Category Archives: holidays

Back on track in the aftermath.

Well – today I got right back in my familiar eating rhythm. I feel so much more comfortable eating my foods in my portions. Not that I didn’t enjoy yesterday, because I did, very much. It’s just that the routine makes life so much easier.

I ate well, and I got in a strength training workout. No shopping for me, thank you very much. I will be cyber shopping this weekend.

So, if I am going to try to lose 4 pounds by Christmas, I need to really step things up. This is going to be hard with the goodies around, and just time wise squeezing everything in. It might mean an extra cardio session per day. I need to really decide if I am going to go all out for the next few weeks, or just keep plugging along.

I am going to shave off a few calories per day by going a little lower fat while still eating the same volume of food. Not too low, maybe 20-25% fat. That’s just switching to 1% milk for a while, which will save me about 40 calories per day.

If the weather is good next weekend, I will run another 5K. Jingle jog! With my sister, my niece, and possibly John.

Another on plan day.

Provided I get through the next few hours without raiding the fridge, another clean eating day with a good workout under my belt.
Tried to stay lower calorie again (1350). I will do well tomorrow until dinner, we are going out and I don’t know where yet – so that could present a bit of a challenge.

Breakfast will be out at Starbucks, and I am going to have the perfect oatmeal again. That will make me happy, even though it isn’t a bagel!

It just seems like there are oceans of food out there right now through the rest of the year. Platoons of cookies, special treats at the coffee shop (Cranberry Bliss bar, I am looking in your direction), hearty cream soups, eggnog. It’s kind of hard to decide which of those things to plan in, and which won’t be. I guess eggnog something is in, because that only comes around for a short time (thank goodness), except we do actually make nog, so I suppose we could do that anytime.

I was just thinking this morning that if I actually lost 4 pounds during the holiday season (which is feasible) I would be at goal for the beginning of the year. Now how about that for a New Year’s Resolution LOL. Kind of ironic to get to goal the time of year when you are supposed to be setting a goal.

Kick off to the eating season has begun!

Today is the day that typically marks the start of the food frenzy to the end of the year. I think a lot of people already have Jan 1st marked in the back of their minds as a point to restart, so then loosen up from now until then end of the year.

Fall is my favorite time of year, I love the cooler weather, fall colors, and of course the beginning of baking season! I do love me some home made cookies. I hope to reach goal at some point this year. I managed last year to continue to lose weight during the fall and christmas months, and lost about 10 pounds from November 1st through Jan 1.
I do have 2 days where I will allow myself to eat more food than usual. Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. More so on Christmas eve, the last 2 years we hosted the family dinner and John and I love to cook and bake. So that day is one where I choose to eat a lot, and I really enjoy it.

The other thing I have trouble with at this time of year is eggnog lattes. I have only met one other person who can drink eggnog like I can, and I happened to marry him LOL! For some reason, I can drink a big glass of it and want more. I know most people think it’s too rich and can only have small amounts, but not me! So – I do let myself have one or 2 during the season. We also will make them at home with light eggnog cut with milk. That helps satisfy the craving without too many extra calories.

So, vigilance is the key for the next 60 days, allowing treats, but not to excess. Making sure I keep up the exercise and plan my eating to account for the extras.