Category Archives: Pixie

Coconut water and easy mac and cheese.

Since I didn’t lift yesterday, I went to the gym today.  I am starting to recognize the regulars there.  They are always doing the same stuff!  It was nice when I first got there, I had the place all to myself.  That only lasted for about 15 minutes, but it was fun while it lasted 😀

New lifting gloves:


About $15.  I like them – the padding isn’t too thick, but it is sturdy enough so that gripping the weights is comfortable.  Hopefully these will hold up better than my others!

Did a misc routine today as I have finished this stage of NROLW:

  • Romanian deadlift with upright row (my favorite!)
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Incline chest fly
  • Seated lat row
  • Horizontal wood chop
  • Planks
  • Arnold press
  • Then treadmill walking

Came back and made delicious protein pancakes!  I have found that adding in 1/4 tsp of baking powder makes them nice and fluffy.  And if you add protein powder, it should be brown rice or soy powder.  The whey protein makes the pancakes tough, in my experience.


In response to some coconut water questions, here is some more info about it.


Many people confuse coconut water with coconut milk.  They are really very different.  Coconut water is the juice from young, green coconuts and is pretty much clear.  It has a very light coconut taste and almost sweet, but not quite.  It tastes kind of like water with some coconut extract in it.  I think if you drink sports drinks, it will likely taste very bland to you. I actually like the flavor.  I got some with Mango extract in it and it was quite tasty.  I purchase it in the natural foods aisle at Hannaford stores.  I am not sure if megamarts carry it or not.  You can check where nutritional supplements are sold, because it might be there.

Unlike coconut milk, coconut water has no fat.  It has more potassium than a banana (670 mg per 8 oz),which is why it is great post workout!  It also has magnesium, calcium and phosphorous.  The only thing it is missing is more sodium (for a complete electrolyte drink).  The calories are very similar to Gatorade – about 60 for 8 ounces.

Compare to Gatorade:

Coconut water ingredients:  Coconut water (fruit extract, if used), ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Gatorade: water, sugar, table salt, carbohydrates, electrolytes (110 mg sodium, 30 mg potassium, 93 mg chloride), high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, glucose, fructose, and sugar. Then there is the kind with the sucralose.

I really only use this to supplement long exercise sessions.  If I run for over an hour, I will have some.  Or a really long bike ride or brick.  Otherwise, I just fuel before the workout.  I am always amazed at the jolt I feel right after drinking it during the workout.  Guess that means my body needs it.  Too bad races can’t get sponsored by a coconut water company instead of Gatorade!

John and I went to visit Pixie at the vet’s today.  She was the only animal in the kennel area.  She started meowing right away when she saw us.  She was still a little groggy, as they have her on pain meds.  3 of her feet are all tightly wrapped up.  They looked so small!  Of course, that was just because of the compression.  She was purring and seemed fine.  The staff said she was getting a lot of loving and was being very friendly with them.  Wish my new doctor was like the staff at the vet!  She’ll be coming home tomorrow.

Made the quickest and easiest mac and cheese ever for dinner!  It took 3 ingredients:


While the pasta cooked, I pan sauteed the broccoli.  Then I added 1 wedge of laughing cow to a bowl, topped with the broccoli and the drained pasta and mixed well:


Perfection.  I rarely eat pasta as you don’t get much for the calorie buck and I am more of a bulk eater, but this was definitely yummy!

Question:  Do you drink any sports drink?  Which one do you like?

Bagel day and the kitty

Well – I had success last night with the cupcakes.  I planned on having 1 and a cup of coffee, and that is what I stuck to!  I really wanted a second one, but it was the start of my September challenge and needed to be on the correct foot. It was a small cupcake, too 😀


No weights this morning as I had to drop off Pixie at the vets at 8 a.m., which is smack in the middle of normal Wednesday weight lifting.  So, we  decided just to bike to bagels this morning.  I’ll do some weights tomorrow instead.

On the way there, we saw some turkeys!  I think it was a mom and a few little ones.


Got to our usual place where I had my usual multigrain with maple cream cheese!  Yay!  It was tasty.  I was really hungry.


Lots of work to do today.  All the doctors are back from summer vacations, so the work is piling up.  Guess that is a good thing 😀

I was excited to try the Chobani pineapple yogurt for lunch.


I opened it up and found that it was fruit on the bottom, which I don’t care for too much (it’s way too sweet for me).


This yogurt really had a tasty pineapple flavor, but it’s too sweet.  I mixed in some Kashi Heart to Heart (love).

So, it was a little depressing at the vets office today.  I have shown you pictures of Pixie’s giant feet before.

pixShe has 7 toes on the front, but she also has extra toes on the back feet, which is pretty unusual.  The problem is that some of them are deformed and the claws grow really funny.  The vet recommended I get her declawed to prevent ingrown claws and infection.  She also has this problem on the back feet with one toe (yes, she is just weird!).  I have been putting it off because I really didn’t want to have her declawed, but I have to put her best future interests ahead of my own feelings.  So she was taken in today to have that done.  She will be gone for 2 days!  Although we will go visit her tomorrow.  As if I didn’t feel bad enough, the receptionist handed me a card that Chloe was due for her rabies shot this month.  For those of you who don’t know, Chloe was my 18-year-old cat who passed away at the end of March.  I realize that I had forgotten to tell them that she had passed away, as I took her to the cremation place which is at a different vet.  Of course, they wanted to talk about what happened, as they liked Chloe a lot (she had spent a chunk of time at the office in the last year and a half).  I kept my composure there, but started crying as I walked home.  That kind of put me in a funk today.  Now the house is all empty.  I really miss both of the kitties.  At least Pixie will be back on Friday.  It’s amazing what pets can bring into your life and the hole they leave when they aren’t there.  I am not going to fill that with food, however.

Snack with afternoon latte:


Not Raisinettes, but Craisinettes!  They are covered in milk chocolate, but I had a coupon and really wanted to try them.  Very good.  Too good.

Dinner was another grilled wrap.  Don’t you love getting into food ruts? LOL.


This one was the usual broccoli, laughing cow, and chicken, but I added a little A1 sauce to it.  Yum, but a bit messy.

Did some shopping at Dick’s tonight where I got some new lifting gloves!  I’ll take a pic tomorrow of those.  I think I might get some running shoes with more of the gift certificate money, but I can’t decide.  So, we went out for coffee 😀  Decaf Americano:


I was going to talk about coconut water today, but I will save that for tomorrow since many of you probably didn’t even make it down this far LOL!

Hope all you September challengers are getting off to a great start!

Hot and humid and pineapple!

Boy howdy it is hot and humid!  I was feeling fatigued, so I took yesterday off from doing anything.  This morning I decided to go out for a run since it was early and hopefully not too hot.  Just 3 miles (haha – I can’t believe I wrote that! I still can’t believe I’m a runner).  It felt pretty icky for the first mile, I really do not like running in humidity.  Doesn’t matter if the temp is in the mid 60s – humidity sucks!  And then my battery died on my MP3 player after that first mile, too.  Oh dear!  It was on my pace running from (episode 23, my favorite!), which I was looking forward to doing.  So, I just plodded along and finished.  I’m glad I did it early, though, because it started getting really steamy when the sun broke through!

Came back and made what looks like a boring bowl, but was really quite delicious:


  • 40 grams oat bran
  • 12 grams chocolate PB2
  • 1 small banana
  • 4 grams dark cocoa powder

Delicious!  I let it cool down to mostly room temperature, which seemed to make it tastier.

Pixie said “Don’t bother me, it’s too hot!”


She is so durn cute when she sleeps like this! (Yes, that is my foot – don’t you love my work attire?)

Lunch was something different.  I got some Laughing Cow wedges at the store the other day.  I forgot how much I love these (well, it is cheese, after all!).  I had a hardboiled egg in the fridge and decided to make a mini bagel toasted with the cheese and the egg sliced on it.  Really good!


Okay, I am now in love with a new bar – the TLC pumpkin spice bar!


It’s not a protein bar, so at least it isn’t packed with soy.  The topping is made from dates, I can tell the flavor, plus pumpkin and spices on a softish granola bar.  Yum.  Paired with my latte.

John grilled up some chicken for dinner, and I was cutting up the pineapple while sauteing my broccoli.  I had a great idea to add the pineapple to the broccoli, then chopped up the chicken and added some Country Bob’s sauce.


Can I tell you how amazing this was??  I swear that fresh pineapple and canned pineapple are almost 2 different fruits.  They taste so different.

Pretty flowers I got from the garden.  I am trying to clear a path so people can actually walk through the path LOL!


I liked the pineapple so much that I am having a snack with it while I write this post 😀


Tomorrow I start my first day at my new gym.  Went today and got signed up.  It was a little testosterone heavy while I was there in the late afternoon – so I for sure know to avoid it at that time!  I asked when the least crowded times are, and  I should be safe around 7am.  This gym has a definitely different feel than the Y.  Guess they need a lady around there to show them how it’s donelifter

Storms are rolling in, so better sign off!

Don’t miss the Fullbites giveaway post here!  Ends Thursday!

Question:  What do you do different for exercise when it is really hot out?