Category Archives: Cardio

Cardio Day

Today is snow shoveling! It’s an icy snow mix, so quite the workout.

40 minutes of snow shoveling so far.

I might do a WATP DVD later.

Cardio and Flexibility

For anyone interested, you can get some free 20 minute yoga mp3s at To purchase the longer classes, it’s only a few dollars. I like these a lot, rather than trying to watch someone and do the poses.

Today is Day 2 without strength training. It’s weird.

Cardio: 15 minutes of a kickboxing workout, which then got too hard and complicated – so I popped in my Firm Cardio Overdrive and did that without weights (45 minutes).

Flexibility: Gentle Hatha yoga.

Cardio Day

This week I won’t be strength training at all. In an effort to avoid over training, this is rest week for strength. Every few months I will take a week off.

AM: 2 mile WATP

PM: 30 minute treadmill jog.

Cardio Day

Today was cardio. I went to the Y yesterday and did weights, so none today.

Cardio: The Firm Hard Core Fusion – 55 minutes.

Cardio Day

Yesterday was snow shoveling. Burns about 187 calories per 1/2 hour.

Today is more snow shoveling, then I will do a 30 minute Walk & Jog

Cardio Day

No weights today.

With my renewed holiday challenge, I am adding an extra cardio session in the mornings.


Leslie Sansone Woman’s Walk (180 calories)

30 minute jog (300 calories)


Today I got up early and did Leslie Sansones Woman’s walk. This is a 30 minute aerobic walking section, following by floor work for 20 minutes.

Then we walked to and from breakfast – another 30 minutes of brisk walking.