Category Archives: Lower body workout

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: Cardio Overdrive Express (25 minutes), 20 minute walk

Split squats: 3x 15 10 pounds
Standing leg kickback: 3 x 15 45 pounds
Glute bridges: 3 x 15
Standing hip abduction: 3 x 15 45 pounds
Seated leg press: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Dumbbell deadlifts: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Seated calf raise: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Crunches: 3 x 15
Reverse crunches: 3 x 15
Plank: 3 x 30 second hold

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: Leslie Sansone Woman’s Walk (30 minutes)


Jump squats: (These are hard!) 3 x 15
Barbell good mornings: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Dumbbell side lunges: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Pliets: 3 x 15 10 pounds
1 legged seated calf raise: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Seated leg extension: 3 x 15 35 pounds
Trunk twists: 3 x 15
Side jackknifes: 3 x 15
Double crunches: 3 x 15

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: Leslie Sansone Walk & Jog, 30 minute walk.


Standing leg kickback: 3 x 15 45 pounds
Standing hip abduction: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Seated leg curl: 3 x 15 25 pounds
Seated leg press: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Seated calf raise: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Dumbbell squats: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Dumbbell deadlifts: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Crunches: 3 x 15
Reverse crunches: 3 x 15
Oblique crunches: 3 x 15

Felt tough today, especially the squats.

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: LS Walk and Jog (150 cal), 25 minute walk ( 150 cal)

Lower body and abs

Seated leg press: 3 x 15 105 pounds *
Seated leg extension: 3 x 15 30 pounds *
Lying leg extension: 3 x 15 25 pounds *
Pliets: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Standing leg kick back: 3 x 15 45 pounds *
Seated calf raise: 3 x 15 105 pounds *
Crunches: 3 x 15
Reverse crunches: 3 x 15
Side bends: 3 x 15

* = done on the bowflex

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: 2 mile WATP, 30 minute walk


Static lunges: 3 x 15 BW
Dumbbell squats: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Barbell good mornings: 3 x 15 20 pounds
Seated leg pulls: 3 x 15 25 pounds
Seated leg adduction: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Standing calf raises: 3 x 15
Standing jackknife: 3 x 15
Crunches: 3 x 15
Trunk twist: 3 x 15

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: 2 mile WATP this morning (150 cal), then 30 minute jog (300 cal).

Strength: Lower body and abs
Dumbbell deadlifts: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Plies: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Seated leg press: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Seated calf raise: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Standing leg abduction: 3 x 15 35 pounds
Standing leg extension: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Crunches: 3 x 15
Reverse crunches: 3 x 15
Bicycle: 3 x 15

I feel totally awesome today!

Lower Body and Abs

Yesterday I ran a 5K race, which I didn’t record here.


Cardio: 2 mile WATP

Quads, glutes, hammies, calves, abs.

Dumbbell good mornings: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Seated Leg pull: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Seated leg adduction: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Static lunges: 3 x 15 Body weight
Seated leg extensions: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Bent leg raises: 3 x 15 Body weight
Standing oblique crunches: 3 x 15
Side jackknifes: 3 x 15
Planks: 3 thirty second holds.

Lower Body and Abs

Cardio: 30 minute WATP DVD

Strength: Lower body and abs

Dumbbell deadlifts: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Dumbbell squats: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Pliets: 3 x 15 10 pounds
* Standing hip abduction: 3 x 15 40 pounds
* Standing leg kickback: 3 x 15 40 pounds
* Seated leg press: 3 x 15 105 pounds
* Seated calf raise: 3 x 15 105 pounds
Trunk twist: 3 x 15
Crunches: 3 x 15
Reverse crunches: 3 x 15

(* = Bowflex)