Bagel Wednesday and the snacks

It’s Bagel Wednesday!  John and I were up pretty early. Since my gym days are switched this week, we just left from home, which meant my legs were feeling pretty strong without having lifted.  The path was so pretty today.  It’s getting greener for sure!

We arrived at the North Country Coffee Cafe after 6 miles.  I had my usual wheat bagel.

It was almost over toasted.  The cafe seems to be doing pretty well. They opened late last fall.  I hope it keeps up for them.

Then we zipped home.  12 miles under the belt today!  Spring feels good right now.

Very busy at work right now. Also good.  I took a lunch break:

I wonder who invented hot sauce… and why?

I got snacky again today.  This really has to stop!  I munched on some peanuts.  Then I baked up a couple cookies from frozen dough to have with an almond milk latte.

Must be the wheat I ate or something, but it is a little discouraging.  Normally I have day of snacking, but this has been several.

I took a break in the afternoon to get my hanging planters going.  I also noticed a ton of new tulips out today.  Not as nice as the Tulip Festival, but they make me smile.

Friday’s what’s blooming will showcase at least 4 new tulips.

Dinner time.  I cooked up a small yukon gold potato.  That is my favorite kind of potato and they come in small sizes instead of big footballs.  I topped it with some cooked chicken and buffalo wing cheese.

I added extra hot sauce after the picture was taken. :mrgreen:

After nibbling on chocolate chips, I am making a vow. No more snacking tonight!  I am going to find my Altoids and not eat anything else.

Question: How do you get out of a snack attack?

15 thoughts on “Bagel Wednesday and the snacks

  1. Lisa

    Man that bagel looks AWESOME!!!! I miss carbs. 🙁

    I was going through a snack attack for a long time–the office candy room–so I decided to do a No Candy week. It really did help break the snacking habit!

  2. Shelley B

    Altoids, gum, brushing my teeth, drinking a huge amount of water…it really sucks when the snack attacks happen. Hope you had a successful evening!

  3. Fran

    Nice bike ride for a delicious bagel yesterday Lori.

    I don’t have many snack attacks anymore, I just eat too much at my usual meals lately. But when I do have a snack attack I don’t really have a strategy :blush:

  4. Miz

    ok Im suddenly hit with the idea you need to host or have or RUN a bootcamp.

    sign me up.
    may I move in with you for a few days?

  5. Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me.

    LOL so funny that you posted this because my recent post is about how snacky I was and I basically just stuffed my face. But it’s no biggy. It happens very rarely so I just kinda roll with it when it does.

  6. Jody - Fit at 53

    I like my toast & bagels & such pretty crunchy so looks good to me! 😉 I also like the look of those cookies!

    Snacky probs – well, you know me Lori, I depend on my mental. Even when people talk about working out more makes them hungrier so don’t work out as much or your non wheat days – my need to snack is more a mental thing like I just want it so I have just had to learn to use my mental willpower or willingness as Carla calls it.

    Love the tulips!

  7. Amy

    I have those ups and downs with snacking, too – I have a suspicion it has to do with those “monthly” fluctuations in my body…
    If I really want to put a stop to it, the best way for me is to just go to bed – if it’s reasonably within bedtime, that is!

  8. Helen

    I really believe the snackiness you’re dealing with is coming from your increased workouts. It could also be hormones. It happens to me too. Such a Catch-22, especially if you want to lose a couple of pounds. In fact, not feeding that “I sort of want something feeling” is the hardest part of losing weight for me.

    I don’t know who invented hot sauce, or why, but I’m glad they did!

  9. deb

    Peppermint sugarfree gum helps me curb the snacks when i’m struggling…….And believe it or not a cup of coffee. I don’t think coffee tastes good with anything.

  10. Kelly Happy Texan

    Think the bagel could be a trigger for snacking? It sure does look tasty. 😀

    When you mentioned the Altoids it made me remember the little trick of brushing your teeth when the snackies hit. I forgot all about that. Going to try it next time I’m feeling snacky. Don’t you just hate that feeling? It’s like wanting to just set up a conveyor belt from the pantry to your mouth. Such an out-of control feeling. Bleck.

    The tulips are lovely. I like seeing your garden pictures. 🙂

    1. Lori Post author

      The bagel is part of the trigger as I have found wheat does that to me. This is something a little more, though. I think it is all the biking and probably lack of sleep.

  11. Roz

    Those tulips are beautiful!!! I have cinnamon gum around, if I get REALLY snacky a couple of pieces help. For a bit…. 🙂 But will be checking all your comments to see what others do too!!! So glad its getting greener in your world after such a white winter!! Have a good day Lori!

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