Category Archives: New Rules of Lifting for Life

NROL workout B

The end of the heat and humidity is in sight now!  Humidity was only 70% today, which is less, but still pretty sticky.

Breakfast today:


I worked for a while and then went for my morning ride.  I took another shot of the canal and how high the water is.


I do like to stop at this spot frequently and take pictures and I looked back in my files to see if I could find one from earlier this year with lower water levels, but found this one instead 😀 :


That shot was from March.  Brrr…..

For the rest of the day, I ate pretty much exactly the same thing as yesterday except breakfast, so I will spare you those photos.  Instead, on to more of NROL!

Here is workout B of the first stage and how I put it together:

Exercise Set/Reps
Side Plank 2 x 30 second holds
Side Plank with row 2 sets of 10
Elevated explosive pushups 2 x 8
Stability ball hip extension 2 x 15
Pushups 2 x 10
Split Squat 2 x 15 (each leg)
Split Cable Row 2 sets of 15

The side plank with a row is interesting.  You do a side plank and with the arm that is in the air, pull a low cable for a row.  I use my resistance bands for this.    It is a dynamic stability exercise and works balance as well as core.


image source

The explosive pushup is where you push off from a pushup position so both hands leave the floor or, in my case, the elevated bench so that I am at an incline.


image source

I am not strong enough yet to do them from the floor position, but I will be eventually.  😉

There is also a metabolic workout to be done, but I do biking right now and don’t do the metabolic workout. Think of it as a HIIT workout. I also do my own warmup, which is actually pretty similar to the one described in the book. Since I have used NROL in the past and also Rachel Cosgrove’s book (she Alwyn’s wife) – they achieve the same thing.


Tonight is mother/daughter night!  Off to have fun 😀

New Rules of Lifting For Life

It’s that time of year where I start neglecting any other exercise because of cycling.



However, I made a July goal of setting up a new lifting program.  I received this book for my birthday and have spent the last month reading it and preparing my workouts.


I love the NROL series and first lifted heavy with NROL for Women (and did my first chin ups!!)

NORLFL is geared more towards people lifting from middle age and on or people lifting who have had injuries or are really overweight or out of shape.

One thing I noticed after my back injury is that there are some things I  have had to stop doing.  One was running.  The other was the barbell squat.  Because of the weakness of my left leg, I can’t adequately support a loaded barbell on my shoulders and get enough leverage  on the left side to rise evenly – which is dangerous.  I have no problem with the weight loaded low, like the deadlifts or dumbbells squats, but no top loading.  This book made the point that if you can’t do an exercise – then don’t, and that is okay.  (D’uh). So in the squat category, I will never choose the back squat with the barbell.

The program is set up with 3 stages of 1 month each with each one progressively becoming more challenging.  Transform, Develop and Maximize.  Also within each stage, you progress through different levels of the exercises groups themselves to always be making progress.  It’s nice because you can choose from within different groups of exercises, like push or pull or core to find one that fits your needs.  This way you are designing your own program.  Where someone may start off with reverse lunge for that category, you start at the next level on a step or vice versa. Whatever level you are at.


I think that is what I like the most about this is that it is not just a prescribed routine to follow, but a program that you create and can modify or change.  Not to mention that after 12 weeks you can go back to the beginning with different exercises.


Now, I have modified a bit for home workouts because I do not belong to a gym currently.  I want to purchase a barbell for home (the 30# one) and I need a kettle bell – although our recent sledgehammer purchase will do quite nicely, I suppose 😀

This is the Transform level workout A as I am starting it. I did this on Monday.

Exercise Set/Reps
Plank 2 x 30 second holds
Plank with pull down 2 sets of 10
Box jump 2 x 5
Body weight squats 2 x 15
Cable row 2 x 15
Step Ups 2 x 15
Dumbbell Chest Press 2 sets of 15

There is a B workout that alternates, but each time I do A, I will be progressing in each exercise category to challenge myself.  Always working the same body part, but with different exercises, weights, reps, etc.  Confusing as mud?  😉

I will keep you all updated as I progress through this.