Category Archives: changing tastes

Tastes do change.

I get some people asking me if I miss sugar and sweet stuff, or they ask for advice on how to eat without giving up that stuff.

Here’s the thing – your tastes will change. Seriously. I remember when I was reading the book “The Sugar Addict’s Recovery Program”, and just the thought of giving up the sugar in my coffee, or my sweet cereals made me want to cry. I couldn’t see how I would enjoy eating without those foods.
Well – the author said that was precisely why you don’t just cut sugar out cold turkey, because of these feelings. They really are true addictions. It’s not because you are weak or have no will power. So you make changes gradually.

As I started replacing white products, refined products and sugary stuff with whole grain products, I began to lose the sweet tooth. I began to notice how much sweeter fruit was, and even how sweet milk is on its own. I did not go with artificial sweeteners during this process. If you use artificial sweeteners, you don’t notice the gentle sweetness of natural foods, because you are still eating something super sweet to your brain, even though your body doesn’t recognize it.

The cravings diminished and disappeared for the most part. Now I drink unsweetened coffee and tea. I don’t mind plain yogurt. I make my blueberry sauce without added sweetener. And I love it! I don’t care for overly sweetened, processed foods. I never thought that I wouldn’t want to eat a sweetened cream cheese, or wouldn’t want some Nutter Butters. It was inconceivable to me in the past. Now, if I want something sweet, I have something home made, and make it worthwhile. I don’t eat a muffin or cookie out of addiction any more, but as a treat – the way it should be.

I have found a willingness to try different vegetables now that my taste buds are used to whole foods. I still have texture issues (onions slimy, beans grainy), but I can get around those. Veggies taste different to me. I can taste subtle stuff now that my old sugar-numbed tongue couldn’t.

You can change what you eat without feeling deprived. You really and truly can. Give yourself the time and the chance to let your true taste buds come to life.

Lots of snow

Sitting here all hunkered down. Not really sure how much snow we are supposed to get, but there is probably about 3-4 inches on the ground now. Hopefully the snow blower will work tomorrow! Made a mad dash to the grocery store to get a few things since we were low.

After I got back, I looked at the things I had bought and it made me realize how my tastes had changed. In the old days, a snowy night in would have meant junk food, or baked goods, and likely a carton of eggnog.

Today I had:
greek yogurt

and nary a donut in sight! I kind of wanted one, though.