Category Archives: protein pancakes

Breakfast of Champions

On the straight and narrow today after the Chinese food debacle of yesterday. Made my good protein pancakes for brekkie. I get a lot of questions about what these look like, so here are the pics (recipes below pics):

Naked right out of the pan. Look just like regular pancakes, no?

And topped with my favorite blueberry sauce:

Protein pancakes

1/3 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1/3 cup rolled oats

1/3 cup egg substitute *or* 1 whole egg

1/8 tsp baking powder

dash of cinnamon
dash of vanilla

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Then cook as you would normal pancakes.

Blueberry Topping

1 cup of frozen blueberries (I like Wymans wild blueberries)
1 tsp of cornstarch
1 tbsp of cold water.
Heat the frozen blueberries in a small saucepan over medium heat until hot and just simmering. There will be juice in the bottom of the pan. Don’t boil them! In a small bowl mix the cold water and cornstarch. Add to the pan and stir until the mixture thickens up – about 30 seconds. This is a great topping over pancakes, or use as the base of a crumble.

Stats for this breakfast are:

291 calories 7 grams of fat 40 grams of carbs 9 grams of fiber 19 grams of protein

Protein pancakes recipe

I have tried these twice now, and love them! When I look at the ingredients, they aren’t anything I would have thought about even trying several years ago, let alone liking them!!

1/3 cup of cottage cheese (1%)
1/3 cup of rolled oats
1/3 cup of egg substitute, or 1 egg + one white
dash of vanilla
dash of cinnamon

I do not use sweeteners, but most people probably would want to add some splenda or something to this.

Blend in a blender and cook like regular pancakes. You must blend this, otherwise the oats will be too chunky. The batter should be nice and smooth. Makes 3 big pancakes!
Lots of protein and fiber!