Tag Archives: bagels

Bagel Wednesday and Amy’s Kitchen Organics

Wednesday – you know what that means!  We headed out on the bike path today.  The temps were in the mid 50s, which is a perfect morning ride temperature.

This part of Glens Falls is going through a rebirth.  It had some questionable buildings (aka flophouse) which are now closed and there will be some demolition.  This coffee shop opened in one of the restored buildings.  The Empire Theater building.

My cuppa joe:

And my wheat bagel:


The sun broke out today, so we had a sunny ride home.  3 cheers for vitamin D!  It was quite a nice day for a ride.  12 miles round trip.  Gotta burn off some of that cream cheese.

Lunch time came pretty fast as work was busy all morning.  I made up a salad and crushed some tortilla chips on top for a little crunch.

Interesting, but I think I like nuts better.

I received a fun box today from Amy’s Kitchen.  They have 4 new Light and Lean Organic  meals, and offered me a sample of each of them to try.  I used to be the Lean Cuisine Queen back in the day and I haven’t had a frozen entree in years.  I didn’t like the processed taste after a while, but these sounded interesting.  Being organic, I figured they were a few steps up from LC, right?

The best part?  They were packed in dry ice!  That meant John and I could geek out for a while.

Outside?  Pretty boring.

Inside – instant fog machine!

Dry ice is so fun to play with.  I brought the bowl over to Pixie thinking she might find the bubbles interesting, but she was was all “get that out of my face”. :mrgreen:

After keeping my face in the smoke for a while, I began wondering if it was possible to  suffocate from dry ice vapor, so I figured it was time to make dinner.

John and I each had an entree.  Mine:

Official description: Rotini pasta tossed in a light tomato sauce and tender shallots, organic asparagus spears and broccoli florets. Just 210 calories, 5 grams fat, and 470 mg sodium. (haha – you know with broccoli florets I was all over this one)

John’s entree:

A mixture of organic black beans, tofu, brown rice, vegetables and cheese tucked into a tortilla covered with tomatillo and ranchero sauces. Organic brown rice with carrots and sweet corn complete the meal. Contains 240 calories, 4.5 grams fat and 480 mg sodium. Gluten free.

We chose to cook these in the microwave.  I didn’t want to wait 45 minutes to cook in the oven.  Does anyone ever cook frozen meals in the oven?

Mine cooked for 3 minutes, stirred and another 1-1/2 minutes.  Voila

Actually pretty close to the picture, just not with cheese on top.  It mixed in when I had to stir the entree.

Served avec poire:

The taste?  I actually liked it quite well.  I find that often times frozen meals with veggies always taste heavily of bell peppers.  Maybe it is just me, but that was my experience.  Not the case here. The pasta was not gummy or mushy and the veggies were surprisingly fresh tasting.  Not often that asparagus appears in a frozen meal. I definitely could have used more cheese, though.  What I really liked was that the pasta was not over sauced.  Too many time frozen dinner have gobs of sauce and 3 pieces of pasta.  Overall I was quite impressed with the quality.

John’s meal:

There was sauce pictured on the box of his meal, but it must have soaked into the tortilla, which made it a little chewy.  He really liked the flavor of the enchilada.  The enchilada filling had a nice spice to it. The rice was good, but a little on the bland side (I agreed with that).  He said that cooking in the oven would probably be the best method for his dish. His meal was gluten free, too.

These meals retail for $4.89 per meal, which is on the high side, but then again, they are organic and of definitely better quality than a Weight Watchers or Lean Cuisine.  And pretty low in sodium for a frozen meal at around 470 per meal.  We have 2 more to try as well, so you will see those sometime 😀

Evening snack for me tonight is some of this:

Question: Have you ever tried Amy’s Kitchen products?

Disclosure:  I received these items from Amy’s Kitchen to sample, but the opinions expressed are my own.

Bagel Wednesday and the snacks

It’s Bagel Wednesday!  John and I were up pretty early. Since my gym days are switched this week, we just left from home, which meant my legs were feeling pretty strong without having lifted.  The path was so pretty today.  It’s getting greener for sure!

We arrived at the North Country Coffee Cafe after 6 miles.  I had my usual wheat bagel.

It was almost over toasted.  The cafe seems to be doing pretty well. They opened late last fall.  I hope it keeps up for them.

Then we zipped home.  12 miles under the belt today!  Spring feels good right now.

Very busy at work right now. Also good.  I took a lunch break:

I wonder who invented hot sauce… and why?

I got snacky again today.  This really has to stop!  I munched on some peanuts.  Then I baked up a couple cookies from frozen dough to have with an almond milk latte.

Must be the wheat I ate or something, but it is a little discouraging.  Normally I have day of snacking, but this has been several.

I took a break in the afternoon to get my hanging planters going.  I also noticed a ton of new tulips out today.  Not as nice as the Tulip Festival, but they make me smile.

Friday’s what’s blooming will showcase at least 4 new tulips.

Dinner time.  I cooked up a small yukon gold potato.  That is my favorite kind of potato and they come in small sizes instead of big footballs.  I topped it with some cooked chicken and buffalo wing cheese.

I added extra hot sauce after the picture was taken. :mrgreen:

After nibbling on chocolate chips, I am making a vow. No more snacking tonight!  I am going to find my Altoids and not eat anything else.

Question: How do you get out of a snack attack?

Veggie day #3 with bagels!

Rain! Our river is flooding again. Scary stuff. I think the ground could have handled spring rain if we hadn’t gotten so much snow during the winter. Needless to say, I did not bike to the gym.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Split Squats 3 sets of 10 at 55# Lower body
Seated Lat Row 1 set of 10 at 40#

1 set of 8 at 55#

1 set of 6 at 70#

1 set of 4 at 85#

Dumbbell Fly (flat) 3 sets of 15 with 10# DBs (20# total) Chest
Captain’s Chair 3 sets of 10 Core
Calf raise 3 sets of 12 at 140# Calves
Lying Triceps extension 3 sets of 12 with 10# DBs (20# total) Triceps
Upright Row 3 sets of 10 at 30# Shoulders
Good Mornings 3 sets of 15 with 35# bar Low Back and hammies
Biceps curls 3 sets of 10 with 25# bar Biceps

Note I brought back some arm moves for variety.  On a side note, that ‘trainer’ guy who has given me ‘advice‘ in the past was talking about how he took last week off because his shoulder hurt and it was because he got air in the muscle.  Apparently, when you tear the muscle, air can get in there from taking deep breaths (no I am not making this up) and cause pain.  I said he might want to go see a doctor if his lungs were leaking air.  Don’t you want to hire him? :mrgreen:

I picked up John for Bagel Wednesday! My usual whole wheat with cream cheese and Ethiopian Harrar coffee.

With all this rain, I brought the bike inside on the trainer again.  Sigh.  At least I am riding.  I have it in the living room taking up space that we really don’t have with the renovation going on.

Friday I should be back outside weather-wise, though.

Lunch time included some plain greek yogurt, strawberries, and some Fiber One carmel delight.

Good stuff.  I get snacky with this cereal, though.

It was a slog with work today.  You all know what kind of day I mean.  It just seemed to take forever today and then there was some down time with no work for a while.  It’s surgery day, so I don’t get those files.  I hopped on the trainer and did some riding 😀

Afternoon break was nutty.  Almond milk latte (added protein powder) with a side of peanuts!

My version of mixed nuts. Is that legal?

Doing well on the vegetarian front, although I would like some meat.  Last night I repeated the rice lentil dish.  Tonight was some palak chole.  I don’t like beans, but I do like lentils and tolerate chickpeas pretty well.

Interesting, but this recipe page is the most hit upon page on this blog.  Isn’t that funny?

More nuts today.

John made some candied pecans to take to his poker game tonight.  I lurve these nuts! Whenever we go to a fair, just smelling these nuts is enough to make me go crazy. Good thing they are exiting the house or I would be eating more.

Bagel Wednesday and tulip update

Rainy and dreary today, which meant no biking to bagels this morning. I frowned at this last remnant of snow on the north side of our garage.

Go away!

I did some treadmill walking before starting out.  The gym was totally empty when I first got there because the early young guys are on spring break and away.  That works for me!

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Close Grip Lat Pulldown 3 sets of 12 at 50# Back
Cable standing leg curl (link) 3 sets of 10 at 30# Hamstrings
Horizontal Wood Chop 3 sets of 12 (each side) at 20# Core
Pushups 3 sets 10 Chest
Seated Calf Raise 3 sets 12 at 140# Calves
Pliet Squat 3 sets of 10 with 35# DB Lower Body
Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 12 with 10# DBs (20# total) Shoulders
Lower Back Extension 3 sets of 12 at 80# Low Back

The guy that hogs the cable machine was not there, so I did a couple exercises on that and lingered.  Sweet! Then I went and got John and we headed to North Country Cafe for brekkie. I had a wheat bagel.

John had a cinnamon scone which was really good!

Note:  I had to take 3 pictures of John because he was goofing around. 🙄

It was thundering out by the time we left to go home.  Good thing we didn’t try biking (I had thought about it).

I am really tired of this cold spring.  I looked at my blog last year and had some tulip blooms already.  Not this year.  Our house is cooler as well (cause we’re cheap) so my seedlings are still small.  Good thing, I guess, as they couldn’t go outside anyway!

This weekend also looks to be cool and rainy, so I made an executive decision to take off Friday afternoon and go for a long bike ride as that is the only nice day coming up.  Then I will just work Saturday morning.  I will do whatever it takes to get my fanny on the bike! :mrgreen:


More roasted sweet potatoes.  With tuna.  24 grams of protein, baby!  Then I read Kelly’s post about the worm she found in her fish.  I just don’t know if I can eat any more fish (except fish poppers).

John made up lattes today, per usual.  Going to need a new machine soon.  I takes as long to make the lattes as it does dinner now.

I also had a date with almond butter, not pictured, but very good.

Work was slower in the afternoon, so I got some guitar practice done.  I have been so consistent with that this whole year.  Think it was the promise to video myself that is doing that.  Plus now I can play and it sounds like something as I get better.

Dinner was quick and tasty.  I heated up chicken breast and topped with Laughing Cow and hot sauce.

The dish of blueberries is my easy blueberry sauce (done in the microwave tonight, guess that works!).  It made a tasty side dish.

After dinner, I checked out how the tulips are going:

Some sun would certainly help these move along. (I’m looking in your direction Mother Nature…)

Painting tonight and a snack to be had.  Think it will involve pumpkin!

Bagels and wheat cravings

Happy Hump Day! I slept really well last night for whatever reason. I practiced guitar right before bed and maybe that had something to do with it? I was ready to get to the gym. I was raining steadily, so no biking.
I walked on the treadmill and then I jogged for a few minutes. My knee is doing so much better, so why not bring back the thing that irritated it? 🙄

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Lying Leg Press 3 sets of 10 at 100# Lower Body
Plank 3 sets of 70 second holds Core
Flat Dumbbell Fly 3 sets of 15 with 10# DBs (20# total) Chest
Good Mornings 3 sets 10 with 55# bar Low back and hammies
Single dumbbell row 3 sets 10 with 20# DB Back
Stationary lunge 3 sets of 10 each leg with 35# plate Lower body and balance
Lateral Raise 3 sets of 10 with 8# DBs (16# total) Shoulders
Seated calf raise 3 sets of 12 at 140# Calves

I met John partway as he started walking to the gym (It’s 2 miles away) and we hit up Orange Cat for Bagel Wednesday!

I love this giant stuffed animal there.

Looks a lot like this one:

I wonder what it is like to live with no shame?

Anyway, I had a blueberry bagel with cream cheese.

The cream cheese was really cold, so it didn’t spread very well at first. This blueberry bagel is really good.  It is a downstate bakery bagel.  Soft and chewy, but not too chewy and very blueberry tasting.  I commented to John about how much I enjoy these nice mornings out.

I have alluded to this a bit over the last month, and I think I am noticing a pattern now.  As most of you know, I have been lowering carbs and increasing fat since about February.  I have done that mostly by eliminating breads and grains except for 2 or 3 days a week.  I have begun to notice that on the days that I do not have grains and get my carbs through fruits,veggies, and dairy, I have no snack cravings.  On the days that I have a bagel for breakfast (protein drink before doesn’t matter) or crackers, I get cravings to snack during the day.  I am pretty sure this is happening on those days.  Is that not weird?  For instance on Monday and Tuesday, I was grain free and absolutely no desire to snack (nibble of macaroon was all I wanted).  Today?  I wanted to snack in the afternoon and some in the evening.  What I need to notice now is if this is a wheat (gluten) thing or a grain thing.  I need to try a day with non-gluten grains and see if I feel the same way.  I don’t know if this is in my head or what, but I definitely am really going to pay attention now.

Lunchtime included more of that socca bread (recipe coming Thursday).  I toasted up a slice and put some BBQ chicken and an LC wedge on it.

I quite enjoyed that.  I like the socca bread very much and think it has a lot of potential as a base for things.

Speaking of snacks, this is what I had with my almond milk latte this afternoon:

Plus some nibbles of homemade granola bars that John made to take to his poker game tonight.

With such a dreary day, I wanted a bright and colorful dinner.  I did up some sweet potato topped with LC (2 wedges in a day!) and sauteed broccoli.

One thing about sweet taters, they are filling.  This was 100 grams of sweet potato, which seems dinky when you have to slice a hunk off a big potato, but quite filling.

I need more protein today, so a protein drink will be quaffed later.

Working on the room tonight.  Here is a pic of our new wall!

It actually looks like a room now!

That is the pocket door opening.  I really hope it works LOL

Question: Do you ever notice certain foods setting off cravings for you?

Bagel nosh

Put your hands together for Bagel Wednesday!  :mrgreen:   I know Helen joined me today.  Guess all my photos on the blog have some sort of effect on people…eep. 😯

I rode the trainer for 1/2 an hour this morning before we headed out for the carby goodness.

Wheat bagel.  This was big and fluffy, too.  One nice thing about later starts to a day is having a relaxing time for breakfast every day.

With coffee.

Dreary and rainy today, which hopefully will not turn over to snow.  It is warmer, too!  Although not so warm that I didn’t have some arm candy today while working.

She likes to hug my arm and it is so durn cute.

Lunchtime was a funny mishmash bowl.

This had plain greek yogurt (2%), 1/4 cup brown rice, 1 tsp honey, strawberries, and 1 tbsp of flax meal.  Kind of tasty, though.  Sort of like rice pudding.  I  got out of habit of yogurt during the winter, but it will likely make a comeback.

I got some sweet salt cravings this afternoon, so I had some peanuts.

There are some chocolate chips buried under there as well.  Just because these items  are up high (at John reaching level) doesn’t mean I won’t drag a chair over and help myself from time to time.  It just makes it occur less often than if they were in the pantry.  Oh, the games I play.

It was also latte time.

I’ve been planting some more seeds, so pretty soon there will be little seedlings popping out all over.  I may have gone a bit overboard (Mom – hope you are ready for plants this year!).  I am so getting itchy for gardening and outside biking.  I do love having the bike trainer, but I was just saying to John this morning that I want the bike outside very badly right now.  I want the tires to meet asphalt (on it’s way to a bagel!).  I looked at my blog from last year at this time and we were out riding already.

Dinner time included a buffalo chicken wrap.  I baked off a bunch of chicken today to have for a lot of the week.

I am starting to find it weird to be eating bready things other than the bagel.  I am liking my no wheat days in a lot of ways, but I need to really pay attention a little more and see if what I am noticing really occurs when/why I think it does.

Tomorrow is St. Patty’s Day.  My family is Irish and proud to be so.  I heard someone at the coffee shop is closing their office and taking the day off to go drink.  How dumb is that?  It’s one thing to go out and have fun at night, but seriously people.  We are going to cook up some shepherd’s pie with a sweet potato twist tomorrow.

I have some more work to do tonight and have a snack of some sort.  Make sure you all get your green out to wear for St. Patty’s Day! :mrgreen:

Lovin’ the bagel and patience

Yep – it’s that day of the week!  We were both up very early and I suggested to John that we go have breakfast and then ride the bike trainers.  He pretty much jumped all over that suggestion, so we were out the door a little after 7 am for breakfast!  Normally I would be working out at that time LOL.  This was Adirondack Coffee Company.  Cute little coffee bean display here (with snow outside).

I had a wheat bagel with some Ethiopian coffee.

We talked more about the plan for the half bathroom.  This weekend will start the dry fitting for the plumbing, which is a little scary, but I know we can do it!

After we got home, I worked some and then hopped on the bike trainer.  I watched TV for a while and the Weather Channel says more snow tomorrow. 👿  That made me pedal faster out of annoyance.  Then I decided to read.  I ended up doing 12 miles in 45 minutes, which was quite a good clip!  Felt good, too.

Lunch time was a BBQ chicken sandwich on a magic roll.

I need to name them something else.  Both John and I get that song “Magic Bus” in our heads whenever I mention them and it is getting very old indeed.

Work was slow in the afternoon, so I practiced my guitar (which I have been quite diligent about – go me!).  I opened up to a new page to start work on a new song:

and saw this at the bottom of the page:

Have faith that the full extent of your aspirations can be realized with time and patient effort.

Nice, eh?  It can be applied on so many levels to life.  Sometimes we want results NOW! and it just doesn’t happen that way.

Time for addiction:

42 and still with dimples :mrgreen:  Funny how those stayed when I lost weight.  I thought they might disappear, but they didn’t.

Easy dinner tonight.  More of the SeaPak Popcorn Fish.  They are all gone now and we are for sure getting more!  They look like tater tots, don’t they?

Last of the strawberries as well.  I think we are going to run out of fruit this week as we shopped a day early. Ruh-roh.

Chocolate dessert was some rocky road dark chocolate from a package that Marisa sent me.  She went to Trader Joe’s looking for peanut flour for me, but came up with this instead.  So very thoughtful!

These are up high because it is so easy to eat a bunch!

Working tonight and singing “lalalalala” with my fingers in my ears so I don’t hear more about any snow overnight into tomorrow…  If I don’t hear it, it won’t happen, right?

Question: Are you patient?

National Bagel Day

I got an email today from a reader who said it was National Bagel Day (Thanks, Kim!).  I must have intuitively known because I already had one 😀

If you are reading this on Thursday, go ahead and have a bagel – doesn’t matter if it is a day late!

John was up pretty early.  He isn’t playing poker so much, so now his sleep schedule is more like mine.  We headed out to eat before exercising.  Off to Orange Cat so I could have a bagel.  John is trying to go wheat free, so we went there because they have gluten free bread.

My blueberry bagel with cream cheese:

My coffee selection.

So much better than Panera Bread! Work was slow when I got home, so I hopped on the trainer and rode for a while and finished up the Taubes book while on there.  I think I will do a review on it.  There is a lot to digest if you pardon the pun.

I was hungry for a morning snack, so I finished of the blueberries:

I thought we might go out for dinner, so I had a veggie at lunch just in case.  John won the last football picks of the year and he was making noises about want me to pay up.  So, I had the 1-minute pumpkin muffin (minus sugar) topped with the peanut flour.  Plus brussels sauteed in coconut oil.

I know this looks sweet, but it really isn’t.  Although it certainly could be.

I made some coconut butter this afternoon, which I will do a recipe post on soon.  It’s just blended coconut.

This is good stuff.  One of those things where it is definitely worth it to make because it is really $$ to buy in the store (if you can even find it).  I had a spoonful of this straight up because it was so good 😯

Then it was time for lattes.  I had one with almond milk and protein powder today.  With cinnamon on top.

Not that enamored of the almond milk for lattes, I have to say.  Dairy won’t be leaving my life any time soon.

John decided that he was going to save his meal out for another day (after his gluten free experiment is over).  So, I had my backup plan ready:

Answering a question here.  I do eat more with a dinner salad than a lunch salad.  This one has 4 oz of chicken and 1 ounce of feta, plus a tbsp of sliced almonds.  For lunch, I usually have 3 oz of chicken and 1/2 oz of feta.  Lunch is usually my smallest meal of the day.

I will probably have some fruit and cheese for a snack later, but it is back to work I go.

Bagel on, my friends!

Bagel day makeup!

First off – a big hello to all the new Girl-Hero readers that have visited in the last couple of days.  I was honored to be asked by Jenn at Girl Heroes to do a feature on me.  You can view the article online here.  Please feel free to email or leave a comment if you are new.  I promise I don’t bite very hard 😀

I got up to ride the trainer this morning and will save the weights for Friday.  The snow stopped and the streets are all clear now.  It’s actually sunny and pretty:

We only ended up with about maybe a foot.  It varied a lot around the area.  I think being before the mountains buffered us a little bit.  Now that the roads are clear, it was time to make up bagel day!

Wheat bagel with some coffee.  It was so good, although the cafe was on the cold side.  I sure missed my bagel yesterday.

We came home and cleared the last inch or so out of the driveway that came overnight.  We have a very loooooong driveway.  Probably 100 feet.

See how there is no place to put the snow?  If we get a lot of snow that doesn’t melt, our driveway looks like a bobsled chute by the end of the season.

I know I owe you all a review of the Geneen Roth book, but I might have to wait until this weekend.  My mind has been preoccupied with the job situation the last few days.

Lunch time brought about one that I had earlier in the week because it was good with John’s muffin:

This was just regular low-fat vanilla yogurt, though, and not my Greek.  Not only did I steal half of  John’s muffin, but I took some of his yogurt, too!  Such a good wife 😀

I put out some feelers today with transcription companies and taking their tests. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people looking for work and not a lot of jobs, as with any industry.  My other part time job does not have any other accounts to put me on, so I have to try to make full time with the one I have if I can.  With having this other PT job, I also can’t get unemployment from losing the first- so I hope it works out.   Well, it will work out – I just don’t know how yet :mrgreen:

Snack time!

It is such a good thing that coffee is a legal drug or I would be so on the dark side.

I rode the bike trainer some more in the afternoon and got some guitar playing done.  So maybe I will sound decent on video in December LOL!

Orange superfood for dinner – sweet potatoes!  I made thick slices and dusted with cinnamon, then I baked them in the toaster oven for 35 minutes (flipping once).   Served with chicken and a pear.

I think I like the sweet potatoes better as these thicker slices, even though they take longer to cook.

Evening snack?

I would have like some M&Ms, but John has hidden those really well 😀

I am back to work tonight.  At least there is some available, so I am thankful for that.

Question:  How do you cook sweet potatoes?

Lifting Move of the Week: Good Morning!

I think I am still on mountain time or something. I overslept a little today. Normally I am at my gym by 7 am (no alarm) and today I woke up at 7:10! That’s pretty unusual.

I dressed quick and jetted on over. I did some unweighted moves for a warm up and then lifted.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Squats 1 set of 10 at 65#

1 set of 8 at 75#

1 set of 8 at 85#

1 set of 6 at 90#

1 set of 4 at 100# !!!!!

Lower body
Seated Lat Row 3 sets of 10 at 55# Back
Barbell Chest Press 3 sets of 8 at 60# Chest
Captain’s Chair 3 sets of 10 Core
Stationary Lunge 3 sets of 10 each leg with 35# plate Lower Body
YTWL 3 sets of 4 (each letter) with 8# DBs (16# total) Shoulders
Nosebreaker 3 sets of 12 at 25# Triceps
Good Morning 3 sets of 10 at 55# Hammies and low back

There were 3 new people at they gym today, and one was a woman who did some serious lifting! She looked amazing and like she could kick my ass multiple times and not break a sweat. One of those times where you just feel totally inadequate standing next to someone, you know? I went up to her and said how nice it was to have another woman lifting in the free weight section. They apparently are switching to my gym and work out every morning. I probably won’t be able to make any videos at they gym now if that is the case.

I finished my workout and picked up John. Sometimes he starts walking to the gym to meet me, but it was 12 degrees this morning….brrrrrr…..

Stopped at Adirondack Coffee Cafe. I had a wheat bagel with cream cheese.

I was in a hurry this morning and didn’t eat anything before leaving for the gym, so I was pretty hungry for this puppy.  I can get away with that on a lifting day, but not if I do cardio.

Now on to the Lifting Move of the Week! The Good Morning. I have been trying and trying to get this on video and none have worked out well (or I look terrible, truth be known). It is an awkward-looking move, so I doubt I will have more success – so here it is! This is great for the lower back and hamstrings. The key to this exercise is the pivot point you bend from. Always from the hips and not the waist. I show what not to do in the video as well.

I could probably straighten my legs a little more, but I tend to lock my knees, so I bend them a little more than other people might, FYI. The straighter your legs are, the more you feel it in the hammies.  Enjoy!

Remember yesterday was pantry staple day? I was so happy to get fresh fruits and veggies last night that I think I might have gone overboard.  Ooops!

I could not decide which fruit to have for lunch.  Finally decided on some clems!

I also tried a different tuna.  Chicken of the Sea.  Normally I get Bumblebee, but trying a different kind (less $$).  It seems more watery.

I finished with job #1 and job #2 didn’t have any work, so I was able to hop on the bike trainer and get in the cardio I missed from oversleeping today.  Gotta be flexible, right?

<insert unpictured latte here>

I think I made a mistake by buying some honey roasted peanuts at the store.  I had a couple handfuls while making dinner.

More fresh produce with dinner!  Well, the broccoli is frozen, but who’s counting?

I topped my pork burger with A1 instead of hot sauce to change things up.  I’ve never felt so alive!

I’ll be working some tonight with the work shortage in the afternoon.  While I appreciate the flexibility of my job, I kind of wish I had concrete hours.  I tend to snack more when I start and stop working a lot.

John made some wheat bread today.  I had to have a piece and put some eggnog creamed honey on it!

Yeah, good stuff.  I need to try making my own creamed honey.  I was going to make today a no-sugar day…. ooops.

Back to work for me!

Question:  If you eat tuna, what brand do you like?