Category Archives: snacking

Lifting Move of the Week

Glad you all like my jersey! 😀 I purchased it from here.  Woke up a little tired and puffy today.  Had a protein drink and biked to the gym:

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Stiff Legged deadlift 3 sets of 10 with 65# bar Lower body
Chin ups 2 sets of 2, 2 sets of 1 Upper body
Split squats 3 sets of 10 (each leg) with 35# bar Lower body
Close-grip lat pulldown 3 sets of 12 at 50# Back
Push ups 3 sets of 10 Chest
Reverse Crunches 3 sets of 12 Abs
Arnold Press 3 sets of 12 with 10# DBs (20# total) Shoulders
Calf Raise 3 sets of 10 at 110# Calves
Triceps pull down 3 sets of 12 at 30# Triceps

Strength Training Move of the Week:  Stiff-Legged Deadlift. This is one of my very favorites.  Maybe because it is easier than a regular deadlift 😛   Actually, I really like how it works the hamstrings.  With this exercise, it is important to keep the knees from being locked and hyperextended.  Did you know it is very easy for women to hyperextend their knees?  Bend from the hips and not from the waist because you want to use the legs and not the back for this. Also, you want to squeeze your butt at the top of the move, just for that little extra something.  Note how I keep my head looking up during the move.  I found that if I do not do that, then my my shoulders droop and my back rounds out.  Funny how keeping your head up keeps your shoulders back.

Link to video

(I edited out the sound today to something better than the godawful stuff at the gym.)  You can go lower down than this, too, but I find my back rounds too much when I do much lower, or I lock my knees.  My form isn’t always perfect, but I really try.  Also, this can be done with dumbbells.

John was out playing poker last night, so when he didn’t show up to meet me, I wasn’t too surprised and just texted him that I was biking my way to breakfast.   He texted me back a bit later that he was on his way via car (I was about 1/2 way to bagels at this point), so we were able to meet up.  I had a nice wheat bagel with maple walnut cream cheese:

I snarfed this down.  I think I need to eat more on Wednesdays before I leave the house.  I have a protein drink before going to the gym, but I think a strength workout plus a 14 mile bike ride needs more food.  Even though half of that ride is after breakfast.  I have noticed that every single Wednesday I am so hungry for breakfast that it sets up the rest of the day as a snacky day.  Will experiment next week with this.

I ended up just putting my bike in the car and riding home with John because I was feeling a little tired and lazy. 😳

Break from work for lunch.  More tuna.

I laughed when I noticed where I had set the other can of tuna on the shelf after I opened up the package.

Note to self – it is extremely important that you remember there is only 1 can of tuna left.  Do not eat any other cans…..

That cat food is what we call ‘kitty crack’ around here.  Pixie gets 1/4 can a day of this junk, along with her Iams weight control/hairball dry food.  She adores this stuff.

Had a slice of this apple yogurt cake that John made.  It is very good.

I finished it before I even got my latte.  Ooops.  Nibbler is out in full force today.

Cause this happened before dinner:

This was up high and I even dragged a chair out to get some.  Just being honest here.  Today has been a challenge.

I had a hankering for grilled cheese for dinner.  So, I made some using  1 oz of colby jack and 1 wedge of laughing cow.  Then I added some sun-dried tomatoes for an adult version.  I remember the old days of slathering butter on the bread and a boatload of cheese…..  Now I sprayed a little ICBINB on the bread and used Pam to grill it.

I have to say that this was really good and a much healthier version of grilled cheese. The sun-dried tomato really gave it extra flavor.  And it wasn’t greasy in my hands!

So tonight is a battle with Nibbler going on, I think.  Wish me luck.

Question:  What’s your favorite sandwich?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Sunday to all (or Monday morning, likely).

Met my parents at Panera Bread so we could take them out for a  bagel for Mother’s Day.

Had a nice chat on this cold and blustery day!  Thanks for having me, Mom!  And thanks to my MIL for having John :mrgreen:

It looks like I have a black eye in this picture LOL!

Unfortunately, I had to work today (as per every Sunday).  At least it was busy.

I made a quick lunch of tuna salad.  Shared a pear with John today instead of eating the whole thing as usual 😀

I would have loved to take another ride today, but it is seriously cold out here.  I don’t even think it got to 50 and it is windy.  There is also a freeze warning for tonight and tomorrow night, so I have to cover up a whole bunch of plants!  Hello May – where are you??

I had a Kind bar for the first time.  They were on closeout at Hannaford for 89 cents each, so how could I pass them up?

Note how you have not seen protein or any other kind of bars on this blog since late February.  I gave them up cold turkey because I was starting to eat them like candy bars.  Not sure if this bar counts or not.  It was quite good.  I need to make my own.

With a latte:

Made with love, per John….

Been really trying to keep from snacking.  I had more than one cookie yesterday 😳   Here are the cupboards with what is currently out of reach for me:

That would be chocolate chips, peanuts, cashews, Kashi cereal, and Sun Chips.  It does work pretty well, surprisingly.

Dinner time!  Did someone say BBQ chicken salad?  Oh, it must have been me.

New birdie has come back to be on the feeder today.  This isn’t a picture I took because he flew away, but it’s a tufted titmouse.

Judy Howle Photo courtesy of NAS

I love my feeders.  They are very entertaining.

Evening sweet:

Plus some unpictured crackers.

Not much wise and wonderful to say today.  My mind is actually fairly calm for a change.  Need to bottle that.  I am hoping to have John’s maintenance post up early this week! I look forward to his answers.

Who cooks around here?

Hi to all the new visitors who came over from Caitlin’s blog!  Hope you stick around for a while and feel free to say ‘hi’!  Join me on my snacktacular day, won’t you?

Took an easy day today.  I did wake up early and got right down to making breakfast.  Banana custard oats topped with nuttzo and fluff.

I really like this combo.  The banana was bigger than usual, though, so these were a little on the sweet side.

How about the authorities catching that NYC car bomber?  How fast was that??  They rock!  I can’t believe how little they had to go on and found a suspect so quickly.  If only all suspects were caught so fast.

Anyway, I got down to work fast today.  I like days like today where it goes by quick.  Pit stop for lunch.

Scrambled egg wrap with laughing cow and hot sauce.  I made a real mess with this wrap, too.

Then the snackies started hitting me.  Hello PMS.   I got a piece of toast with nutbutter.

Then a couple of cookies with my latte 🙄

After I finished up work, I took a walk.  Went fairly far today, which was good.  Then I had another snack when I got home before dinner:

Why I put fluff on a date is beyond me.  This was beyond sweet!  If the nut butter had been a salted kind, it probably would have made me have another, though.  That sugar monster sure is a beast sometimes when he gets loose.

I had someone email me and ask who cooked in our household.  Well, the answer is that we both do.  We tend to eat at the same time, but we don’t always eat the same thing.  We each generally fix our own breakfast and lunch, although we sit together and eat most days (unless I am up early and John is still sleeping).  Dinner time can be the same food or not.  As you know, I love my broccoli.  John does not like broccoli.  So, I am always cooking that for myself.  If I make a sweet potato, we generally share it.  One or the other of us will often fix the protein choice, and then we each add our own sides.  John does not eat as many veggies as I do, and he tends to eat more carbs with dinner than I do.  Sometimes one of us will cook the whole meal, like soup or stew or pizza.  We both really enjoy cooking.  We often work in tandem in the kitchen.  Kind of like an old married couple.  Not that we’re an old married couple or anything…

For example tonight, we were eating up leftovers, so we each had our own items.  I used cooked chicken for…..

wait for it….

You knew it was coming.  😀  Yum!  (Celebrating National Salad Month, too) John had pork, strawberries, and Sun Chips (which I snuck some of).

Speaking of Sun Chips – have you tried these with the new compostable bag?  This is the loudest bag ever!  I can’t believe how much noise it makes.  I decided I am going to put this bag to the test and bury it out in a spot in my garden and see what happens.  I’ll take pictures along the way.

Also, I am going to be doing a little interview with John now that he has maintained his weight loss for 6 months or so.  If you have anything you want to ask him, email me or post in the comments.

I am going to be snacking more tonight.  Ugh!  It’s just been one of those days.  We are going out tonight for some coffee and to pick up a few groceries – more fruit for me, yay!  We normally shop just once a week, and then pick up more milk during the week.  I have a feeling I might be nibbling on something with my latte….

Question:  How many times do you shop in a week?

Working for the weekend

Woke up to a big change in weather today!  Cold and windy.  Hit the gym for 4 miles on the hamster wheel.  It went by so fast – yay!  I think I like 4-5 miles as just a good solid run where I don’t get too tired, but feel like I got a great workout.

Came home to make some quick-cook steel cut oats made with a mashed nanner and a blob of PB and jelly!

Tasty. : It creeps and leaps and glides and slides across the floor:  Anyone?

John is back at court again today for deliberations.  They had better hurry up and finish! 😯

The weekend cannot get here fast enough!  Today should have been my last work day of the week, but I am going to have to play some catch up tomorrow.  We are getting trained on new software stuff for work, and the training was so superficial that it left a lot of us confused.  So, we could ‘volunteer’ for extra training to help understand it, which means unpaid training.  During the conference call, even the trainers were unsure of stuff.  One of my biggest pet peeves I have is time wasting.  It’s especially noticeable when you work on production.

Grrrrr…..  that kind of made me angry and frustrated today.  It makes my work day longer, because I still have to make my line commitments on top of the unpaid training.  I talked to my supervisor about how I felt it was unfair and all she said was “I know it is”.  ❓  WTH?  I like working at home, but sometimes I think I would be better served doing something else.

Lunch was a tuna wrap and some baked lays, all of which I munched while I had the phone muted for the conference call today. Even if other people waste time, at least *I* can multitask. :mrgreen:

My frustration led to some chocolate chip snackage.  I hadn’t eaten any chocolate chips since Sunday!  It doesn’t help that we ran out of milk this morning, so I did not have an afternoon latte as per usual.  I knew I was doing it, but sometimes the “I don’t care” voice is stronger than the voice of reason….

Regarding the Attune bars – check for them in the refrigerated section of your grocery store by the yogurts.  Or if your store has a ‘natural foods’ section, try there (again refrigerated).

Look at what it looked like outside at 2 pm:

Don’t you just get cold looking at this picture?  It didn’t last long and the sun came back out, but it is cold and windy.

John came home for an hour in the afternoon as they got a break from deliberations, but he has to go back!  Deadlocked since last night.  They fed the jurors lunch and they are getting dinner for them tonight.  I had some of the leftovers for dinner tonight.  My tax dollars at work paying for 1/2 of a calzone!

I miss my hubby.  It’s almost 7:30 and he still isn’t home yet.

Have to get back to work tonight and I have to start packing at some point 😀  Gotta find my shorts.

Hopefully I will get caught up on some blog reading tomorrow as well!

Question:  What is one of your pet peeves?

An Egg-cellent day!

The end of the work week has arrived for me!  It’s been a busy week, that’s for sure.  I am so ready for New Orleans and the cruise (9 days and counting…..).

Today was a run day at the gym.  Seeing more new members, which is good (as long as they don’t take my favorite treadmill!).  I noticed it is definitely lighter out in the morning now when I leave the house.  Spring is coming! Right?? 😉

I put on Harry Connick Jr today (25) and hit ‘start’.  While I like this album, I think it was too mellow for running.  I did 6 miles, and did the last 3 miles at 6 mph.  Felt good!  I was incredibly sweaty today, though, more than usual (which is already pretty scary). I’m getting used to 6 miles as a base distance now….. maybe.

Came home and wanted oats today, and decided to make them custard oats!  I used 1 serving of liquid egg whites.  I almost used a regular whole egg, but I wanted the fat on top in the form of peanut butter!  One thing I love about the egg white in the oats is the volume you get out of the bowl.  For only 30 calories and it about doubled in size.

Cooked with a banana mashed in and topped with peanut butter and some peach grand marnier jam that was made locally.  So awesome!

One of the reasons I posted my snacks yesterday is that I do worry that there are people who copy what I eat or who email me saying I don’t eat enough 😯 , and I want to make sure that people understand that I actually eat a lot of food, particularly because I work out so hard, or just because I eat too much sometimes :mrgreen:   I don’t like how I tend to snack so much, because it isn’t always hunger.  It’s not really boredom either, since I am working.  It’s one thing to bring snacks to work and eat them, but since I work from home – there is *always* stuff around to eat, cause I live here!

I was in the mood for a waffle sandwich for lunch, so here comes the 2nd installment of eggs:

There was an egg in the waffle mix, plus the egg/egg white fluff on the sandwich with laughing cow.  Plus an awesome red pear.  I think red pears are my very favorite pear.  Bosc pears, not so much.

I rocked on the football picks again.  Okay, I just squeaked out a win this week, but I’ll take it!  I decided on dinner instead of breakfast out.  Our original plan was to go to Rock Hill Bakehouse, but when we pulled in it was incredibly crowded.  I think it was open mic night or something?  So we went across the street to Wholy Crepe.

I already had eggs for breakfast and lunch, so why not dinner, too?

I had a chicken and broccoli crepe.  How sad that I can’t get out of my rut even when eating out 😳  It had a dill sauce with a tiny bit of cheddar cheese in there.  Served with a side salad.


Of course, when you are at a crepe place, you must get a sweet one.  We decided to split an apple crisp crepe.

Not sure how they formed this to be a bowl, but it was a cool presentation.  The crepe was filled with apple crisp, drizzled with caramel and had a most fantastic whipped cream with it.  Sooooo goood!  I wish they would get rid of the florescent lighting, though.

Now for a relaxing evening and Project Runway!  I have a lot of things to do on the day off, including working on the rental house to get ready for the open house and broker open.

Question:  Have you ever had crepes?

All the bits and pieces

Wednesday!  Only 2 more work days for me.

Had a date with peanut butter (while frowning at my finger) before hitting up the gym.  I did 10 minutes on the stationary and then hit up the weights:

  • Chin ups:  1 set of 3, 2 sets of 2.  These are not getting any easier.
  • Dumbbell pliet squats:  3 sets of 15 with 25# dumbbell
  • Arnold press:  3 sets of 15 with 8# DBs
  • Wide grip lat pull down:  3 sets of 15 at 50#
  • Split squats:  3 sets of 15 with 25# plate
  • Bent over dumbbell row:  3 sets of 10 with 20# DBs

Then I got on the treadmill for walk and run.  I just stuck 1 mile of running in there with no intervals.  My hammies are still pretty tired from all the dead lifts I did on Monday!  I listened to Gaelic Storm today.  Talk about making you want to move!  45 minutes went by in a snap!  I think I may need to find some more podcasts to listen to just to mix things up.  Anyone have favorites to share?

Then I swung by and picked up John, who was on his way walking to meet me and got our Wednesday staple!

And some of this:

To answer a couple emails – I do not put everything I eat onto the blog.  Just most stuff.  I doubt that you all would be interested in seeing the 3 or 4 chips I grab or bite of something John is eating LOL!  I haven’t been putting my pre workout snack for a while because it is dark in the morning when I get up.   However, just to show you – today will feature a snap of everything that passed my lips.

While decided what to make for lunch, I had this:

Lunch was a smoothie made with 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, oat fiber, fresh pineapple, coconut, and cinnamon.

I should have used ice, as it was somewhat lukewarm, which isn’t really to bad on a cold day, but maybe not the most refreshing.

Afternoon snack was the standard latte:

and a protein hit of this:

I wasn’t the only one snacking:

Pixie was sitting all pretty for a picture forever, but then she yawned just as I snapped this!  At least she is awake.

While thinking about dinner, I snacked on some of these:

Food Should Taste Good chips.  I lurve this brand.

Dinner was my world famous BBQ chicken salad!

Hello Rutville – population: Me 😀

Plus a tart American kiwi.

Finished up work later tonight and made a nighttime snack of chocolate chips and pretzels.  Unpictured on this are the few peanuts I sprinkled on there.  See my snacking problem?

I have an announcement to share tomorrow morning 😀 Stay tuned!

I will leave you with something that I say a lot, and it happened to be in a newspaper article I was reading this morning!

It’s true!  Do you speak to yourself positively all the time?  You should 🙂


Lifting and chowda!

Another chilly day today.  Okay, it’s way past chilly LOL.  This is the time of year where a 100-year-old house loses some of its charm.  It’s almost like we can see dollar bills getting sucked through the heating vents….

Braved the cold to hit the gym, of course.  Still more people than usual.   Wonder if that will carry over into next week?

  • Chinups:  2 sets of 2
  • Romanian barbell deadlift:  3 sets of 8 at 75 pounds

Alternating sets:

  • Barbell bench press:  3 sets of 8 at 55 pounds
  • Seated lat row:  3 sets of 8 at 55 pounds

Alternating sets:

  • Reverse lunges with 1 dumbell on shoulder: 3 sets of 8 at 20 pounds
  • Arnold press: 3 sets of 10 with 10 pound dumbbells
  • Horizontal cable woodchops:  3 sets of 8 at 40#

30 second rest between sets again.  Then it was 40 minutes of walking on the treadmill.  I was lame and read a magazine while doing that today.  Unlike Jody, who really challenges herself!

Home to pick up John and off to bagel Wednesday!  There was a bowl of puppy chow at the cafe, so I had some with coffee while waiting for my bagel.  I was starving.

Then the arrival of the breakfast star.

I really have to keep myself from wolfing these down on Wednesdays because of the time it takes from finishing my workout to actually eating is much longer than my normal days.  Hangry!

I noticed my arm is still a little sore from the blood draw on Monday.  I have myself a little bruise!  This tech put the needle up too high, right at the crease in my arm, and then the supervisor had to fiddle with it, so that made the hematoma.

It’s purty, isn’t it?  It didn’t really hurt during, though.

Using up those corporate waffles for lunch!  I made an egg sandwich with laughing cow.

I cooked the egg in the microwave.  I know some of you do this, but those that don’t should try it.  It takes about a minute and the eggs come out nice and puffy.  This is 1 egg and 2 whites.  Don’t overcook or it’s like chewing on rubber bands.

Had a fun snack today:

Honey roasted peanuts and dehydrated mini marshmallows.  Sounds weird, but it fits that sweet/salty thing I so adore.  Of course, multiply this x2.  Guess the sugar monster is still hanging around.

Work has been somewhat slow today.   There are times when I wished that I worked a job where I was paid the same no matter how much work came in, because when there is no work – I don’t get paid! But, there are other perks that make up for it most times.

So it seems about half of you have cruised before.  I really liked the cruise we did 10 years ago because we could do whatever we wanted.  We ate very casually instead of the formal dining, because that just isn’t us.  I am sure it is going to be better with 10 years of technology that has passed, too.  When John and I were having breakfast this morning I was talking about how I was looking forward to running on the ship (there is a track on deck).  I so wished that I took a picture of his face 😀

Speaking of John  – here he is slaving over some clam chowda for dinner!

While I was waiting for soup, I roasted up the last of the brussels:

And then soup was on!

John is a good cook.

Hopefully I will have a longer run tomorrow morning.  I can’t believe it is New Year’s Eve on Thursday!  I need to start thinking about my goals for next year.  Might have something to do with working on my snacking 😉

Family day!

Whew – what a busy, busy day!  Hence the reason for the late post.  I also was going to do a post on the naming of this blog, but I think I will wait on that and post next week, as it deserves its own post 😉

I woke up early for the gym today.   Da muscle:

  • Chin up:  2
  • Barbell squats:  3 sets of 8 at 85 pounds
  • Widegrip lat pull down:  3 sets of 8 at 60 pounds
  • Pushups:  3 sets of 10
  • Static lunge:  3 sets of 10 with 25 pound plate
  • Prone Cuban snatch:  3 sets of 10 with 10 pound dumbbells.
  • Incline reverse crunch: 3 sets of 10.

I challenged myself today by doing 30 second rests between exercises instead of 60.  Then hopped on the treadmill and walked for 40 minutes.

In the spirit of the Hot 100 challenge to myself of spending time with family – I invited my parents out to bagel day today!  Even my dad came, which was nice – although he doesn’t eat breakfast and just had coffee.  Bad blogger that I am, I did not get their picture…. I had a nice bagel,though:

Still with lots of work to do this week.  I am thankful for that.  Some doctors are trying to play catch up with all of their old files before the holiday and we are getting dumped on with work!

Lunch break was a quesadilla – Smart carb wrap spread with laughing cow cheese, BBQ sauce and cooked chicken pressed between 2 fry pans:

It was yum!  Plus a side of carrot sticks.

Snack of champions:

I ate too many snacks today.  I just could not get satisfied for some reason.

More family time tonight included meeting my sister and niece at the dog obedience training tonight.  Here is my sister with Storm:

And then my niece Logan with Annie.  Annie is the old lady at 10?  She’s also deaf, so training can be difficult, although she is still quite good at it 😀

Logan is going to a junior handlers show next month.  None of us had had dinner (I was working right up until I left), so we stopped at Subway afterwards.  I broke my corporate meat rule and had a turkey sandwich:

It was kind of m’eh.  It’s been so long since I have eaten Subway.  We used to eat their quite a bit.  I still am surprised sometimes at how my tastes have changed over the last couple of years.

I somehow agreed to do weekly training classes with one of my sister’s dogs starting in February.  How did that happen?  😯

Ornament of the day:

This was the 2nd ornament I did this year.  It’s a little loose, but I like the colors.

Sorry for the disjointed post tonight.  Still have things to do and I have not opened up my google reader yet today!

Stress eating and scented gifts

Check out the gingerbread cookie recipe if you haven’t already!  I didn’t put nutritional info there because it really will depend on the size of the cookie and whether you use the protein powder or not.

I took last night off from blogging and the internet in general.  Unplugging is a good thing at times!  I had half a post written, but that will go to internet recycling.  Sometimes I feel a pressure to post every night, but then I realize it’s okay not to do it!  I just really enjoy it most times.

It was soooo cold when I got up this morning.  0 degrees F.   I slept in since it’s my weekend!


All layered up!   I love this sweater. John and I got up to put on the coffee pot and have a leisurely breakfast instead of me exercising:


There’s a layer of blueberry sauce on the bottom, too :mrgreen:

I blew the snacking today.   I gave in to some stress eating.  Turns out we won’t be refinancing the rental property after all.  I am pretty bummed, but it was a lack of detail reading on my part.  Can’t refinance for 3 years on this house, not 2.  Sigh…..  So many phone calls later and dipping my hand into the honey roasted peanut jar while on hold and such.  It’s okay, though.  I was very upset for a little while, but it’s only  money, right?  There could be many, many worse things.  We just need to hash out a new plan.

Even after eating nuts, I still wanted lunch 😀


Egg salad!  This is one of my favorite sandwiches.  I grew up thinking I hated egg salad, but what I really didn’t like was egg salad with pickles and soggy with too much mayo.  My egg salad is a little more on the dry side.

We got a nice gift from one of our suppliers.  Usually they send candy or nuts or chocolate or something scary, so we looked at the box with some trepidation.  Well, this was inside!  Nice scented things 😀


Will have to see what the other companies send. Fingers crossed they are more like this one!!

Afternoon this:


Included a little bit of this:


Hey, it’s my weekend, right?

Ornament of the day:


Another one I made this year.  John says it looks like a spider, but it is supposed to be a snowflake!

I will give you dinner pictures and end this post – look what happens when I take a day off = epic post!  Is anyone still here??

John’s football dinner that I was required to purchase included a side salad and we split a cheese stromboli.


It’s basically a calzone that is rolled up instead of folded over.  I think there is less cheese this way?  Although there was still enough 😆   I am so glad John splits these things with me!

On a side note, is anyone receiving RSS emails from my blog anymore?  They stopped on the 11th and I am getting a feed error that I cannot get rid of for the life of me.  I may have to reburn my feed, I don’t know.  Can you believe I am thinking of taking some PTO just to get my blog cleaned up and organized?? 😆   Now that is a dedicated blogger!

Question: Do you fear food gifts?

NROLW and more camera woes.

In an effort to be extra green this week, I decided that I was going to bike to the gym no matter what this morning.  I didn’t even check the weather to see the temperature, I just bundled up and went.  I knew it was above freezing because there was no frost on the car 😀

I have 1 week left of New Rules of Lifting!

  • Barbell squat:  2 sets of 8 at 85 pounds
  • Dumbbell squats with heels lifted:  4 sets of 15 at 20 pounds
  • Overhead shoulder press:  4 sets of 20 with 12 pound weights
  • Step ups:  4 sets of 15 with 25 pound dumbbells
  • Underhand grip lat pulldown:  4 sets of 15 at 60 pounds

Man oh man.  I am not liking this part very much.  I love lifting, but this is pretty intense.  I tend to take a little more than 30 seconds between sets and that is what makes this so rough.

Walked on the treadmill for a bit and then biked home.  The sun was bright and shiny, so the ride wasn’t bad at all.  I cannot believe I am still getting on my bike in mid November LOL!  Biking makes me so happy.

If you read my post earlier, you know I had steel cut oats for brekkie.  Num, num.

I will show you a pic of my cafe au lait that accompanied it – even though the Broncos do *not* deserve to be featured on my blog right now…..


Annoying day at work today.  Tough dictators makes for slowness and frustration.  Ah well, not every day is quick and easy, right?

Took a lunch break for another waffle sandwich!  I am so into sweet and savory right now.


This sandwich was roasted turkey breast, laughing cow cheese, and apple butter!  And yes, to answer a question, I do toast the waffles.

So, my new camera is acting up.  Okay, my refurbished camera is acting up.  You can see what is happening on this post.  That pinkish hue gets on a lot of my photos and the LED screen gets all funked up.  It doesn’t happen all the time, but too many times to just deal with it.  It’s under warranty, so I was on the phone with Olympus to get it straightened away to send to them.  Of course, they won’t tell me if the repair is under warranty until they see the camera, but come on!

I am so addicted to taking pictures that I am panicking about not having this camera again.  Although my mom is going to let me borrow her new camera.

Snack with my latte:


So yesterday evening was not a good eating time for me.  You know how I blogged about wanting to eat yesterday?  Well I did.  I managed to have some toast with apple butter, some dark chocolate chips and pretzels and a little leftover bread pudding during the course of the football game last night.  And I did not feel full!  What the heck is up with that?   How could I possibly not be full?  Bah!  So, today is really one of those days where I leaned out the calories to make up for that.

No broccoli for dinner tonight!  Heehee.  I did a basic sauteed chicken breast and roasted brussel sprouts, plus some applesauce.


A-1 sauce for dippin’.  I am in a roasted, sauteed vegetable rut.  Like you all couldn’t see that for yourselves!  Although, I like my ruts.  Guess that’s why I get in them!

Evening snack for MNF:


This is pretty good.  Nice coffee flavor, although I don’t drink sweetened coffee, so it was a little weird to have a sweet coffee flavor in my mouth.  I like the gingerbread larabar better.  What I really need to do is make more of my own.

Question:  Are you in any kind of rut now?