Tag Archives: jogging

Sloppy run and snack free!

Lots of great tips on the giveaway thread!  And ‘hi’ to the new peeps visiting!  😀  I need to do a giveaway open to everyone soon.  Need to see who I can hit up what I can arrange.

With the weirdness at the gym yesterday, I wasn’t feeling like going there and running on the dreadmill.  Luckily, it was not precipitating and I saw snow dripping, which meant it was above freezing.  Good enough!  I didn’t check the temp.  Sometimes it is best not to know these things….  I bundled up and headed on out.  It was not the greatest of runs.  The sidewalks were a bit sloppy.  I also really felt like I was slogging for the first mile or so.  Then around mile 2, I went through some slush that was hiding a deep puddle. (insert profanity here).  Problem with mesh top shoes is that if water gets on top, water goes in.  Then it happened again with the other foot! (insert profanity here). I saw a 3rd puddle and leaped over it, thinking I was oh-so-smart, but when I landed my mp3 player popped out of my pocket, detached from my earphones and smacked into the pavement (insert even more profanity here). I thought it was broken because it was skipping and I could not turn it off!  I actually had to take out the battery and hold my breath while I put it back in.  Seems okay now, though.  Yay!   I ended up doing 5 miles.  Turns out it was 34 degrees out, too.  See my wet feet?


I was worried about getting blisters with wet shoes, but that didn’t happen.  I do see that I have a new hole in this pair of socks, though 🙄

Hangry at this point!  I was thinking about these during the last couple of miles:


Nom, nom!  Wymans – I love you!

So my goals today were to keep snacking under control again and spend some time cleaning.  30 minutes instead of 15.  Snacking was quite good, although I had about a tablespoon of peanuts while I was making lunch.  Speaking of, I had another hit of vitamin S!  You might want to look away, though – it’s not attractive:


  • 3 big handfuls of spinach
  • 1 small banana
  • 5 grams of cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon cashew butter
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ice and water.

The color is nasty from the cocoa powder.  Wish I had thought of that beforehand.  It tasted really good, though!  Like a chocolate banana.  I won’t add nut butter to any more of these, as I think it is wasted and I would rather just eat it off a spoon 🙂

John made some awesome lowfat gingerbread cookies to send to his family.  These are amazingly chewy and super gingery because there is chopped up candied ginger in them!  I’ll get the recipe up sometime this week.  You would never guess they are lowfat.  I had 1/2 a cookie (he makes them big) with my afternoon latte:


Work has been busy still.  Usually it slows down in the MT world at this time, but it hasn’t yet.  I’m glad for that!

Dinner was simple.  I tried to make an omelet with broccoli and feta cheese, but I had so much broccoli that the omelet could not hold its integrity!  Looks ugly, but very tasty.  Looks aren’t everything!


We took some relaxation time tonight.  Needed to renew my library card today  to renew the books that were due tomorrow!  So we chanced a quick run to Target to get some protein powder and I picked up a pack of socks for myself :mrgreen:

Then it was to Starbies, where I had some decaf coffee and a bite of that coffee cake in the background.


One nice thing about our business is that we build up a ton of rewards points on the card paying for inventory each month.  So, we turn those points in for gift cards to Starbucks.   That’s a money saving way to be able to go out and not spend extra money!

Ornament of the day:


Keeping in the horn theme from yesterday.  This is one of those scroll cut brass ornaments.  It’s very ornate and is 3-D, although this picture doesn’t take advantage of that.  Maybe I need to hire a new photographer…..

Question:  Do you use reward points?

Comfort zone challenges and big broccoli

Happy Thursday and the start of my weekend!  I managed to consume a fair amount of dark chocolate chips last night.   🙄 It was one of those evenings where I couldn’t seem to make myself stop.  So, I got up for a treadmill run today.  I ate a toasted waffle with a bit of jam on it before heading to the gym.  Then it was 5 miles!  I decided to have a little fun (??)  and push out of my comfort zone a bit.

Mile 1:  Gradual increase from 4 to 5 mph.

Mile 2: Upped to 5.5 mph.

Mile 3:  At 3.5 miles, I started increasing the speed on the treadmill by .1 after each minute, so that I was up to 6 mph by mile 4.

Mile 4:  Spent 1/2 a mile at 6 mph and then did the same trick to increase by .1 after each minute to get to 6.5 mph by mile 5.

Mile 5:  Here was my challenge.  I stayed at 6.5 for a couple minutes to get comfortable, then increased by .1 each minute to 7mph!  I stayed at 7 mph for 1 minute and then backed down to 6 mph and finished out the mile.  Then cool down.

Funny how when you go at 7 mph and back down to 6, it seems so much easier.  This made the time go by really fast, too.

Since we got cheated out of bagels yesterday (thanks mother nature!), we decided to go this morning!  I picked John up and had my multigrain.  Sure makes it feel like Wednesday to me.


Had a hard time staying focused at work.  Ever have days like that?  Just kind of blah and knowing it’s my last work day of the week.  Plus, my sister’s elderly cat passed away today and I feel very bad for her.

Wanted something comforting for lunch, so I decided on protein pancakes.  Topped with mashed banana and a tablespoon of maple syrup.


Sure was good….  I love nice filling lunches.  Lunch always seems to be the meal that doesn’t stick with my very long.  Not sure why that is.

John won football picks *again* this week (stupid Ravens!!! 👿  ) and he decided on Chinese.  We went to an inexpensive little takeout place that has brown rice.  What else do you do when waiting for your food?  Take pictures!


Love the neon lighting :mrgreen:

Now this is a bowl of broccoli I could get seriously into!


My meal was teryaki chicken.  Hello sodium bloat! It was actually a little m’eh.


My stirfry last night was much better.  Sometimes I love eating out and other times I am very disappointed.

Ornament of the day:


Mr Grinch! I love this ornament.  Of course, it is my favorite Christmas special, too 😀

I am so glad it is my weekend!

Question:  When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

Salad daze

Boy – everyone sure made all those favorite cookies sound so good! I’ve got a hankerin’ for some bakerin’!

Last day of the work week for me today! WooHoo!  The weather was forecast to be quite warm, so I actually slept in until 7 am today knowing I would run later outside.

Had forthought last night  to do some overnight steel cut oats.  Soaked them and then added a mashed banana during cooking.  Topped with chocolate sauce and almond butter.  Yum!


My legs and butt are sore today from the squats I did yesterday.  Squats always do that unless I keep doing them!  I won’t be doing any lifting tomorrow to rest my muscles for a 5K on Saturday.

Lunch was salad #1 today!  I kind of got on this BBQ chicken salad kick.  It’s so easy and tastes so good!  I warm up the chicken (cooked) and mix it with BBQ sauce, then use feta cheese and sliced almonds.


It’s one of those things that takes 5 minutes (with salad in a bag!) and looks so ‘bistro.’  This was a huge bowl of lettuce, too.

After lunch and my afternoon latte snack, I hit the track.  It was 55 degrees today, can you believe that?  Cloudy, but great running temperature.  I was thinking 4 miles, but told myself to do at least 3.  I ended up at 3.75 miles and called it a day.  Funny how my legs were so sore moving around, but they don’t feel sore when I run.

John won the football picks this week, and his choice for dinner was Chipotle.  (He changed his mind from chinese earlier!).  I had another salad for dinner!


Barbacoa on lettuce with some cheese and salsa.  Really good!  I was really hungry after that run, too.

After dinner, we did a bit of Christmas shopping and got several more people done.  Yay!  Our dinners seemed a little small, so we decided to split a treat:


Dunkin Donuts chocolate mint donut!  This is really good, I have to say.  With some decaf coffee.  I could easily have eaten a whole donut, but I am glad John split this with me.

Ornament of the day:


It’s Horton!  I love Dr. Seuss (as does MizFit), and Horton is one of several Seussian inhabitants on our tree.  I grew up loving Dr. Suess books!  My very favorite is the Grinch – that is my very favorite Christmas special on TV, too (not the Jim Carrey one, ick!).

Question:  What is your favorite Christmas special?

5-miler and kitty in the catnip.

Okay, it’s too cold even for me to run outside at below 30 degrees!  I feel silly going to the gym just to run, but I wanted to have it over and done with.  Had a snacky of dates and almond butter that I made the other day.


Hit the treadmill for 5.2 miles today!  I did a sprint (for me) of the last 1/2 mile at 6.7 mph!  Go me!

I was sta-harving when I came home!  Made another ‘crepe’ with thinned out bisquick.  It worked out really well.  For the filling, I mixed some vanilla greek yogurt with canned pumpkin and spices.  I really could have only used half of the filling, but I was hungry LOL!  Topped with some cranberry sauce.


I proclaim it delicious!

I found this on the washer today:


It’s Pixie’s catnip.  Normally this pot is out of reach for her and we dole out her treat, but I had watered it yesterday and set the pot on the washer so it wouldn’t drip all over everything.  I forgot about it, and someone found it.  I don’t know if it will ever recover.  Pixie even tore some of the roots out of the soil – she is such an addict!

A surprise box arrived for me today from Mezzetta! It had some fixin’s in it for easy holiday entertaining.  One of the jars was this:


I decided to incorporate it into lunch with some savory oats!


Bottom layer of cooked oats, then topped with an egg, some Cabot cheddar and chopped sundried tomatoes.  I stuck it under the broiler.  My first time with savory oats and they were really good!  I liked the seasoning of the tomatoes, too, with garlic, herbs, and spices.

Here is the first ornament feature from our tree:


It’s a french horn, which is the instrument I used to play (and have college degrees in).  I began collecting horn ornaments I think since high school maybe?  This one combines my love of all things sparkly and glass.  Amazing that is hasn’t broken over all these years.

We futzed around trying to decide what to have for dinner.  No protein thawed out.  John wanted to go out for his football dinner tonight, but he either wanted Chinese or the fish fry cafe.  I really, really did not want either of those 2 things for dinner, so we stayed home and will try again later in the week LOL!  So, I microwaved a sweet potato and topped it with pan fried broccoli and a bit of cheese.  It was pretty tasty, and quite a departure for me.


Kind of missed more protein, though.  Today ended up being an accidental vegetarian day 😀

Hot 100 update:

1. Duathlon.  DONE!!!
2. Limit the number of eggnog lattes this year to 2 or 3.   I have had 1 so far.  Doing good.
3. Keep a redline of weight in mind to not go over during the holidays.  I am at redline now, which is down from last update.
4. Complete the New Rules of Lifting for Women.  DONE!!!!

5. Enjoy time with family during the holidays.  Spent Thanksgiving with family
6.  Better organization of time to be productive.  Not so great here.

7.  Do some freelance writing.  Lame

8.  Run at least 2 more official 5K races this year.  1 down, 1 to go – it’s December 5th or bust!

The feast!

Happy, happy Thanksgiving everyone!  What a wonderful day!  Got an early start on work before going to my gym, where I did 5 miles on the treadmill.  It was actually very crowded today!  I was surprised at how many people were there.  None of them I recognized, though, which was interesting.  I set the treadmill at 5.5 mph and went at it.  For the last 1/2 mile, I did 6 mph.  It felt great!   I came home and had brekkie.  I won’t bother showing you Cream of Wheat, since there are too many other good food photos today!  We left a little early so I could kickstart the day with a small eggnog latte!  I made myself wait until Thanksgiving to have one.  It was sooo good.  I ask them to make it with half skim and half eggnog.


The sun came out and made for a beautiful afternoon!  Someone was ready to eat – cheers!:


My other niece made us all little place cards.  Mine:


My nemesis was here:


Cashews *and* mini PB cups!  I had some, but not a horrible amount.


The gathering!  Pretend that seltzer bottle is me (that’s my seat).

The giant 23-pound local turkey:


Brined a la Alton Brown (so delicous!!).

My mom’s cranberry bread (the best):


Alaskan moose from one of Colleen’s coworkers:


Pom seeds!!


My plate with some turkey, potatoes, stuffing, moose, green beans:


With my side plate of breads and POM seeds and cranberry sauce:


I had a little more stuffing and one more small piece of cranberry bread.  Love that stuff.  I was pleased at not gorging at dinner!

The dogs really wanted to come in for some turkey:


I worked for a little while while others went hunting or football watching.  Then it was dessert time!  My dad made a pumpkin pie, and John made a sweet potato cheesecake with a gingersnap crust.


My sister made a point that everyone drink their coffee out of the special china cups, so I told her that I would put a picture of it here:


A little elf might have slipped some eggnog into my coffee here…..

I decided to forego the pumpkin pie and just have a tiny slice of cheesecake.  I drizzled on a little bit of cranberry sauce.


Plus some praline pecan sauce John made.  It was so decadent and delicious.  I could have eaten 3 pieces!

Overall, I am pleased at how I ate today.  I really, really enjoyed all the food I ate and did not over eat.  Plus I got to spend time with family, and now my work week is done!

More thanks and my camera is back!

Hope you are all having a great holiday week so far!  I woke up and noticed the temp was around 40, so I went out for a quick 3.2 mile jog.  I normally do not jog 2 days in a row, but tomorrow will be a rest day in case I run the Turkey Trot on Thursday.  It might rain Thursday, and if so, I will run at my gym.  Odd that my gym was closed on Columbus Day, but will be open for Thursday morning. ❓   Try to figure that one out….

Had a beautiful crepe this morning, only used Aunt Jemimah wheat pancake mix instead of Bisquick.


Topped (and filled) with blueberry sauce with a tablespoon of ricotta cheese on top.  Yum!

My camera arrived right before lunch.  Olympus is fast!  The camera left my hands last Wednesday, and it is back in my hands today.  Now that is customer service!  (All under warranty, too 😀  )

You know you want to see the macro:


More things I am thankful for:

  • John (did I already say that?? I will again!)
  • That I live in an area with 4 seasons
  • I am so thankful for all of you blog readers, both lurkers and non!
  • That I have the ability to move around every day
  • That I have been able to maintain a 100 pound weight loss for almost a year and a half.

Snack of homemade granola bar:


Delicious!  Pixie could not care less about the excitement of having my camera back:


She was sleeping next to me while I was working. 🙂  Our nickname (one of many) for her is Pixie Peanut Butter because it looks like someone wiped peanut butter on her nose.

We were having trouble with the router for our internet connection today.  I work via the internet, so that was really frustrating – but I am so thankful (another thankful!) that it was just the router and not the laptop, which is what I thought it was.   Funny how I realized while I couldn’t get on the internet that you can actually use the computer for other things….

For dinner, I had some brussel sprouts with scrambled eggs and feta cheese.  Simple stuff, but delicious!  Plus a little Forelle pear.  Isn’t it the cutest thing?


For those that don’t know – I work as a medical transcriptionist from home.  That’s why I am working on Thanksgiving.  Even though I don’t work actually in the hospitals, they are open 24/7 – and the medical files for every visit need to be done within 24 hours.   I work Sun – Thurs, so Thanksgiving falls on one of my regular work days (although we get paid extra).  Lucky for me, Christmas and New Years fall on my days off this year!

Agenda for tonight: I will be making my special cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving to bring to dinner.

Question:  Do you have a dish that only you can make for special occasions?

Being thankful week.

Thank you for all of your input on canning/storing pumpkin!  I can’t believe that some of you have lots of pumpkin in your stores!  I think part of it is how much pumpkin gets sent to small towns in upstate NY versus other parts of the country.  My sister is on the lookout in Saratoga tonight, hope she finds some.  I appreciate the offer that some of you made for yours LOL!  Makes me sound like an addict or something. 😳

No lifting this week since I finished NROLW on Friday.  Decided on a run, but I wanted to get it done with this morning and below freezing was just too much for me, so I popped on down to the gym to dreadmill it.  I knocked out 5 miles and it felt great!  I think I am going to incorporate speedwork this winter.

Came home to a hot and warm bowl of pumpkin cream of wheat (this is our home cooked pumpkin):


Topped with apple butter and toasted almonds.  Yum!

It seems as work will be busy for most of the week after all.  That’s a good thing, as when it is slow, I don’t get paid! That means that I likely will have enough work on Thanksgiving itself, too.  I will have to take the laptop to my sister’s to work while there.  At least I get paid extra 🙂

I have decided that over the next few days I am going to list some of the things I am thankful for this year, as it is the season!  I am thankful for:

  • My health
  • John
  • My family
  • My job, and the fact that I can work at home.
  • Where I live.

Stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Lunch was using up some fridge stuff.  I did an open face tuna sandwich on a waffle.


That is chocolate PB2 on the side there for that apple.

In one of my quests for being organized and productive, I have an epic fail at my desk.  Normally I don’t work at my desk (ironic, I know), but I had to plug directly into the internet instead of working wireless because my port is being funny.  Here is a picture of my desk (with latte and granola bar).


Kind of embarrassing!  😳 And that is just one side LOL

Wrap for dinner.  It was too full and I couldn’t even wrap it fully!  Stuffed with broccoli, chicken and laughing cow cheese.  So good.


I even color coordinate dessert!  This piece of Bliss matches my shirt!


I just got an email from Olympus tonight and my camera is on its way back to me!  Yay!  I should have it by Thanksgiving and then I can get back to those in-your-face macro shots 😆

Question:  Do you have much time off this week?

Muffins and mini meltdown

If you missed my recap on NROLW the link is here.

I actually slept until almost 8 am today!  This is really late for me.  We decided on some muffins for breakfast and I adapted a lowfat recipe from The Complete Muffin Cookbook


Recipe here.

Delicious!  I think I would add some cinnamon to these, though.

After eating, we decided on a run for the day.  I asked John if he wanted to go for 4 miles and he reluctantly agreed (he has never run more than a 5K).  We normally do not run together.  We sometimes run at the same time, but he is quite a bit faster than I am.  Today we kept the same pace at the track, which was more my pace (obviously).  I could tell he wanted to go faster and after 3 miles, he picked up his pace and went ahead.  He finished about 1/2 a lap ahead of me. I am not sure why I started to feel bad.  Actually, I know what was wrong, I am PMSing and woke up today feeling bloated and the scale was up, and the fact that John was doing 4 miles for the first time and was faster than me, plus the fact he is at goal and I am not.  For whatever reason this got to me and I was getting tearful for my last 1/2 mile and started crying when I was done.  Of course, the worst part was knowing that John felt bad (which made me feel even worse).  I was feeling very selfish and atypically non-radiant.   It’s just one of those days, you know?  I got over it pretty fast – a nice hot shower helped with that!

Before hitting the stores, I had to take John out for his football meal, and he chose Red Lobster.  I really ate very smart there, and I was so proud of myself!  I had 3/4 of a cheddar biscuit.


Side salad to start with FF vinaigrette:


and ordered the woodfired grilled  shrimp with broccoli and rice.  I left half of the rice.


These were good, but too salty for me.  All of the meal was too salty.  I used to love the biscuits and could eat 4-5 (Keep em coming!).  We have not been to RL in probably at least a year, maybe 2.  My tastes sure have changed.

Shopping commenced and John got a whole bunch of clothes at Kohl’s.  He really needed new ones (budget be damned) as his were so baggy after 43 pounds.


Stopped for some refreshments!  A locally made granola bar (which we split) and a skim latte for me!  Yum!


The crowds are starting to show up for shopping now.  It’s going to be internet shopping for me pretty much after Thanksgiving, along with some local art and craft shows.

We came home and made a yummy on the fly meal.  Cooked chicken with cheesy grits (and 1 strip of bacon crumbled), brussel sprouts and strawberries.


This was so satisfying!  I actually think I liked the meal we cooked at home better than the one out at lunch!

Hot 100 update:

1. Duathlon.  DONE!!!
2. Limit the number of eggnog lattes this year to 2 or 3.   Gonna wait until Thanksgiving to have the 1st one!
3. Keep a redline of weight in mind to not go over during the holidays.  I am over redline by a pound now.  It’s water weight, but I must be careful.
4. Complete the New Rules of Lifting for Women.  DONE!!!!
5. Enjoy time with family during the holidays.  Met with my mom yesterday!

6.  Better organization of time to be productive.  I had a great productive week since last Saturday.

7.  Do some freelance writing.  Lame

8.  Run at least 2 more official 5K races this year.  1 down, 1 to go – should be Turkey day!

4-miler and Chipotle!

Woke up to a sunny morning, and I thought a nice outdoor run was in store, but would do it after breakfast.  Had a comforting bowl of banana oats topped with PB2 and apple butter!  This was delicious!


Then I checked the temperature.  26 degrees.  😯   I really had to talk myself into going out for a run.  I knew if I didn’t do something in the morning, I would likely not get any exercise in at all.  I contemplated over a 2nd cup of coffee and the temp didn’t rise at all.  I finally sucked it up and put on my Nike technical turtleneck and sweats, and added some 180s to keep my ears warm!


(The turtleneck is a Nike  drywick – $50 shirt I got at TJMaxx for $15.) Did 4.2 chilly miles! The only thing I forgot was a tissue.  My nose runs on the best of days when I run (guess it likes exercise as well).  So, nose – meet sleeve.  I was fine after about 1/2  a mile and still got really sweaty in this cold!

My mother was feeling well enough to go shopping, so we hit a big craft show.  I brought along a Zone bar and one of my granola bars to keep from eating whatever food would be there, and it worked!  I got a couple of Christmas gifts, so that was good to get started on shopping early!

We went to the Chocolate Mill for some coffee and a snack afterwards.


Small desserts, again perfectly good and perfectly sized.  I got an almond apricot tea cake:


Mom got a lemon tart.


I owed John his football dinner from last week, and this was the first chance we had for me to take him out!  He wanted Chipotle since one had opened up nearby.  I kind of panicked, because Chipotle can be hefty on the calories.  However, we hadn’t been in over 3 years since we moved out here, and there were more choices.

In the old Lori-weighs-250-pounds days, I would get a barbacoa burrito with rice (no beans), cheese, hot salsa and sour cream. Usually I got extra rice because I did not get beans.  I would eat the entire burrito, too.  Looking up nutritional info, this would be over 900 calories just for the burrito!

Today, I still wanted some cheese and sour cream, but that meant leaving out something else.  I chose to get a lettuce base in a bowl and to leave out the rice:


This left me with the yummy flavors of the meat and my favorite cheese and sour cream, but no rice or tortilla.  This salad was 410 calories.  That’s half of what I would have eaten before – and it was really tasty.  Yes, I kind of missed the rice, but I also realize that I had a treat earlier, so in the calorie balance of the day – I knew that was the best choice.

It’s back to work for me tomorrow.  Good weekend, a little indulgent, but not overly so 😀

5-miler and chili on a chilly day!

I woke up early today and decided to go to the gym to exercise.  30 degrees, and dark – so no running outside!  I set the treadmill for 1 hour and set to jogging.  I can’t believe I can jog for an hour without stopping!  I never would have thought that was possible a few years ago.  Did a little over 5 miles in that time.  It felt so good to get totally sweaty LOL!


I really like how my arms look in this picture.  You can’t see the loose skin on the biceps and my shoulders have nice definition.  Thanks NROLW!

In honor of the apple orchard yesterday, I made a yummy topping for cream of wheat:


In a skillet I put in a little butter (yes – butter!), a sprinkle of brown sugar and cinnamon and sauteed the apples up.  Cooked until they were soft and caramelized and topped the cream of wheat.  Sooooo goood!

Early start to the day on all fronts.  I worked with minimal breaks to finish up fast so I could start my weekend!  That meant leftovers for lunch:


I did have to make time for my afternoon latte, though!  I posed it up for fall:


I did finish up early, so my weekend is here!  Woo Hoo!  We went out for dinner tonight, taking John’s mom to a local place called Maxwells.  They have new place mats designed by kids, and I think this one was appropriately placed in front of me:



I wanted something warm and comforting as we are going to get wet and sloppy snow tonight.  So I started with a salad:


And the best. chili. ever.


Just a cup, but it was phenomenal!  I loved the melted cheese on top.  It was nice and thick chili, too.  I think I have finally figured out how to take good pictures in a dark restaurant, too!  I set the ISO at 3200 to let in as much light as possible.  I really should read more on photography :mrgreen:

Question: Any exciting plans for your weekend?