Category Archives: Upper Body Workout

Upper Body Workout

Feeling better enough to do some exercise!

Cardio: 30 minute Leslie Sansone DVD


Hammer curls: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Bench dips: 3 x 15
Triceps kickback: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Seated shoulder press: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Rear deltoid row: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Push ups: 3 x 15
Incline bench press: 3 x 10 40 pounds
Seated lat row: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Lower back extension: 3 x 15 40 pounds

Upper Body Workout

Cardio: Leslie Sansone Walk & Jog (150 cal), Firm Cardio Overdrive (250 cal)

Strength: Upper body

hammer curl: 3 x 15 10 pounds
incline bicep curl: 3 x 15 11 pounds
tricep kickback: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Overhead triceps ext: 3 x 15 8 pounds
Upright row: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Bent lateral raise: 3 x 15 8 pounds
Seated lat row: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Lying dumbbell pullover: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Incline dumbbell chest press: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Incline dumbbell fly: 3 x 15 10 pounds

Upper Body

Cardio: Leslie Sansone Walk & Jog (30 minutes). Walk to and from the post office: 30 minutes (with a big hill).

Strength: Upper body

Bicep curls: 3 x 15 8 pounds
Hammer curls: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Triceps kickbacks: 3 x 15 8 pounds
Bench dips: 3 x 15 body weight
Front raise: 3 x 15 5 pounds
Upright row: 3 x 15 8 pounds
Seated lat row: 3 x 15 40 pounds
Lying lat pulldown: 3 x 15 30 pounds
Dumbbell flat press: 3 x 15 18 pounds
Flat dumbbell chest fly: 3 x 15 10 pounds

Upper Body Workout

Cardio: 30 minute walk

Strength: Shoulders, chest, back, biceps, triceps

Pushups: 3 x 15 (failed on the last set)
* Resisted punch: 3 x 15 25 pounds
Kneeling dumbbell row: 3 x 15 18 pounds
Lying dumbbell pullover: 3 x 15 15 pounds
Hammer curl: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Bicep curl: 3 x 10 10 pounds
Triceps kickback: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Lying dumbbell triceps ext: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Arnold Press: (I like these) 3 x 15 10 pounds (failed on last set)
Lateral raise: 3 x 15 5 pounds

(* = Bowflex)