Category Archives: goals

2010 in review

One really great thing about having a blog is that you can review things much better than just in a photo album or by memory.  I have been having a good time looking through this past year and all that has happened to me.  I have to say that 2010 was really a great year in many ways.  Much better than 2009.

We went to New Orleans and then on a cruise to Mexico!

I was on the Dr. Oz show for his 100th episode along with 99 other 100 pound losers!  (posing here with Dawn)

I sold my rental property.  *Huge* relief!

I helped do doggy training – and I don’t even own a dog!

I herniated a disk in my back, which really changed the course of things I was to do for the majority of this year.

I was in Shape magazine.

I celebrated another year of maintaining at least 100 pounds gone.

John and I rode 100 miles on our bikes.

Our bikes were stolen in Montreal.

I bought a new bike!

62-mile Charity Ride.

Featured on AOL That’s Fit

Trip to Colorado to visit family.

Featured in Woman’s Day’s online with other bloggers who lost weight.

Dang. That was a busy year of highlights!  Thank you all for sharing it with me!

Report card:

Now looking back to Jan 1,2010 and my specific outline for the year.   Let’s see what 2010 goals were and how I did :

Fitness: The same Duathlon for sure!  A few 5K. Well – the duathlon happened as a home version. I did a few 5Ks as well after I recovered.

I would love to do a day where I ride 100 miles on my bike this summer.  Did this!!

Possibly a 1/2 marathon.   The disk problem put a kink in this plan.  (har har)

Weight and Food: Weight maintenance at a minimum.  I am a few pounds heavier than I want to be currently, but that will come off.

Continue to eat more locally, particularly the meat.  Been doing this.

I am taking a few days each week where I don’t record my food.  I kind of forgot about this goal, although I did it sometimes.


Sell my rental house.  Done! Yay!

I would like to do some volunteer work, but I have not picked out a specific yet.  Not done other than blood donations.

Organize my blog a bit, like having a specific day each week with a new recipe and another day talking about a specific strength training move.  I think I have been doing that, cool.

More family time!  Even visited the in-laws in CO this year!

2010 was a pretty good year over all.  I need to sit down and think of what I want to accomplish in 2011, but that is another post…

Question:  How was 2010 for you?

Running breakthrough and monthly wrap up.

I made it through yesterday!  I had one more date last night because I was hungry, but fine otherwise.  I don’t know how people who weigh more than I do eat less food than 1500 calories.   Maybe I will just need to get used to it again.  It’s been so long in maintenance where I do just the balancing.  I have really forgotten what it is like to be in true losing mode and not just dinking around mode.  Know what I mean?  But I can do anything for a week.

I got more good sleep last night to the tune of 7.5 hours.  Yay!  I had breakfast first because I wanted to run a bit later outside.  I made up some pumpkin custard oats topped with pecans, honey fluff, and crystallized ginger.

That’s what I’m talking about!  Yum!  I love how the fluff gets all melty.

I worked and let brekkie settle, then set out for an outdoor run.  It was 39 degrees and not windy, so all in all a good run scenario.  I did 3 miles at a nice steady pace.  It was feeling good and easy.  The last 2 or 3 runs I have had have felt very different from all of the ones since I herniated my disk, which has been about 8 months now.   I feel like I have turned a corner and am getting my running mojo back.  I have accepted the fact that I likely have permanent numbness in my knee and that my thigh may feel tight forever, but I am getting pretty used to that.  It was the running ease – relatively speaking- that was missing, and I have felt that the last couple of runs.

I am feeling good enough about it that I am seriously thinking about a half marathon next year.  Maybe. 😯

Lunch time!  I just flopped an egg scramble on a pita with laughing cow and hot sauce.

There was no room for the pear on my plate, so it was on the side.

This was a dry pear… booooo….

Goal check! These were the goals set out for November:

  • Lose weight this month.  I am not putting a number on how much to lose, just some.  I lost 1 pound this month, too bad I gained 4 in October LOL! I actually had lost more, but this was the post Tday weigh in.
  • Do a turkey trot on Thanksgiving.  I took part in a virtual turkey trot hosted by Alissa and did 5 miles!
  • Organize my bedroom closet (scary!).  I have pictures of this.  I did pretty well on neatening it up, but need to purge more and keep it that way (the hard part).
  • No eggnog until Thanksgiving (latte or otherwise).  I  made it to Tday without the nog!

Looking at that, I feel pretty good overall.  I will post some December goals tomorrow.

Afternoon snack time!  Homemade eggnog latte.  If you missed the earlier post, here is John’s lightened up eggnog recipe!

The banana is pictured here for blog space sake, but I didn’t eat it until about an hour after the latte.

John won football picks *again*.   😡 I am going to have to get a 3rd job to pay for all these dinners  unless I start winning some weeks around here!  Stupid Colts.  For those that wonder, John and I do have our own separate checking accounts, although the business account pays for most of our living expenses.   It just makes life easier that way.  Maybe that is why we are still married after 14 years? :mrgreen:

So his choice was Pizzeria Uno.  I perused the nutritional info and noticed a most annoying thing.  They gave the calories for a serving size, and then noted that 2 servings came with each meal.  WTF?  Serve me one portion or give me the tally for the whole plate thankyouverymuch.

Anyhoo, I just went for a basic tonight.  House salad with grilled chicken and blueberry pomegranate dressing- which was 2 servings.  Shall I count lettuce leaves to get my single serving? Actually, I ate both portions since it was about 400 calories with the dressing, of which I used one.

Rainy evening in tonight. Here we thought the tree was safe from Pixie.  Doesn’t she look all “who me?” in this photo:

Now she says, “How did that ornament get on the floor?”

She likes shiny sparkly things like her owner does…

Tonight’s evening snack/dessert.  Attunes!  I haven’t gotten these in a while.

Have a great night!

Calorie Breakdown:  Breakfast: 489, Lunch: 330, Snack (latte and nana): 221, dinner: 410, evening snack: 90.  Total: 1540

Month in rewind and November goals

Last night I put the flannel sheets on the bed. It was so hard this morning to wake up in the dark and think about going outside to go to the gym! But until I set up a squat rack at home, off I go.

It was very quiet at the gym this morning. Maybe a candy hangover from Halloween?

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Squat 1 set of 10 at 45#

1 set of 8 at 65#

1 set of 8 at 75#

1 set of 6 at 85#

1 set of 5 at 90# <—- yippee!

Lower body
Dumbbell Pullover 3 sets of 10 at 25# Back
Barbell Bench Press 1 set of 12 at 45#

2 sets of 8 at 55#

Reverse Crunches 3 sets of 15 Core
Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 at 140# Calves
Lower Back Extension 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low back
Lying Triceps extension 3 sets of 12 with 12# DBs (24# total) Triceps
Single leg Deadlifts 3 sets of 10 each leg with 20# DBs (40# total) Hammies and balance
Upright Row 3 sets of 10 at 30# Shoulders

I tried doing some incline chest work, but that caused shoulder pain, as do full push ups and holding a plank. Grrrrr….. Getting better, but still annoying. I am pleased about adding weight to the squat, though. 100# by year’s end – pinky swear.

Came home to make up some breakfast:

Did you look around to see if you were on Finding Radiance? LOL.  Yes – I had eggs for breakfast!  This omelet had a laughing cow wedge and a crumbled morningstar sausage patty in there.  It was quite tasty.  Today is a no-added sugar day for me and I felt like something different.

Here were my goals for October:

  • One no-added sugar day a week.  Done!
  • Get the scale back below red line as it crept up in Sept. Not done.
  • Hopefully do the duathlon with a goal to beat 1:55. We ended up doing the home duathlon, but completed nonetheless.
  • Work on the side garden bed.  Done!
  • Run the goblin gallop 5K .  Done!
  • Post a photo of something pink each day to raise awareness of breast cancer.  I missed just one day.   Hopefully a lot of you clicked and helped provide free mammograms to those that needed.  Thanks!

So, overall a good month.  I did not lose weight during October.  That was just a matter of too much snacking.  So, that will be first and foremost on November’s agenda.  I’ll get to those goals in a bit.

Here is the garden bed.

I just did a 10-foot strip.  That’s our neighbor’s driveway.  Hope they don’t drive into my new bed… It will take a few years to do the whole side of the house.  I will be dreaming up lots of stuff over the winter time for this fresh patch of soil! 😀

Slow work morning.  Somebody at job #2 fell asleep at the switch and didn’t batch files until the afternoon.  So, I did get some chores done.

Lunch time was some vegetarian chili I made last night from this recipe:

So, here are the goals I have for November (some of these coincide with the Hot 100 challenge, which I am also still doing).

  • Lose weight this month.  My pants are feeling tight.  I am not putting a number on how much to lose, just some.  I don’t want to focus too much on a specific number.  I will do this by reducing snacking and trying to match my caloric needs with my meals and exercise.
  • Do a turkey trot on Thanksgiving.  I doubt I will do the organized one, but I want to run at least 4 miles on Thanksgiving day.  Maybe also just increase my mileage a bit this month as biking is winding down (at least until my trainer arrives).
  • Organize my bedroom closet (scary!).  I’ll even post a picture before and after.
  • No eggnog until Thanksgiving (latte or otherwise).  Those that know me know how dearly I love the nog.  It’s on the scale of candy corn love.

Speaking of lattes: Latte time!

I just sprinkled cinnamon on top.  I don’t miss sweetness in this drink because I don’t drink sweetened lattes. I just may put a little honey or chocolate drizzle on the foam, but not the drink itself.  BTW – we purchase cinnamon in a 1 pound bag 😳

It was hard not wanting to snack before dinner, and I did have a couple Triscuits, but at least it wasn’t a bunch spread with Nutella!  I heated up some chicken (with hot sauce) and added one of the macintosh apples we picked up on Saturday.

Oh my gosh was this a good apple!  Sometimes those humongous apples don’t have the concentration of flavor that smaller ones do, and really fruit in general, I think.  More cinnamon sprinkled on this apple and it was soooo tasty!  You would think that I would eat apples more considering Johnny Appleseed is in my lineage, wouldn’t you?  I need to figure out where the pears and berries come in.

Tonight’s snack will be Halloween leftovers (with some cashews).  This is what we got:

I am very okay with having pretzels in the house.   If they were Reeses PB cups, that would be a whole ‘nuther story!

Tuesday’s recipe of the day will be Almond Joy Oats, so hope you check in for it 😀

Question: Do you have lots of Halloween leftovers?

October goals and off to camp!

Gonna get just a partial post in here today because I am off for the weekend to go camping!
Still pouring rain when I was up at 6:15 (d’oh! – gotta go to sleep earlier). I headed out to the gym to get in a quick strength workout. No real cardio today as I have been pushing that this week with the bricks. It was weird being at the gym in the dark.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Squat 4 sets of 10 at 45# Lower body
Bent Over Dumbbell Row 3 sets of 10 with 20# DBs (40# total) Back
Barbell Chest Press 4 sets of 8 at 55# Chest
Walking Lunges 3 sets of 10 (each leg) with 15# DBs (30# total) Lower body
Captain’s Chair 3 sets of 10 Core
Good Mornings 3 sets of 10 at 45# Lower Back and Hammies
Upright Row 3 sets of 10 with 25# bar Shoulders
Dumbbell Kickback 3 sets of 15 with 15# DBs (30# total) Triceps

Note I did some extra sets. I also did a giant set with the last 3 exercises, where I went through one of each without stopping, then rested a minute and repeated. I was sweating!  And I tell you – I am already feeling those walking lunges – eep!

Home for some pumpkin cream of wheat – topped with a little cream cheese/powdered sugar mix, ginger, and 5 crumbled pecans.

Dang this was a good bowl.

Scrambling to get work done (yay for 1/2 days!) and pack for the camping trip this weekend. I am going with my sister and 2 nieces to a camp and pack weekend.  There is no power in the cabins, so I will be sans internet for the weekend.  Yay? 😯

October 1! My goals for October are as follows (some of these coincide with the Hot 100 Challenge):

  • One no sugar day a week.
  • Get the scale back below red line as it crept up in Sept.
  • Hopefully do the duathlon with a goal to beat 1:55
  • Work on the side garden bed.
  • Run the goblin gallop 5K
  • Post a photo of something pink each day to raise awareness of breast cancer (see bottom of post)

That ought to keep me semi out of trouble for the month :mrgreen:

Lunch time was some leftovers –

Here is the month’s first pink picture!

Not super pink, but close enough. these are coming on the camping trip with me (along with some candy corn!)

Don’t forget to click below to provide free mammograms to those who need them.

The Breast Cancer Site

John is going to drop me off at my sister’s house now and have a bachelor weekend with Pixie (haha!).  Have a great weekend and I will have pics of the camp on Sunday!

July goals and being mindful

Wow was it cold overnight!  It was 48 degrees 😯   What a way to start July!  I decided to try to sleep in as much as I was able to and got up around 7.  I was going to go for a run, but with a high of 70 or so, I figured I would go later and enjoy.  That meant brekkie time!

Custard style banana cream of wheat topped with almond butter and preserves.

Since it was so cold, this bowl was extra yummy!   I then got an early start with work as I like to do on Thursdays.

Pubsgal asked yesterday how long it takes me to do my strength workouts.  While you all know how much I love my lifting, I don’t want to spend all day at the gym.  My strength workouts generally run between 35-45 minutes.  Yesterday was 45 because of the planks.  Those just add time to workouts because of the long hold times.  I rest for about a minute between sets and don’t dillydally around too much.

Lunch break was tuna with lemon pepper and a veggie egg roll (Kahiki brand and only 70 calories!).

And a golden kiwi!

I’ve never had one of these before.  It was sweet and almost tasted like a banana.  The texture was softer as well.  I definitely prefer the regular old kiwi, but this was fun.

Yesterday I did my wrapup for June and did pretty well for the month.  Here is what I have on tap for July:

  • Continue with at least 1 no-added sugar day a week.  This actually isn’t that hard, I have to say.
  • An 80-mile bike ride.  Gonna do at least that one, and likely finish out the 100 as well.  Kind of need to get that done so we can get back to normal biking 😀  Eeeep!!
  • Big challenge – I am not going to step on the scale for 30 days.  I weighed myself this morning and that is it for the month.  This goes along with the next item.
  • Really practice mindful eating and mindful being.  Funny how I like that term better than intuitive eating, and I listened to the 2 fit chicks podcast today and they called it the same thing!  Of course, I need my Lori rules for it, and I will explore those over the course of the month.  I am going to track calories, but more from the ‘what I ate’ standpoint than planning it out.

I have this book out to read as well:

So, those should be fun 😀  I am going to do a separate post on the whole IE/ mindful eating thing.  I started writing it in this post, but it really needs its own (and then people who are just here for food pics can skip that one!).

Snack time!  I had a latte and a couple dates:

After finishing up work, I decided to go out for a run.  I had half of a Luna bar to get a little extra fuel.

Even though I wasn’t hungry, I knew that I would need something to have enough energy for the run.  Still not sure how that really fits in with honoring one’s hunger, but that’s another post.

My run was really good.  This is about the most comfortable I have felt since before I hurt my back.  I don’t know why, but I’ll take it.  I did 3 miles and have no idea of the pace because I had walked to the post office before hitting the track and didn’t bring a watch.

Pretty happy when finished.  It was so breezy that my hair didn’t get totally matted with sweat, which is always a bonus.

I was hungry at that point, so I finished the other half of the Luna bar while fixing dinner:

In a mindful eating mode, I decided to only start with half a pear, as I thought a whole one might be too much since I had a sweet potato (topped with chicken and BBQ sauce).  I was correct about that – so go me!

It’s a chilly evening.  I am blogging from the front porch and John made cafe au lait for us.  We both have jackets on.  Is it really July??

More what’s blooming tomorrow, and probably an extra post on IE/ME.

Question:  Have you ever stepped away from the scale?

May wrapup and goals

I conked out good last night!  My thigh was pretty stiff and sore after the run, so I took a Tylenol PM last night and woke up about 8 hours later!  That is pretty amazing to me.  My legs are stiff today, so I will be taking an easy day today.  It’s also rainy, which limits biking 😀

I was in the mood for some chocolate oats.  Reese’s oats, really 😀

5 grams of cocoa powder with 1 mashed banana and some cinnamon cooked into the oats (plus 2 egg whites).  Topped with nut butter.

Love the voluminous bowl created by the egg whites.

Work still busy today after a slow start. I am so looking forward to my 4-day birthday weekend coming up! :mrgreen:

Lunch time.

All-Bran for fiber, greek yogurt for protein, strawberries cause they’re just good, and buckwheat honey for sweetness.  I also had a 1/2 of a protein drink.

So, here were my goals and the assessment for May:

  • The return to running.  Yep – it happened! Not 100%, but doing good.  I realized that the atrophy in my left leg is not going to be a quick recovery.  Just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean it isn’t going to take a long time to get back to normal.
  • Lose 3 pounds.  Epic fail. I went the other way.  Still just too much snacking and really not being in the losing frame of mind.
  • Go to the dentist. Done!
  • Really, really think about my current job.  Have been. I’m not really in any hurry to make a jump, but I have explored some other options.  (Bagel/donut shop LOL).
  • Try to make the blog more interesting with recipes and  lifting stuff (or anything else you want to see!). Done.  Well, doing really.  I started the lifting move of the week, and I posted some recipes.  I also organized the great veggie experiment page a little better.

So, not too bad on the whole.  Always room for improvement, though.

Afternoon snacks:

This bar was really m’eh.  Would not buy again.

Plus the usual:

FYI, as I don’t think I have ever talked about the lattes.  We use 1 cup of 1% milk (that’s what we drink) and a couple shots of espresso in this.  The foaming makes it really seem like a lot of drink (again the volume eater in me loves this!).  So this is around 110 calories or so, with maybe another 20 calories of honey on top.

June Goals:

  • Enjoy my birthday (the 5th).  I took a couple days off of work so I can do whatever I want this weekend!  You only turn 42 once :mrgreen:
  • 70 mile bike ride.  I know we can do this.  It’s only 10 more than the last long ride.
  • Read more books.  I read voraciously when I do read.  Need to make it happen more often by unplugging the computer.
  • Run a race.  I think we will do the Read/Run on June 13th, if my running continues to progress.
  • Go sugar free for a few days during the month.  Just to make myself aware.
  • Note I am not making a weight loss goal this month.  If it happens, it happens.  No number pressure allowed.

Leftover pizza for dinner.  Pretty tasty, though.

My brussel sprouts got kind of crispy because I got a phone call right during cooking.  Note to self – remove pan from heat, don’t just turn off the burner.

Got most of the soap packed up and ready to go.  I really should make extra for us, but I never get around to it.

Gonna unplug and relax tonight.  This is the snack for later:

If you  have never tried pears and cheese, you should.  It is quite a tasty combo.

Question:  What are your goals for June?

April Wrap Up

Hello beautiful Saturday!  Lazyish morning, although I was up too early.  I made some protein waffles.  I haven’t had blueberries all week!

Deeelicious!  I spent a good chunk of the morning reading blogs and catching up.  Then I actually worked for 1-1/2 hours.  So lame…..  While I was working, John was making up pizza dough!  I thought it was bread, but he asked if I wanted pizza for lunch.  Yes!  I was hungry, though – so I nibbled on some cereal while he baked.

I swear, it does not matter what kind of cereal is in the house.  I will snack on it.

The pizza was a complete success!

That’s ground beef on there.  This was his best crust to date.  It’s actually modified from a baked donut recipe.   He changed it by using 1/2 wheat flour, reducing the sugar to 1 tablespoon of sugar (and made 1/2 of the recipe).  It was nice and puffy and chewy.  This would be a perfect dessert pizza crust too, as written.

So, another month has come and gone.  Lots of things happened this month for me!

The good:

The bad:

The good pretty much outweighed the bad, but the injury took up 3/4 of the month!

I learned a few things this month.  I don’t have to rely on exercise to maintain my weight – or even to lose, really.  I also can handle stress pretty well.  I can blow off steam and be laughing later in the day.  Although, I am thinking about making a swear jar for the month of May (to which John replied that we could fund a vacation with it – he is hilarious, I tell you 🙄 ).

I’ll get to May goals in a second, need to take a yogurt break:

Does this not look divine?  It was!  Coconut lime yogurt topped with toasted coconut.  We biked there.  I wore Triscuit outside for the first time this year, with plenty of sunscreen.  Mid 80s today!

We did 15 miles today.  I was actually 1 mph faster today and it felt really good.  I kind of got a little weepy for a second on the path because I was so, so thankful to be able to ride again.  Even if I am not 100%, I am so happy about this.   I am taking tomorrow off, as I do not want to push it.

Came home and made some dinner!  It’s the BBQ salad, only I had it with pork.

No nuts on it because I ate about 1/2 cup of cashews before dinner 😳

I think I like the chicken better.

Now, where was I?  Oh yes – May goals.

  • The return to running.  I hope this happens.  It all depends on when the weakness in my leg is gone and the leg can support itself.
  • Lose 3 pounds.  There – I put a concrete number on the month!  I actually lost almost 5 pounds in April, which is completely shocking to me.  Who knew a herniated disk would actually help me.
  • Go to the dentist.
  • Really, really think about my current job.  It’s fairly stressful, so I have to decide if all the great benefits it has are worth the stress and low pay.
  • Try to make the blog more interesting with recipes and  lifting stuff (or anything else you want to see!).

I am off tonight to my sisters house and work with Storm.  I am doing something with rally or obedience tomorrow, but I don’t remember what LOL!  So, I have to practice.  I’ll have pics of whatever we are doing tomorrow.

Question:  Do you have goals for May?

Bagels and settling the mind.

I had a great night’s sleep – yay!  I wanted to stay up and watch the short track, but couldn’t make it past the semi-finals.  We headed on out to breakfast at Panera Bread.  I had a french toast bagel.  So good.

The coffee had grounds in it again, though.  What is up with that?? Only in my cup (twice), but not in John’s.  Still trying to figure that one out.

Slow work day this morning, so I got some much needed things done around the house.  I have a monster paper pile I am trying to tame, mostly junk mail, but other things as well.

We went grocery shopping today, and strawberries were on sale for $2 a pound!  You know who bought 3 boxes 😀  I had to incorporate into lunch today:

This is one of my very favorite combos – greek yogurt, strawberries, and hemp plus granola.  I have had cereal out of the house for quite a while, so I let a little back in.  I buy it from the bulk bin, so I can get as little as I want.  As you all know, I have a cereal snackage problem at times.
I need to see how well I do with this in the house.  If I am okay, we might buy a box of Kashi next week.   Baby steps.

Now that things have settled down, I have myself into a good routine again.  However, I am finding my mind still all over the place and racing around.  Meditation doesn’t seem to work as I can’t stop thinking about stuff.  Things that happened, things that are happening, things that could/are going to happen.  I guess I am just an inherent spazz, I don’t know.  Maybe it will just take longer to settle down my head and the longer I am in my physical routine, the better that will get?  I have decided it’s time to make some decisions on goal weight and all that and what I want to do.  After I finish work tonight, I am going to sit down and write out the pros and cons of what that will take and share them tomorrow.  I at least need to outline my goals for the week.

Went out for a chilly walk (not as warm out as yesterday!) then came back to a snack of this (x2):

And a latte.  I am so spoiled having my own barista in John, as he makes these pretty much every day for me since I started my job a year ago.

I also got some Cedar’s Lemon Hummus at the store today.  Gosh I love that stuff!  I used it for dinner in wrap with chicken.

Brussels and a very juicy bit of cantaloupe on the side.  I love fruit so much.  I swear that if fruit contained protein, that is all I would eat other than bagels :mrgreen:

After signing off, I am going to have a snack of crustless pumpkin pie.  John stole a can from my pumpkin stash 😯  and made this, so I am darn well going to eat some!  It’s yummy, though.  Who says pumpkin is just for Thanksgiving??

And because you all seem to like her pictures, Pixie posed for you doing what she does best:

Question:  Do you ever put a food ‘on hiatus’?

Goals for the New Year!

Welcome to the new decade!  I am posting my goals today for the year so I can find them easier come the end of the year LOL!  I like to call them goals instead of resolutions because the  word resolution brings up “resolute” in my mind- which seems like trudging with head down and not enjoying.  Goals are positive, achievable, moveable, and changeable!

I loved how 2009 ended up being a big fitness achievement year for me:

(Rocking the Triscuit – best.purchase.ever.)

Fitness Goals:

The same Duathlon for sure!  A few 5K.  The number of races will be a little dependent on finances, as they get expensive to keep doing, but for sure Silk & Satin and Goblin Gallop.

I would love to do a day where I ride 100 miles on my bike this summer.  I will achieve this with incremental increases in mileage each week.

Possibly a 1/2 marathon.  This is also something I can’t quite commit myself to as it might interfere with the 100-mile bike and the duathlon as far as training goes.  Biking is always my first love 😀  I have the 1/2 picked out to do if I so choose to do it in the fall.  I am going to increase my base running distances this year (I still can’t believe I am writing that!) and do speed work so I will be ready if the opportunity presents itself.

Weight Goals:

Okay, I am going to be ambiguous here.  First and foremost I am going to maintain at a minimum.  I am still struggling with whether I am at goal now or if I do that little extra required to get to a specific number.  I am pretty happy with how I look now, but I know deep inside that I could do a little more.  I think most of you know what I mean. It’s just a matter of a little more dedication and commitment to it.   Controlling snacking is a big thing for me.  This probably needs its own post. 😉

Food Goals:

1. Continue to eat more locally, particularly the meat.   This is for eco reasons and to support our local economy.

2.  I am taking a few days each week where I don’t record my food.  I actually did this in December some. This is not intuitive eating, as I pretty much have a running tally in my head, but it is a challenge to myself to stay on track without being dependent on the computer 😀

Misc Goals:

Sell my rental house.  The big one!   This was never intended to be a rental and I want to sell it so that I can move on with other plans.  This will go with plans to increase income this year so that I can do other things.

I would like to do some volunteer work, but I have not picked out a specific yet.

Organize my blog a bit, like having a specific day each week with a new recipe and another day talking about a specific strength training move.

More family time!

I will be doing dog training with my sister in February.  I would also like to get going on a monthly game night where we all get together and play board games.  Scheduling is hard with that

Doing something with my hair!  I started growing it out last February when it was really short and now it is in the awkward teenage stage.  I have not been to the salon in almost a year.  Need to decide what I want to do with it.

And, as always, to be radiant 😎


So there is a nice mix of specific and non specific goals.  Seems like a lot, but not really.  I’ll probably add to and modify as life dictates.

2009 in review

2009 was an interesting year.  Here was my list of goals to complete that I did Jan 1 of this year:

1. Do a sprint distance triathlon. Specifics – the tri is picked out for this summer, and I have a 3-month workout plan to follow to do the training.

2. Run a 10K race. Specifics – I will continue with running my 5Ks with intervals and then will start adding longer runs once a week to build endurance.

3. Continue my eating plan. Specifics – I will work on my recipes and plan meals so that I make it as easy for myself as possible to stay on plan.

4. I will hit goal of 135 by doing all of the above.

5. I will donate blood 6 times again this year.

6. Work on my Spanish. I have CDs, I need to use them.


1. Did the triathlon!

2. 10 K race I did not do.  I skipped over that and did a duathlon instead.

3. Eating plan I pretty much did all year.  I struggled some during training with knowing how much to eat, but I learned a lot training for events.

4. Goal of 135?  Nope.  I have maintained a weight range, though.

5. Blood donations – I will get 5 in this year (the last donation will be Monday!)

6.  The Spanish was a no go.  Totally blew this one.  I need to brush up as we are going to be in Mexico at the end of Jan.!


Other things (good and bad) that happened this year:


Long weekend in New Orleans with my sister!

I accepted a job offer in a new field.

Joined the Y to train for the triathlon

Bought a GoWear fit.


Lost Chloe, my sweet companion of 18 years.


Started New Rules of Lifting for Women


Moved Finding Radiance to its own domain


Hit 1 year of maintenance of a 100-pound loss



First 50 mile bike ride


My longest run ever – 8 miles


I had my first ever mammogram

I rescued a little kitten on one of my runs

13 years of wedded bliss 😀




Finished New Rule of Lifting


My first chin up!

This was the year of fitness for me.  I didn’t intend for it to be that way; it just happened!  I would have loved to hit my goal weight, but in some ways the fitness accomplishments mean so much more because of the incredible challenge that some of them were.  I can’t say that I am not disappointed with my weight.  I learned a lot about training and eating during the last year, so hopefully I can improve on that next year.

Later this week will be the hopes and goals for 2010!  I’ve got several musings posts this week (but don’t worry, there will be food pics 😀  )