Category Archives: rethinking thin

Rethinking Thin

I have been reading a book called Rethinking Thin. This is really a good read about the struggles that people have with keeping the weight off after losing and why this might be the case. It’s a bit depressing, I have to say. The success rate is so small. I do think the conclusions drawn from the study could be further researched and would be quite interesting.

Quiet workout day today. Just a 3.5 mile walk, done in two chunks. Also did some outside work. Such a beautiful day!

Today’s Menu

Calorie goal: 1,350 • Consumed: 1,360 • Burned: 323
Net calories: 1,037
C/P/F ratio: 45/26/29


Homemade yogurt/chopped strawberries, organic granola, honey
Coffee with milk

Egg salad wrap made with lite Flatout wrap
1 egg, 1 tbsp reduced fat mayo, mustard
Morningstar veggie sausage patty

1% latte
2 clementines

Lean Turkey burger
steamed broccoli

Luna Chai tea bar
6 cashews