coworker over but not sure he’ll be up for it after traveling all this week. You know I feel kind of fluffy in regular sweats too so usually wear the more spandex kind so it holds in the jiggles a bit better lol. Merry Christmas to you and John, Lori and please tell your mom Merry Christmas for me too and give her a hug from me. I need to email her. *hugs*
    .-= Dawn´s last blog ..Last day of work =-.

  13. Leah

    We are hosting dinner this year. I love hosting! About 16 adults/kids showing up. 🙂

    I’ve had blah days this season too, and that’s very unlike me during Christmastime… I’m sorry to hear it’s been that kind of day for you. I hope Christmas Eve turns out much better for you!
    .-= Leah´s last blog ..Christmas Ponderings =-.

  14. Pubsgal

    Well, in my case, it’s both more than the usual sugar AND hardly any exercise. Although today snapped me out of it – I got in some stationary bike last night and had a lovely early Christmas gift massage at a local spa today! 🙂

    We did our Christmas visiting last weekend (to my mom & step-dad’s), so we’re home for Christmas and have only to please ourselves for dinner. I’m going to sneak out tomorrow morning and get some special items as a local sausage place. (Not sure what to feed the kids yet, since they won’t eat sausage. Crazy!)

    Hope you enjoy your family dinner – bet that perks you up! Mmmm, pot roast sounds great! It was one of my mom’s specialties, although she didn’t make it for us this time. We had an early birthday grilled cheese sandwich-fest, though; I cooked, since they don’t cook much and never learned the subtle art of the grilled cheese sandwich. 😉
    .-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Merry Christmas &amp Happy Holidays! =-.

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