Category Archives: Bowflex

Happy Friday!

Yay – the weekend! We actually started it a bit early. Forwarded the business phone to the cell and went out to a coffee shop where I had a small skim latte.
We then hit the mall, and got a bunch of Zone bars on sale at Target. $1 a bar! That’s at least 20 cents cheaper than the grocery store.

After that it was dinner time, so we decided to stop at a pizza place. I have been craving a calzone for a while, and wanted to split one with DH, since they are big. So, we each got a side salad and split the calzone. Back in the old days, I would have eaten the whole calzone in one sitting. It was a nice meal, not too filling and seemed very decadent. I wouldn’t want to do this very often, as it was more rich than I am used to.

Did my second full body bowflex workout. Wednesday was the test day to see how tired I got during the reps, and I adjusted the weights upward this time to reach fatigue. I do 2 sets of 10 reps each, with a very slow count. My muscles were shaky for a while after doing that.

Then I got the Firm Boot Camp dvd from Netflix today. Did that as well, it didn’t seem as tough as the Hard Core Fusion, but I was doing more of the beginner moves. I will keep this one for a while.