Checking in

So it’s a week since my hysterectomy and I’m progressing pretty well. Last week was a little rough with sleeping issues. I had to sleep on my back (which I hate) with my legs on pillows because lying fully flat is painful. It was very similar to when I herniated my back. Now I can sleep kind of on my stomach, which makes it easier to sleep.

My uvula (the hangie down thing in your throat) is ulcerated from surgery likely from the ET tube. My throat was very sore after surgery and I can still feel my uvula touching the back of my tongue, which is really annoying. My throat isn’t sore any more, but it’s taking a while for the ulceration to clear up.

My doc said that I would be slow and tired and that if I overdid it at any time, I would pay for it. She was correct. I’m just really surprised at how little it takes to overdo it. We went on Sunday to visit family because I was feeling pretty good. Just sitting upright for several hours without doing anything was enough to overdo it. I had to lay down with an ice pack on my stomach and take more pain meds when I got home.

I have a 6 inch incision on my lower abdomen, which kind of freaks me out a little. All the stitches are on the inside for the muscle and my skin is held together with glue. I am following all precautions so I don’t dislodge the glue. I can bend and such surprisingly well, but as I said above sitting upright is what causes more pain. So, I have an excuse to slouch all the time on the couch 😀 Ice packs have been really helpful, which I didn’t start using until a few days after I got home. I don’t know why I didn’t use them before. My abdomen is pretty swollen and I hold it to give it support when I’m getting in and out of chairs or standing up. I’m living in nice stretchy capris leggings and loose tops. I made the mistake of trying to put on a pair of shorts with a zipper and it was like they were 2 sizes too small.

We were out today for a bagel like a usual Wednesday, only driving and not biking or walking.

Walking is very slow and I actually have only walked around the yard pretty much. Movement is exhausting. I have to rest after taking a shower LOL. But, it’s getting better every day. I’m going to try walking up the street later this week and see how that goes.

Emotionally it has been a little hard. My doctor said that my hormones would be a little out of whack as my ovaries would be shocked from my uterus being gone. I find that I get weepy for no reason and out of the blue. I hope that doesn’t last for too long.

John has been a perfect nurse. He has either helped me water the garden by carrying the hose behind me or watering it himself. Along with cooking most meals, grocery shopping and generally pampering me. As I feel better, it’s going to be harder to have him keep doing the things that I will be restricted from for the next 5 weeks.

Poor Pixie has had access to my lap curtailed. I can’t have her sitting on it just yet. Not to mention that with her weighing 11 pounds, I cannot pick her up for the 6 weeks of recovery. She isn’t terribly happy with that and has pretty much been by my side a lot of the time laying on a pillow.

The first two weeks will be the hardest and I’m halfway through that, so yay! I did say to John today that I’m really tired of my stomach hurting. By August this will all be behind me.

15 thoughts on “Checking in

  1. Debra

    Thanks so much for the update Lori.. so glad you are recovering well.. Hang in there woman! Hubs gets a little better every day too.. baby steps.. Hugs! deb

  2. Juile

    When I had my appendix out I felt the same way as you do with the weepy emotional side coming out. But mine was from the anesthesia.

    1. Lori Post author

      I’m sure mine must be hormonal. I didn’t feel much from the anesthesia other than nausea and tired LOL!

  3. Shelley B

    Thanks for the update, I’ve been thinking about you. Good to hear that you are recovering nicely, but as you found out on Sunday, it’s so easy to overdo it with seemingly nothing, so keep resting my friend.

  4. debby

    I have noticed over the years that most people are surprised at what surgery does to them. Several women came back to work after a hysterectomy too soon and had to leave again. Since I had to watch quite a few surgeries (did not like!) I am not surprised at how much it hurts for so long. Take it easy. Good that John is helping you, especially with the garden 🙂

    1. Lori Post author

      I can’t imagine going back to work before at least 2 weeks. I just wanted to go out for coffee and it’s exhausting let alone sitting at a desk for a whole day. I’m lucky to work from home and I can take breaks quite often or change where I am doing work from for comfort.

  5. Lisa

    I hope you feel better soon! It’s amazing how hard it is to recover from surgery. Like you, I needed a break just from taking a shower! It’s hard work recovering! Rest up. Take it easy. Don’t do too much!

    1. Lori Post author

      It is hard, but I have to remember that I had an internal organ removed and a big hole cut in my stomach and my body needs a lot of time to recover from that – even if my head wants to do more.

  6. Lisa

    I hope you feel better soon! It’s amazing how hard it is to recover from surgery. Like you, I needed a break just from taking a shower! It’s hard work recovering! Rest up. Take it easy. Don’t do too much.

  7. Karen

    I found it made me feel better to take stock of how I felt at the end of every week. I was amazed at how much better I felt than the week before. Recovery is like growing a plant from seed; it just takes time.

  8. Wynette Vass

    Glad you are recovering nicely. Use a couch pillow pressed against your belly when you are getting up and down. It really helps and gives you a good even pressure all over. Yes, take your time and allow your body to heal.

  9. emmaclaire

    Happy to hear you’re getting better baby steps at a time. You are wise to listen to your doctor & your body and not over-do it. That would just prolong the whole process, right? And you need to be back on your bike before the weather turns! Take care of yourself, along with the help of your in-house medical team, John & Pixie 🙂

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