
Happy February! Phil says an early spring, but I have my doubts 😀 We had another snowstorm that dropped 10 more inches on the 16 we had the week before. Now it is a winter wonderland.

Today we got some of that beautiful warm weather and it was 50 degrees and sunny, which will start to melt a little of this stuff.

It will be a long time before the ground is visible again, unfortunately. I’m glad for the snow cover for my plants, especially after that arctic blast.

I’ve been enjoying Planet Fitness so far.

I’ve gone at some different times to try to find the least crowded time and right now that seems to be right after lunch. That’s an okay time to work out. I like early morning, but it’s better for me to get orders packed and morning work done and then go out. It takes 10 minutes to drive to the gym, which is good.

Currently I am doing 3 times a week of full body workouts with mostly machines for now.

Chest Press 30 x 3 * Seated Leg Curl 35 x3 * Lower back extension 55 x3 * Calf Extension 55 x3 * Leg Extensions 35 x3 * Cable Triceps Push Down 20 x 3 * Seated leg Press 60 x 3 * Ab Crunches 45 x 3 * Hip abduction 65 x 3 * Hip Adduction 55 x3 * Low Cable Row 3 x 45 *

I’m debating on a program, but this will do for now. It really feels good to get back in the swing of lifting again. I do have some limitations because of shoulder issues. I can’t do any overhead exercises, dips or things of that nature. I may schedule an MRI this year to have a further look at my shoulder, but I know that currently I am not at the point where I want surgery done; however, I do have discomfort on a lot of days. And some days are worse than others. I will talk with my PCP on my next visit about it.

Any of you watch the boring bowl? I wasn’t into it this year so much. Really, really tired of seeing the Patriots in the super bowl. Sorry Pats fans. I wouldn’t even want the Broncos in that often – variety makes for a fun game. John and I decided if they are in the super bowl next year, we would do a board game night instead – with all the snacks 😀

The game was meh, but the food is always good (and plentiful).

Aligner update:

I have been wearing the aligners for a month now. I can’t believe how fast that went by!

I can’t see any difference in my teeth yet. I can see a difference when I look at my first pair of aligners compared to the ones I am wearing now (set 4), so there is a very slight difference in alignment. It really feels weird when I take the aligners out to eat and my teeth actually touch each other. I think my teeth are actually a little whiter now because I brush them 3 to 4 times a day, and we do use a whitening toothpaste. I have to say I am tired of brushing my teeth so much LOL. I had better not have any cavities at my next appointment!

9 thoughts on “Lately

  1. Kathy W.

    I see a difference! If you enlarge last month’s pic & this one, and put them side by side, it’s especially noticeable in the front bottom tooth that looks like it’s moving out from behind the other tooth. But it also looks there’s a change in the top tooth position, too.

    Here, the weather went from -2 in the daytime to 60-something today. Snow is almost all melted, too.

  2. Molly

    Thanks for the snow photos. I’ve missed not getting much snow here this winter (Midwest). After four days of the snowless Polar Vortex the last two days the temp hit 60*, today is only 45* and the next two will be back up to 60*. I miss having normal distinct seasons. All this back and forth causes problems with plant growth and insect life cycles, which then also affects plant growth. After living my life by the seasons I find it unsettling myself.

    Good luck with your dental program. Does the program instructions recommend having a specialist double-check the alignment once it is over? If there are any minute areas that hit, a specialist can fine-tune that so you don’t end up with problems. I mention this because I’ve been down that road twice. Not due to purposefully realigning things but due to needing to after traumas. I was astonished to find that even one teeny tiny area that hit funny between my upper and lower teeth could cause such chaos (headaches, jaw pain). I wish you good luck!

    1. Lori Post author

      They will check my progress and when the series is finished, they will “fine tune” if needed. I don’t have bite problems, just cosmetic ones. I will be seeing my dentist a few weeks after I am scheduled to finish my treatment, so I am curious as to what he will think about the results.

  3. Helen

    I’m so glad we don’t have that snow down here. We had that one weird storm in November and haven’t even had any to be worried about in the forecast. I do believe that we tend to get most of our snow in February and March now so I’m just waiting for the other shoe or rather flake to fall any day now.

    We’ve had those warm temps for a couple days but no sun so it has been sort of weirdly damp as we have had some icing issues so the roads are salted. Nothing is dry and re-freezes every night. I’m ready for summer!

    I think I need to plan an actual Super Bowl party, even if it’s small. I always spend a lot of time making the food and then we have so many leftovers because it’s just the two of us. Teriyaki Beef for all this week!

  4. Shelley B

    Your Superbowl food looks good! Out of everything, I really enjoyed a lot of the commercials this year. Boring game.

    That is a lot of snow. Just…a lot. It’s summer here today, so crazy. But I’d take that over so much snow.

    Glad you are enjoying PF!

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