Category Archives: challenge

Challenge Day 9 and workouts

Today was a bit of a struggle food-wise. I fueled with a protein drink before hitting the Y.

Ran for about 3.5 miles with pace work and then did one of the bonus workouts from NROLW. This was to show the progress I had made and was supposed to do as many reps as possible with the starting weights from 2 months ago. It would probably have been more dramatic if I had started with no weights LOL!

For today:
Squats with the 25# bar = 30 reps  (finish weight was 110#)
Shoulder press with 15 pound dumbbells = 21 reps  (finish weight was 25# dumbbells)
Wide grip lat pull down at 40# = 25 reps (finish weight was  60#)
Lunges with 20 pound dumbbells = 20 each leg (finish weight was 30# dumbbells)
Swiss ball crunches = 32

I definitely have gotten stronger in the last 2 months. I will post workout B in a couple days after I do that. Then a week off from weights!

Anyway, I was eating well up until dinner, and I just got a snack attack big time while we were cooking dinner. I started munching on wheat thins and then some Kashi cereal. Ugh. Probably an extra 400 calories (so much for the run today). I did stop myself from having a donut though, John wanted to go to Dunkins, which is only a mile from our house. So I walked with him and had a coffee with skim milk and decided against the donut, which I really, really wanted – but certainly did not need. I am fighting that “It’s not fair” feeling today.  Think it is PMS or something.  Ever get those feelings?

I did try something new today:

I had some coupons for these, they are really expensive, so it was certainly a treat.  These are very, very good!   3 grams of fiber and 100 calories, sweet and crunchy.

Plus it had blueberries in it!  I also had some fresh blueberries today:


I am a berry girl.  I eat strawberries almost every day – for some reason, upstate NY has berries available at a really good price year round, which is amazing.   Fresh blueberries only come in season in early summer, so I eat as many as I can during that time!  The pint packages are available now, which makes me happy!

Good on plan day.


Ate perfectly on plan today. Feels pretty good! Eating clean just makes a big difference in my attitude and how I feel.

My Broncos are on tonight, hopefully they will win! It’s a late game, though. Starts at 10:15PM! I’ll be up really late, which means my early morning jog might not be so early LOL. Have to get it done in the morning, though, as it is supposed to rain in the afternoon.

I am thinking about starting a separate blog with a food log. I get a lot of questions about what I am eating. I used to post my foods, but that is pretty boring on a day-to-day basis to read, I think.

I just joined this challenge:

Hot for the Holidays

It is good for me, because it doesn’t pit me against anyone, it is mostly a community challenge. Hopefully this will push me to goal by the holidays!
