Meditation and a sign of spring!

I decided that despite all the cold weather, it was time to take down the winter flag and hang up the tulip flag. Despite the fact that temps are in the 30s.  We had a “warm” day today that got up to 45 and it felt pretty good, I have to say. We took a nice long walk, except now I have a chill tonight… sigh…

Anyway, pretty routine stuff. Our usual Bagel Wednesday:

I seriously could eat bagels all.the.time  – but only if they are really good bagels. Our local coffee shop makes them in house and they are sooooo good!

I’ve started doing some daily meditation. Biz mentioned the Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day meditation series and I thought, “What the heck” and signed up. Because it’s free. 😀

I really struggle with meditating. It’s not even that long. My mind is so used to multitasking all the time that I can be repeating a mantra in my head and still be thinking about something else.  I have a lot of work to do on that.

Regardless, it’s good to do and the meditations are only about 15 minutes long. I am liking the Sanskrit mantras, too.

Moving on to the signs of spring – I have to say THANK YOU that we didn’t get anything from that last Nor’easter.  We’ve had enough snow.  Our front yard gets full sun, so a lot of our snow is gone there, although it’s still around.

It’s funny how we have this bare lawn and on each side of us, there is a snowy yard. Nature must know how badly I want to see the ground 😀   And I did see something!  Check it out:

Tiny, tiny tulip sprouts!  I was so excited to see these!  They won’t be blooming for another month, probably, but they have made their initial appearance. Spring will come, dammit!  Not only that, but this weekend is the Capital District Garden Show so I can bask in greenery and flowers for real.

9 thoughts on “Meditation and a sign of spring!

  1. Shelley B

    Yay for signs of spring! I go outside on a daily basis to look at the sedum that is coming up like crazy – you can practically SEE it emerging from the soil!

    Thanks for the reminder about that meditation program – I meant to download it but forgot. I listened to my first one at 4:00 this morning, because my sleep has been worse than usual and my mind would not shut off. Surprised that I stayed awake through the entire thing, but I was able to fall asleep after until my alarm went off at 7:00, so that was a victory!

    1. Lori Post author

      Any signs of the hostas I sent to you? I’m curious as to if there was enough cold for them to hibernate.

      1. Shelley B

        Holy moly, I just went outside to check and there is greenery coming up! I swear I looked last Saturday and thought I might be seeing a hint of something green, but it’s definitely growing! Luckily it was under the eaves and didn’t get pounded by the hail like the rest of our plants.

  2. Helen

    Your meditation graphic up there describes me to a T. I can’t even tell you how many yoga classes I’ve taken where I’ve made grocery lists during shavasana.

    I’m jealous of your bare yard. We are on the shady side of the street so our snow takes forever to disappear. I’m hoping the 50’s we are supposed to get by the end of the week will take care of it. At least the nor’easter was a bust and sidewalks are clear so I can run. Maybe you’ll get some biking in soon too!

    1. Lori Post author

      Our back yard still has snow in it, but it sure is nice to see ground. We aren’t getting temps out of the 40s until at least past Easter, so biking is on the dicey side. I can hope, though.

  3. debby

    It is exciting to see tulips coming through the ground! I was just outside, and all of a sudden, the green blooms are starting to appear on the tulips. You will have tulips long after mine are done.

  4. Molly

    I’ve been offline for awhile. Catching up on my reading. Don’t know how your meditating is going but if you want to try different approaches I highly recommend the 10% Happier app. And books. The app has multiple meditations with a diverse group of teachers. I’m going on 90 days now which I haven’t done in at least 10 years.

    My best!

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