What’s Blooming!

This is going to be the close-up edition of What’s Blooming this week. I had my good camera out for shots today.

Black-eyed Susan:

These look really good still in the front and the back. I’m hoping for some babies from this plant. It looks like some seedlings started this year.

Butterfly bush:

Smells like honey. This is a miniature version, so if you have a smaller garden, it will fit in perfectly rather than the really tall ones.

Million Bells, aka Calibrachoa


Isn’t this one fun? The quills haven’t opened all the way, but I thought it looked cool.


The last gasp of the lily:

This one  blooms for a long time from the bottom up.

Calycanthus bush:

Blooms all summer long. It doesn’t have a very neat habit, but the blooms are nice.


I still have a critter problem out in the back yard. The woodchuck was back. He left me with this nice bare spot:

Grrrr…  We’ve got some Repels-All and Molemax to apply this weekend.

I think a squirrel did this:

Remains of a heuchera. Wahhhhh!!! It might live, but I’m not holding my breath.

I divided up some of my irises and planted those new rhizomes I got last week. Here is my solution to keep the critters away from them:

The rock on top is insurance that the bigger guys won’t just flip it over. I’m leaving this on through the winter and into spring.

My beeooteeful hydrangea. Flopped over from the rain, but so pretty:

Sedum just starting to get a bit of color. A sure sign the season is nearing the end.

Potted begonia:

It’s really a pleasure in the garden right now. Always something new to see when I go out there.

Have a great weekend!

5 thoughts on “What’s Blooming!

  1. debby

    LOVELY pictures!! That quill zinnia looks unreal, and the calycanthus is also so pretty. My hydrangea that is similar to that one droops over without any rain. Its pretty old, but the canes never seem to be strong enough for the huge blooms. I still enjoy it, since it blooms so late in the summer.

    1. Lori Post author

      This hydrangea stands so tall until the blooms come and it rains. It is actually a tree form. I lopped off about half of it when we moved in and the next spring cut off all the branches. Thought I killed it, but it looks like this now – almost like a new plant!

  2. Lynne

    These pics are gorgeous! Boo to critters.. I’ll never forget coming home and finding a woodchuck perched on the edge of my huge deck flowerpot which had previously looked like something out of a magazine(first time I ever got everything to peak at the same time!) and he had reduced it to 8 stems sticking out of the dirt! Grrrr.

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