Category Archives: hiking

Sleeping Beauty Hike

We finally did our first official Adirondack hike.  We took the Sleeping Beauty trail in Adirondack National Park. The trail head was about 40 minutes from our house, so not bad – although we were up early 😀



We knew the hike would be around 6 miles, but it turned out closer to 7 miles since we took a loop around Bump’s pond instead of straight up and down.

Partners in crime for the day:



This is my new hiking stick I got at the art festival a couple months ago.


We actually had to walk 1.5 miles just to get to the trail head from this parking lot.  That was the easy part, then it got pretty rocky and hilly.


It was humid, but we were in the shade of trees for the majority of the climb, which was really nice.  I was sweating like the dickens, though.  That humidity thing.


The trail was really well marked and a fair number of people on it as well. Lots of people had the same idea of an early hike to beat the heat!

Lots of neat pictures to take. I won’t post too many since I don’t want to flood your reader 😀









Finally we saw a happy sign!



And what a view it was:






That’s Lake George down there where we bike to all the time.





Here is a little movie of the view from the summit:

We ate some lunch at the top and then headed back down taking a loop around Bump’s Pond.


If we had known it was going to add that extra mile, we wouldn’t have done it because we were pretty darn tired when we got to the bottom.  Although Gryffon was really happy to take a swim.

I think we should have brought more food, but otherwise it was suited pretty well for us since we bike a lot.  It was a little bit long of a hike – and next time we do this one, we will skip the pond.  It would be such a gorgeous view from the summit during fall colors!


Hiking in Vermont

Finally – a trip away! It was a short one. My birthday was Friday and I managed to get in my 47 miles of riding. That was a bit tiring, but very good to get it done!

Saturday morning, we left for an overnight trip to Vermont.  We stopped first in Rutland to do shopping. Poor John, I dragged him to all the Vintage shops I could find 😀


I did manage to score a couple chairs at a sale from an auction house. 


The one on the left is going to get painted a color and go into the garden with a flower pot where the missing seat is. The one on the right will get reupholstered for the inside.  Grand total for both chairs was $4.  Can you believe that?  One was $3 and and one was $2, but then the lady said it was $4 for both.  Who can pass up a deal like that?  Not me  🙂

We booked a place in Killington at Mountain Valley Resort, which is a B&B.  What a gem this place is!




Our room was lovely looking out the back:



Our hosts were very nice.  They also told us about a hiking trail just down the road, so we headed down to check it out.  It started in the marshy area with a nice bridge:



Then we got to the climbing area. You could head 2 different ways and we took the shorter one to the falls since it was in the evening.





So beautiful and what a nice treat to find!



We decided the next morning to go back up there and hike the other side. After a wonderful breakfast from our hosts, we headed back.


This climbed up quite a bit.



Turns out it is part of the Appalachian trail!



It went on for quite a while going up.



It’s a very well marked trail as well.  Our new hiking shoes did great, too!



We could have gone on for a long, long time, but we weren’t really set up for a whole morning of hiking. We ended up doing about 3 miles.

I would for sure come back here to hike these trails again.  I love my biking first and foremost, but we are enjoying the hiking 😀

It was also great to get away and relax for the weekend!


Meadowbrook Nature Preserve

So, a nonbiking outing, can you believe it?  Time to break in the hiking shoes.  On Sunday, my sister came over so we could go birdwatching at the nature preserve we stumbled on  that is near our house.


It was kinda early – around 7 am.  Eeek!  That is a good time to go out to see birds, though.  Actually earlier probably would have been better, but I have my limits.  John actually came along as well. At first he said “I am going to stay and sleep”, but then after I was up he ended up changing his mind 😀

This preserve is only 1.5 miles from our house.  



It’s much bigger than we expected. I thought it was mostly the grassy area, but it went into the woods as well with clearly marked trails. 


We passed by this stand of trees and could hear a ton of different birds.  My sister is quite good at identifying birds by song and sight, so really helpful to have her along to tell us what something is 🙂


Then we armed up with bug spray before heading into the woods. Mosquitos were out!



There was a map showing the trails. This was what suprised me about this place.



It really sits right next to a golf course and a housing development. But this is a nice slice of nature that will remain forever wild.


I saw my first Jack in the pulpit in real life!





My wildflower ID skills aren’t very good.  I need to get a guidebook or something.

Anyway, we went around to the perimeter. The problem with birding at this time of year is that you can hear the birds in the trees, but the leaves block the view 😀 My sister is staring up into the tops of the trees trying to find the birds.


It was really a beautiful day. It started cool, but then got really nice.



We stopped at a river’s edge and there we saw birds that could be identified. 



We saw the Common Yellowthroat. A pair of them flitting around.



That was a new bird for me!  We also saw the usual suspects of cardinals, red wing blackbirds, blue jay, etc.

This is defintely a place we will come to again to explore.  It will be nice on a hot summer day to escape into the wooded area and explore more.





Well marked paths and some signs around with information. Just a cute place.  We probably did a couple miles of walking.  After this, we went out for bagels and coffee, which I forgot to take a picture of.  Oopsie.  It was good to have sister time and to do something different than the usual ride!  I guess this counts as a hike, right?


BOW – birding and hiking!

More of the activities at the Becoming an Outdoorswoman weekend!  Saturday was a day for 2 classes.  Another gorgeous morning:

There is not actually much down time during the weekend.  You are kept going and busy!  Breakfast starts at 7 am.  Important to fuel up with a good breakfast.

One morning I had oats and I was putting peanut butter on top and other ladies at the table were going “ooo… peanut butter on oats!”  LOL.  The nice thing about meal times is you just sit with whomever and talk about the class you took (or are about to take).  My sister and I tried to make a point to not sit at an empty table to get to meet other people.  Some women really kept to themselves, but most are eager to talk to others.  About half of the 126 people were return BOW attendees (like me!).

Off to 8 am class.

I was tired LOL! Kayaking was actually quite a workout.  I am glad I do a lot of lifting because it helped my back and shoulders from being too sore.

Saturday morning was my bird identification class.  Most of you know I love the birdies out my window, but I also want to learn more how to recognize them when they are not just sitting at my feeder.


I loved this class.  We learned how to use a field guide and how  to approach identifying a bird (and got to keep this pocket guide). We also paid a lot of attention to the bird songs, because it’s not just ‘tweet, tweet, tweet,” but you can identify birds by their songs even if you don’t see them.  Good thing, because we didn’t see a lot of birds on our walk, but we heard a bunch!

When we went out for the walk, I asked the instructor what camera she was using for her pictures.  She handed me her camera and told me to use it during the walk. Yay!

This is the bird we heard the most.  The red eyed Vireo.

Photo courtesy of

Here is a link to the song.  Once you know it, you hear it a lot (or at least I did).  In fact, I heard it when I got home in a tree across the street!

Here is a list of the birds we identified during our walk, which was about 30 minutes of the class:  Great Blue Heron (saw), Ring-necked gull (saw), Downey Woodpecker, Wood – Pewee, red-eyed vireo, crow, raven, nuthatch, American Redstart, Blackburnian Warbler, Chipping Sparrow.   How cool.  All those sounds around us that you really only notice in the background when you are outside.  John and I are going to get more into birding.

We came back for lunch.  This is chicken.  They had also a nacho bar, and you know I don’t confine my toppings to just what they are designed for.  I topped my chicken with salsa and cheese!

Funny how people thought that was so creative.  It’s good to think outside of the food box, you know?

The afternoon class was Adirondack Ecology.  This was a very interesting class.  The Adirondacks are really special.  Very old and they hold so many diverse types of landscapes and forest types.  After a presentation on what an ecologist would be looking for and what makes up a healthy forest, we went off site to view these in person.  The cool thing about the Adirondacks is that you don’t have to go far to see all kinds of different ecosystems right next to each other.   The plan was to be dropped off at the site and then have the option to walk back (we were told about 2 miles) if we chose.  More on that later.  We visited Jabe Pond and Little Jabe Pond.

Hiking on the path – here is an example of what is called a Maplewood-Beech forest.

I was glad to be in the woods because it was another hot day – in the mid 80s at least.  Lots of maple and beech (duh), plus a leafy forest floor.  Lots of cool vegetation.  Check out this flower:

This is an Indian Pipe flower.  I about squealed when the instructor pointed it  out.  She was really knowledgeable.  We don’t do much hiking or going into the woods, so I got to see lots of new-to-me plants.

Then we walked a bit more into a Hemlock forest.  This used to be part of a logging area in the 1950s and they deforested it, but it has come back pretty healthy.

This forest floor has more bedrock sticking out of it and is covered in needles.  Much different than the Maplewood-Beech.

Then we hiked a bit further and found a swamp area.  Now, we were dry because we just skirted the edges and were not going around in the muck.  This used to be a beaver dam area and the dam came down and created this swamp.

Lots of cool wetland flowers here.  This is something called Sun Dew – and it is a carnivorous plant!  It eats bugs gnat size and smaller.

These are small and very low to the ground.  On this same log were little tiny red fungus type of flowers called British Soldiers.

They are called British soldiers because they stand up tall and wear red hats.

So neat to see all of these things!  Nature is pretty amazing when you think about it (and we should more often). At this point, we had a choice.  We could go back to the drop off point and ride down by van, or we could hike the 2 miles back on the trails.  About half of the group decided to hike back (which I was in).   The leftover group continued to Jabe Little Pond, where we were lucky enough to see a loon!

He was hard to get a picture of because he kept diving.  After a nice rest here, we then headed back around the Jabe Pond (the big one).  Could you not see yourself in a chair with a nice cold drink?

I could!

I love how the angle of the sun really highlights my forehead ‘divot’  🙄  The one real sign of aging on my face from a lifetime of squinting.

A couple of canoe-ers came with their dogs and set out for some fishing.

Very well-behaved dogs that didn’t jump out of the boat.  Obviously very used to canoeing.

Funny that this is a pond, but it really looks more like a lake, doesn’t it?

We dawdled here too much, so then we had to pick up the pace on the way back.  The instructor led us to some rarely used trails and this is where it started to get tricky and hairy.

I felt bad because there were a few people that would not have done this hike back if they knew how difficult it would be.  There was a bit of steep uphill, but most of it was steep downhill, which is really hard on the knees.  And instead of 2 miles, it was more like 4!  Phew!  I thanked all my biking and lifting.  At 250 pounds, I would have been completely miserable doing this hike.

The trail was very hard to see.  It was hardly used.

At this point, I put the camera away because I didn’t want to drop it.  Footing was hard and with a lot of forest litter on the floor, you couldn’t always be sure you wouldn’t step into a hole.

The 40 minute hike back ended up being about an hour and a half!  We were so tired and also very late for dinner.  My sister was wondering where the heck I was LOL!  She had been teaching her class while we were out there.  The thing is, without cell service, you couldn’t let anyone know where you were or how long you would be gone.  This is why you shouldn’t hike alone unless you tell someone where you will be and how long you expect to be gone.  Our ‘extended’ hike was the talk of the dinner!

I’ll stick with biking, thank you.  It was enjoyable, though, other than being a bit worried about being so late.  I certainly burned a lot of calories!  Glad to see the lake again.

Sorry for the long post!  The day wasn’t over yet, but I’ll save that and the last class for tomorrow.