Garden & Flower Show – Orchidpalooza

It’s that time of year! The Capital District Garden & Flower Show! This year I was accompanied by my sis, BIL and one of the nieces.  I’ll take anyone that wants to go (or not LOL ).

Today, I’ll focus on the orchid display.  As more of an outdoor gardener, I don’t know a whole lot about orchids other than seeing the Phalaenopsis type at the big box stores marketed as the easy-to-grow orchids.  So, I’m sharing while learning.

Orchids are one of the largest groups of flowers with over 28,000 species! I had no idea there were that many.


They are really adaptable, too, and not just found in the dark tropical jungles.


This one is one of my favorites:








Aren’t they gorgeous?  I want to try orchids again. When we moved to this house, my orchid that I got to bloom once died and I haven’t tried since, but these make me want to get more.

5 thoughts on “Garden & Flower Show – Orchidpalooza

  1. Kim

    Did you ever watch that quirky show, “Northern Exposure”? I loved that show! Anyway, the older guy, think his name was Maurice? He grew orchids. They really are beautiful, but I knew they were a bit fussy to grow. Oooo, if you start indoor gardening we may get more Friday blooming posts:)

  2. debby

    I like looking at orchids. Never have had any luck with them. My sister, though, does very well with them! Once, at an orchid show, I saw this beautiful blue orchid and bought one. I gave it to my sister before I completely killed it…

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