What’s Blooming!

First, thank you for the comments and messages about my surgery. They are much appreciated. I’ll be glad in a couple weeks when I am on the other side because now the waiting is hard and I just want to get it over with.

The garden is resting a bit now after the flurry of blooming. The next flowers are revving up to go, like the coneflowers.

Fair Bianca is still going. When we had heavy rain, so many petals were on the ground, but there were still a lot of buds ready to open:

Kind of a messy shot there, sorry Fair Bianca!

The later alliums now flowering.

That’s Star of Persia.

I can’t remember the name of this blue one, but I love the color.

These white petunias are ones that I picked up at a big box store. They really are doing fantastic.

That little green shrub is a small azalea I planted in the spring. Hopefully that will reach about 4 feet tall.

This is the back side of the shade garden as you approach it from the house walkway:

I have a *ton* of violets. I just let them grow mostly because they fill in empty spaces and make it green where I have trouble finding something else that works.

That hosta is huge now:

There is Lady’s Mantle on each side and I’m going to have to move it this fall as it is getting covered by this hosta.

One of the cheeriest flowers in my garden are just opening now – the Shasta daisies!

They are so much fun. Once all the plants open, I’ll take a picture of the whole shebang.

This weekend will be spent with some riding and trying to get the long list of things done that I want to get done before my surgery (but likely won’t finish LOL).

3 thoughts on “What’s Blooming!

  1. Shelley B

    Daisies remind my of my childhood home – my mom grew them all along one fence in our backyard and we always had vases of freshly cut daisies. 🙂

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