Category Archives: healing

April Wrap Up

Hello beautiful Saturday!  Lazyish morning, although I was up too early.  I made some protein waffles.  I haven’t had blueberries all week!

Deeelicious!  I spent a good chunk of the morning reading blogs and catching up.  Then I actually worked for 1-1/2 hours.  So lame…..  While I was working, John was making up pizza dough!  I thought it was bread, but he asked if I wanted pizza for lunch.  Yes!  I was hungry, though – so I nibbled on some cereal while he baked.

I swear, it does not matter what kind of cereal is in the house.  I will snack on it.

The pizza was a complete success!

That’s ground beef on there.  This was his best crust to date.  It’s actually modified from a baked donut recipe.   He changed it by using 1/2 wheat flour, reducing the sugar to 1 tablespoon of sugar (and made 1/2 of the recipe).  It was nice and puffy and chewy.  This would be a perfect dessert pizza crust too, as written.

So, another month has come and gone.  Lots of things happened this month for me!

The good:

The bad:

The good pretty much outweighed the bad, but the injury took up 3/4 of the month!

I learned a few things this month.  I don’t have to rely on exercise to maintain my weight – or even to lose, really.  I also can handle stress pretty well.  I can blow off steam and be laughing later in the day.  Although, I am thinking about making a swear jar for the month of May (to which John replied that we could fund a vacation with it – he is hilarious, I tell you 🙄 ).

I’ll get to May goals in a second, need to take a yogurt break:

Does this not look divine?  It was!  Coconut lime yogurt topped with toasted coconut.  We biked there.  I wore Triscuit outside for the first time this year, with plenty of sunscreen.  Mid 80s today!

We did 15 miles today.  I was actually 1 mph faster today and it felt really good.  I kind of got a little weepy for a second on the path because I was so, so thankful to be able to ride again.  Even if I am not 100%, I am so happy about this.   I am taking tomorrow off, as I do not want to push it.

Came home and made some dinner!  It’s the BBQ salad, only I had it with pork.

No nuts on it because I ate about 1/2 cup of cashews before dinner 😳

I think I like the chicken better.

Now, where was I?  Oh yes – May goals.

  • The return to running.  I hope this happens.  It all depends on when the weakness in my leg is gone and the leg can support itself.
  • Lose 3 pounds.  There – I put a concrete number on the month!  I actually lost almost 5 pounds in April, which is completely shocking to me.  Who knew a herniated disk would actually help me.
  • Go to the dentist.
  • Really, really think about my current job.  It’s fairly stressful, so I have to decide if all the great benefits it has are worth the stress and low pay.
  • Try to make the blog more interesting with recipes and  lifting stuff (or anything else you want to see!).

I am off tonight to my sisters house and work with Storm.  I am doing something with rally or obedience tomorrow, but I don’t remember what LOL!  So, I have to practice.  I’ll have pics of whatever we are doing tomorrow.

Question:  Do you have goals for May?

Nooch? I think not.

Thanks for the cheer ups from yesterday’s post.  I can look pretty sad if I want to, and I am not above using it on John at times 😈

I am done with the feeling bad, though.  I now declare my attitude to be:

Whining is not radiant, and that’s what I want to be.  It’s just going to take as long as it takes.  I should see about some PT.  My doctor basically said to work on regular activities and my injury would let me know how far to take it.  I have ordered a foam roller today.

You know what Wednesdays are!  We went to Panera today.  Doesn’t this case look good?

I had myself a blueberry bagel.  Yum, yum.

Nice relaxing breakfast. Then it was time for work.  My work partner today:

She slept next to me for 7 straight hours while I worked.  Lazy, lazy cat.

Lunch time and I felt like a smoothie.  So I made a protein shake with banana flavored protein powder, some pumpkin, and some Kellogg’s Bran Buds (which I got as part of Food Buzz Tastemaker program), with ice and water and a pinch of glucomannan.

Pretty good.  Not totally sold on the banana flavor protein powder; it was pretty strong.  I also had a side of steamed broccoli with nutritional yeast, aka nooch.

Tastes just like parmesan cheese my a**!!  I did not care for the taste of it, although I like the nutritional stats.  Smells funktacular, too.  I have a big bag to use up.  Eeep!

Latte time!

After work, I did a strength workout with the gym in a bag with biceps, triceps, chest and back exercises.  My back actually feels pretty much normal now, it’s just my leg.  I tried doing some pushups, but my leg couldn’t support me, so those are out for a bit still.  I also did a longer walk today, but I took the crutches so I could rest on them (which was a good idea).  Getting there!

Dinner time involved lots of color!

Yum.  These strawberries are so darn good.  Almost gone, too.

Last night I practiced my guitar for the first time in months.  My fingertips hurt LOL!  I am going to try to go 5 days a week of practice.  Part of an effort to be a little more unplugged.  I am working on the classical style of guitar – why I try learning the hardest style is beyond me.  Guess it is because I like it 😀   I would love to be like Sharon Isbin, whom we saw in concert.

Evening snacktations for movie time!

Granny Smith that I cut the middle out of and microwaved for a couple minutes.  Then I mixed some ricotta cheese with bran buds, cinnamon and agave and stuffed in the middle.  This is pretty good!

Ever tried nutritional yeast? I need help with ideas!